Author Topic: Hagan's Numbers Continue to Plummet in North Carolina  (Read 519 times)

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Hagan's Numbers Continue to Plummet in North Carolina
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:18:25 pm »
By Melissa Clyne
 Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina is firing back at the conservative billionaire Koch brothers, whose Americans for Prosperity have spent millions on ads that have resulted in Hagan nose-diving in the polls, The Hill reported.

 According to Public Policy Polling, Hagan trails all of her Republican challengers. Fifty percent of Tar Heel state voters disapprove of the job she's doing and her approval rating – 41 percent – closely mirrors Obamacare's approval in the state, which is a 38 percent to 51 percent spread, according to the organization's data.

 Hagan's polling numbers began tanking four months ago, when ads tying her to Obamacare hit the airwaves.

 The first-term senator is attempting to strike back against Americans for Prosperity, and its co-founders, brothers Charles and David Koch. The National Review writes that Hagan is "obsessed with the Koch brothers."

 "'Kochs don't like me,' Hagan wrote in a January 29 campaign e-mail," the publication reports. "'You won't believe what the Koch brothers are doing now,' a message from last week reads. 'Spoiler Alert: The Kochs did it,' she explained on December 19. 'The Koch brothers are desperate.' They won't stop waging their 'Koch attacks.' Hagan's campaign sends out a couple of these per week."

 Hagan has even taken to Twitter to slam the Kochs.

Kay Hagan   @kayhagan 
Koch Brothers on track to spend $27 million in NC b/c they want to control the person in this Senate seat.  #NCSEN

Kay Hagan   @kayhagan 
"People in North Carolina are not going to let the Koch brothers buy this seat." Watch here:  & RT to share #NCSEN

Massive money race for North Carolina Senate seat 

Sen. Kay Hagan, D-N.C., doesn't even have an official Republican opponent yet but is already facing an $8.2 million ad campaign to unseat her.
msnbc @msnbc
Despite her efforts, Hagan's numbers continue to plummet.

 She trails Republican North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis 42 percent to 40 percent, as well as two other GOP opponents, also by two points. Tea party favorite Greg Brannon, a medical doctor, has a three-point lead on Hagan, The Hill notes.

 Americans for Prosperity has already spent between $6.5 million and $8 million attacking Hagan and her vote in favor of Obamacare, The Charlotte Observer reports.

 The group is poised to spend to $27 million in the state, making it "ground zero" of the mid-term elections,according to Politico.

 While Hagan has denounced the use of outside funds against her, the "dark money" group Patriot Majority USA is coming to her assistance with $500,000 for a new TV ad slamming Tillis, the presumed GOP frontrunner, according to Raleigh's News & Observer.

 Nonprofit Patriot Majority USA does not disclose its donors.

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Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Hagan's Numbers Continue to Plummet in North Carolina
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 06:41:35 pm »
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776