Author Topic: REPORT: “Citizens United” Planning Massive Lawsuit Against the IRS  (Read 335 times)

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REPORT: “Citizens United” Planning Massive Lawsuit Against the IRS

Last year a major scandal broke concerning the IRS and their targeting of conservative non-profit groups to stifle their right to free speech.

President Obama said that there was not even a “smidgen” of corruption in the IRS, yet a lawyer for the plaintiffs says the IRS targeting could very well have rigged the election in 2012.

Lois Lerner, a top IRS official at the heart of the scandal, has again pled the 5th Amendment and refused to testify before Congress about her involvement, leading Allen West to call for Congress to hold her in contempt.

Now the IRS is proposing new rules that would allow them to more easily crack down on the political activities of non-profit groups.

The President of Citizens United is vowing to sue the IRS over their new rules, as reported by the Daily Caller:

    The conservative nonprofit advocacy group Citizens United plans to sue the IRS over the agency’s stringent new regulations on 501(c)(4) nonprofit groups.

“I can commit with certitude that Citizens United will not sit by while any government agency tries to violate our 1st Amendment rights,” Citizens United president David Bossie told the Center for Public Integrity. “We have a proven track record of winning, and we’re not afraid to take the fight to them. You’ll see a Citizens United v. IRS.”

    Citizens United, formed in 1988 and based in Washington, D.C., is best known for winning the landmark 2010 Supreme Court case affirming that the government cannot limit political expenditures by corporations or unions, on First Amendment grounds.

    The new IRS nonprofit rules place would place much more stringent controls on what would be considered political activity by the IRS, effectively limiting the standard practices of a wide array of non-profit groups.

The IRS targeting of conservative and libertarian groups like the Tea Party was illegal and corrupt.  IRS officials, and even Obama himself, admitted as much when the scandal first broke.  Now, Democrats and the administration are obstructing all efforts to investigate the matter.

The new regulations that the IRS has written will further allow them to legally violate the free speech and political activities of any group seeking or holding a non-profit status.  It is none of the IRS’s business what type of political activity or speech is conducted by individuals or groups, as political speech is covered under the First Amendment of the Constitution.

Kudos to Citizens United for their Supreme Court victory in 2010 against the government attempting to limit free speech.  Let us wish them the best of luck in their lawsuit against the IRS trying to do the same thing.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776