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42 House Members Condemn 'Coercive' Common Core
« on: February 13, 2014, 12:14:19 am »

42 House Members Condemn 'Coercive' Common Core

by Dr. Susan Berry 12 Feb 2014, 11:05 AM PDT

Forty-two U.S. House members have signed onto a resolution condemning the Common Core State Standards as destructive to American education, Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) announced in a press release on Wednesday.

The resolution, H. Res. 476, denounces the use of federal coercion to lure states into adopting the Common Core standards.

Duncan, a father of three sons and a bold conservative congressman never afraid to challenge leadership in either political party, said, “Common Core is one of the most frequent concerns I hear from parents when I’m traveling across the district.” He further articulated:

    Parents and teachers alike are alarmed by this top-down approach to education that wrongly ties education money for states to the adoption of academic standards that do not fully reflect the values of South Carolina. Beyond the most important constitutional issues with federal education standards, many education leaders have been raising concerns with the content of the standards themselves.

The House bill is a companion resolution to Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (SC-R) S. Res. 345, which also emphasizes the importance of education issues being decided by the states. Graham, who is up for reelection this year and facing a crowded field of primary challengers, has been moving slightly to the right as he seeks to fend off those primary challengers.

"Education needs to be personalized and flexible, which means education policy needs to originate from our local communities and not from some bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.,” said Duncan. “The Washington-knows-best approach has repeatedly failed the very children it proposes to help. It’s time to roll back Common Core and return education to the people who it matters most to – children, parents, and teachers."

Common Core is a federally-led education initiative introduced in the Obama administration's 2009 stimulus bill through a competitive grant program called Race to the Top (RTTT). States could apply and compete for federal grant money as long as they adopted the Common Core, a set of uniform standards and aligned curricula that allow for a greater role of government in education, higher levels of social indoctrination, student data collection, and teacher evaluations based on student performance on assessments aligned with the standards.

Forty-five state boards of education, most of them unelected, signed onto the unproven Common Core standards with little, if any, public or media scrutiny, prior to even seeing the standards themselves.

The implementation of Common Core has been privately funded primarily by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, underscoring the alliance of big government political elites and corporatists in this academic initiative.

"Classrooms cannot and should not be coerced into adopting federal academic standards,” Duncan said. “That’s not just my belief; it’s federal law."

Original co-sponsors of H. Res. 476 include:

Joe Wilson (SC-02), Andy Harris (MD-01), Mick Mulvaney (SC-05), Trent Franks (AZ-08), Doug Collins (GA-09), Randy Hultgren (IL-14), Tim Huelskamp (KS-01), Thomas Massie (KY-04), Marsha Blackburn (TN-07), Lee Terry (NE-02), Justin Amash (MI-03), Tom Cotton (AR-04), Mike Rogers (AL-03), Matt Salmon (AZ-05), Bob Gibbs (OH-07), Walter B. Jones (NC-03), Pete Sessions (TX-32), Mike Pompeo (KS-04), Mark Sanford (SC-01), Jack Kingston (GA-01), Leonard Lance (NJ-07), Kerry Bentivolio (MI-11), Paul Cook (CA-08), Kevin Cramer (ND-AL), Steve Daines (MT-AL), John Fleming (LA-04), James Lankford (OK-05), Rob Bishop (UT-01), Randy K. Weber (TX-14), Marlin Stutzman (IN-03), Mark Meadows (NC-11), Ted Yoho (FL-03), Doug LaMalfa (CA-01), Louie Gohmert (TX-01), Bill Flores (TX-17), Steve King (IA-04), Steve Chabot (OH-01), Tom Rooney (FL-17), Chris Stewart (UT-02), Rick Crawford (AR-01), Paul Gosar (AZ-04), and Dan Benishek (MI-01).
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Gazoo

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Re: 42 House Members Condemn 'Coercive' Common Core
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2014, 12:28:24 am »
I am glad SOMEONE is speaking up about this and enacting legislation but they also (democrats mind you) inquired about the IRS dealings with conservatives and look where that got us. Obama the radical thug needs to stop or be stopped with hearings.
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: 42 House Members Condemn 'Coercive' Common Core
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2014, 12:29:46 am »
I am glad SOMEONE is speaking up about this and enacting legislation but they also (democrats mind you) inquired about the IRS dealings with conservatives and look where that got us. Obama the radical thug needs to stop or be stopped with hearings.

They are actually teaching Marxism and cutting out Capitalism at fairly low grades. More parents need to get involved - I was happy to see my congressman among the 42.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: 42 House Members Condemn 'Coercive' Common Core
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2014, 12:39:33 am »
"Condemn", yes.  But who's funding this monstrosity?

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: 42 House Members Condemn 'Coercive' Common Core
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2014, 12:50:27 am »
"Condemn", yes.  But who's funding this monstrosity?

Read this - and BTW I watched an hour-long interview with Carol Burris on Wilkow at The Blaze a few weeks ago, she used to support Common Core and now is fighting it....

Following Common Core money: Where are millions of dollars going?

    By Valerie Strauss   
    November 24, 2013 at 10:00 am

In this post, award-winning Principal Carol Burris of South Side High School in New York raises some new questions about the Common Core State Standards and curriculum being developed around them.

Burris has for more than a year chronicled on this blog the many problems with the test-driven reform in New York (here, and here and here and here, for example). She was named New York’s 2013 High School Principal of the Year by the School Administrators Association of New York and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, and in 2010,  tapped as the 2010 New York State Outstanding Educator by the School Administrators Association of New York State. She is the co-author of the New York Principals letter of concern regarding the evaluation of teachers by student test scores. It has been signed by more than 1,535 New York principals and more than 6,500 teachers, parents, professors, administrators and citizens. You can read the letter by clicking here.  And she is a co-author of a new open letter  to parents from superintendents concerned with Common Core testing, which you can read about here.

By Carol Burris

My music teacher, Doreen, brought me her second-grade daughter’s math homework.  She was already fuming over Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s remark about why “white suburban moms” oppose the Common Core, and the homework added fuel to the fire. The problem that disturbed her the most was the following:

    3. Sally did some counting. Look at her work. Explain why you think Sally counted this way.

    177, 178,179,180, 190,200, 210, 211,212,213,214.


It was on a homework sheet from the New York State Common Core Mathematics Curriculum for Grade 2, which you can find here.

Doreen’s daughter had no idea how to answer this odd question. The only response that made sense to her was, “Because she wanted to.” My assistant principal and math specialist, Don Chung, found the question to be indefensible.

The teachers in her daughter’s school are also concerned.  They are startled to find that the curriculum is often a script. Here is an excerpt to teach students to add using beads from the first-grade module.

    T: How many tens do you see?


    T: How many ones?

    S: 6

    T: Say the number the Say Ten way.

    S: Ten 6

Scripts like this are commonplace throughout the curriculum.

Similar headaches exist at the secondary level as well. A relative, who is required to teach Common Core Algebra from the modules, shared her worries about the curriculum’s conceptual gaps, disjointed and illogical concept progressions, and insufficient time to complete lessons.

The Origins of the New York State Mathematics Curriculum                   

Teaching from modules is a new experience. Suburban teachers are used to working with a curriculum that they themselves develop based on state standards.  However, because of the rushed Core rollout in New York, along with the dramatic shift in standards, many schools did not have the time nor funds to develop a thoughtful local curriculum, making the state curriculum modules their only real alternative.

Where did this unprecedented scripted curriculum come from?

The New York State mathematics curriculum was developed by an organization located in Washington D.C. known as Common Core, Inc. According to reporter Jessica Bakeman of Capital New York, Common Core Inc. was awarded three large contracts from the New York State Education Department: $3,323,732 for K-2 curriculum, $2,715,958 for grades 3-5, and $8,108,919 for grades 6-12.

That is a total of  $14,148,609 — or more than $1 million per grade level project. Bakeman broke the story about the high costs of the New York State modules, which you can read here.  To put this expenditure in perspective, my school district, Rockville Centre, generally pays less than $1,000 for a grade level curriculum project.

According to the story, New York Board of Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch bragged that New York State is the only state using its federal Race to the Top dollars to develop curriculum; it has spent in excess of $28 million on curriculum in English and mathematics.  That begs the question, “Why”?

Why would New York State spend such a large sum of money on an optional curriculum, when district curriculum designed to meet local needs could be developed, given a state-provided Common Core course scope and sequence and sufficient time?

Common Core Inc. and Gates Foundation

To understand the answer, one needs to go back to 2007.  That is the year that Common Core Inc. was founded, three years before the standards were made public. In 2009, it received over a half million dollars in the form of a grant from the Gates Foundation to write curriculum for standards that had not yet been released nor adopted by states.

Last week, Catholic Education Daily reported on the connection between Common Core Inc. and the Gates Foundation in a story entitled “Common Core is Curriculum, Contrary to Advocates’ Claims.”

The story reports that despite Bill Gates’ claim that there was no need to build national Common Core curriculum, he has, through his grant program, quietly funded its development in excess of  $10 million, with Common Core Inc. being the first to receive a grant. According to authors Gigante and Archbold, “Despite the overlap between corporate branding, mission, funding and leadership, Common Core Inc. claims that it is ‘not affiliated with the Common Core Standards’.”  The article suggests that although some advocates of the Common Core claim that they want to only nationalize standards, their true intent is to nationalize a still experimental curriculum. Despite repeated attempts, Common Core Inc. has not responded to their inquiries.

The Gates Foundation appears to have a partner in New York State when it comes to curriculum development. The New York State Regents Research fund has received millions of dollars from the Gates Foundation to further its reform agenda. But more importantly, the State Education Department has helped finance the effort to create curriculum by using more than $28 million in Race to the Top federal taxpayer dollars. And it appears that one of the recipients, Common Core Inc., intends to influence curriculum beyond New York State. A search of the Common Core Inc. site shows that the organization will sell textbook editions of the work that they did for New York, thus leveraging New York’s tax dollars to launch a textbook series.

I do not believe that any of the players in this project are evil people trying to control the minds of kids.  Rather they are true believers with an ideological allegiance to untested curriculum. The Common Core has some features that are good and others that are awful. We have been through this before—the New Math program from my childhood and Whole Language when our daughters were in school. Although both programs made some positive contributions, those who wholeheartedly and uncritically adopted them did a terrible disservice to their students. One of my colleagues, Maureen Dockery, tells how when she was an elementary teacher she would close her door and teach students some phonics because of the damage done to her own son’s literacy development by purist Whole Language instruction.

What saved us in the past from wrong-headed reforms was that they were not mandated by state or federal government. They could therefore be adapted or abandoned at the local  level. Now that standards and curriculum are connected with Race to the Top money, high-stakes tests and teacher evaluations by standardized test scores, it is exceedingly difficult to do the careful and critical review that every new program deserves.

Why do New York State Education Commissioner John King and Tisch refuse to slow down New York’s rushed Core implementation, despite outcry from the public?

If parents, teachers and taxpayers had the time to critically examine the curriculum, they would ask the hard questions that would lead to its unraveling. This is not just a math problem. There are English/Language Arts vendors producing $14 million worth of New York curriculum as well. Recently ELA modules were ridiculed at a local school board meeting in upstate New York.

There are big questions that the press needs to ask about Common Core Inc. and all of the vendors that are receiving public money. There is also an overarching question that should be asked: Is this an attempt to create a national curriculum by having federal tax dollars flow to New York State and then out again to an organization committed to Common Core curriculum development?  And to all of the business leaders who so enthusiastically support the Common Core—do you want your future workers to count like Sally? Is this the best curriculum that more than $28 million can buy? I think not.  It is time we take a look with eyes wide open.



�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: 42 House Members Condemn 'Coercive' Common Core
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2014, 01:00:49 am »

Look Who Funded and Developed Common Core
August 5, 2013 - Education,

After reading this article, the reader will become aware that Common Core is a simply a regurgitation of Bloom’s Taxonomy combined with some very clever propaganda interwoven into the fabric of every course which embraces social justice, collectivism the eventual deindustrialization of America through the acceptance of climate change theories and the resulting carbon taxes and cap and trade policies which will follow.

No teacher and no school board member was asked to contribute to the Common Core standards. Nor was any State Legislature involved in the creation of this monstrosity.

Under this plan, every teacher will teach the same material with much of the same teaching strategies as every other teacher. This is the 21st Century educational version of the Stepford Wives. The Tenth Amendment is dead and individual freedom is being stamped out.
Common Core Plagiarizes Bloom’s Taxonomy

Common core espouses the laudable goal of making children think critically. In every piece I have read where the establishment defends Common Core, the company line states that it is important to move children away from memorization learning to analyzing and creating. I wholeheartedly agree with this goal. However, we do not have to spend billions of dollars to achieve this end.

In 1948, psychologist Benjamin Bloom and associates, developed the six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Under the taxonomy, learning progressed from memorization to analyzing and creating. If that sounds familiar, Common Core has copied Blooms taxonomy almost verbatim. Sure they changed nouns to verbs and verbs to nouns, but the progression of learning is almost identical. And this is what is being touted as the great revolution in teaching and learning. After comparing Blooms Taxonomy to Common Core, can there be any doubt that of the lack of authenticity of Common Core?

Compare Bloom’s Taxonomy *pictured on the left) to Common Core (pictured on the right).

Why would the creators of Common Core go backwards and regurgitate Bloom’s Taxonomy? First, the taxonomy is respected and gave America some of her best days in public education. Bloom’s taxonomy was successful because of the fact that the government did not get to control the content or the application. Secondly, if a respected learning progression will be universally accepted, then the substance behind the theoretical approach can be slipped in and the propagandizing of the young can begin. Yes, I am talking about a system of education where propaganda is a thinly disguised goal. Nobody is going to challenge the notion that we should get children to think more critically. And what if the creators of Common Core can mandate specific topical material to be taught within the Common Core, an entire generation of young learners can be molded to the desired point of view. Before you tell me to remove my tin foil hat, please examine the evidence listed below and then honestly tell me that there is not a cause for concern.

First, let’s take a look at the history of failed federal educational programs.

One Failed Federal Education Program After Another

To understand where we are going, we have to first understand where we have been. Teachers have endured such educational faux pas from Goals 2000, to School to Work, to No Child Left Behind and now we are witnessing the latest in fad in American education, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Each one of the aforementioned programs threw billions of taxpayer dollars down the toilet, while contributing to the dramatic decrease in student performance.  For example, SAT Reading scores, for the high school class of 2012, reached a 40+ year low since the implementation of No Child Left Behind. (NCLB).

The successor of NCLB, Common Core, is based upon social justice, arriving at knowledge and subsequent decision making through a spirit of collectivism and developing a communal agreement about the need to teach and to integrate into each classroom an underlying theme of sustainable development. These goals are not just going to be taught in specific Environmental Science courses, but these philosophies are to be implemented and taught in EACH and EVERY course that a child takes during their educational experiences beginning with pre-K and stretching to post graduate secondary education.

Globalist and Eugenics proponent, Bill Gates, is one of the Founding Fathers of the Common Core movement and its copyright holders, NGA/CCSSO. Gates donated about $25 million dollars to promote his version of global education.  Gates has made several donations to CCSSO to promote Common Core. In 2009, Gates made two separate donations of $9,961,842 and $3,185,750. In 2010, Gates donated $743,331 and in 2011, he contributed $9,388,911. In 2008, Gates donated $2,259,780 to the National Governor’s Association (NGA) to develop and implement Common Core. The NGA is the conduit into America from the United Nations UNESCO, Education for All Agenda 21 version of globalist education being forced down the throats of our young people.

Gates is listed as partner with UNESCO/UN to fund ”Education For All,” which in turn was transferred to the National Governors Association which changed the name to Common Core. In a key document, The Dakar Framework for Action: Education For All: Meeting Our Collective Commitments’ which identifies the goals for what became Common Core. The document speaks directly to the Agenda 21 educational ideals of collectivism, social justice, environmental justice and the espousing of the beliefs of the pseudoscience known as sustainable development.
Common Core Serves the Edicts of Agenda 21

Agenda-21-Is-EvilChapter 36 of Agenda 21 Public Awareness and Training focuses on impressing upon every citizen on the planet, the indispensable need for achieving sustainable development. In plain language, Common Core is going into every country. The implementation names of this global education may vary, but the underlying Agenda 21 philosophies do not. Chapter 36 also states that the globalists plan to “reorient” worldwide education toward sustainable development. In future installments in this series, the weak academic standards of Common Core will be revealed. Reform of the nation’s standardized objectives is merely a smoke screen to the true intent of the program which is to covertly gain acceptance for Agenda 21 policies. Subsequently, the Agenda 21/UNESCO documents clearly state their intention to turn each student into a globalist who will accept smaller living space, residing in the stack and pack cities of the future, acceptance of drastic energy reduction and the loss of Constitutional liberties. The document goes on to say that “While basic education provides the underpinning for any environmental and development education, the latter needs to be incorporated as an essential part of learning. Both formal and non-formal education are indispensable to changing people’s attitudes so that they have the capacity to assess and address their sustainable development concerns…”
Educational Russian Roulette

The Common Core is an untested, federally promoted, unfunded experiment. The standards creators (NGA/CCSSO) have not set up a monitoring plan to test this national experiment, to see what, if any, unintended consequences the Common Core will have on our children. This is a game Russian Roulette being played on the socio-emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of our children’s development.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. If we let the teaching of the controversial topic of sustainability in each and every course, our children will not be given the chance to debate the merits of climate change theories. This will lead to the unquestioned ushering in of carbon taxes and cap and trade policies. This will spell economic doom for this country as know it today through the biggest wealth transfer in American history through cap and trade which will severely curtail individual and small business energy usage. Yet, the rich will be able to afford to buy their way out of restrictions by paying the penalties that the average person cannot afford. Ultimately, this will lead to neo-feudalism. If you doubt the veracity of these comments, let’s give President Obama the floor and let him tell you in his own words.

Are we really naive enough to believe that Obama is just making up this nonsense about implementing cap and trade and causing our utility prices to skyrocket and significantly lowering the standard of living for the middle class?

We can teach our kids to think critically without this program, we could just return to Bloom’s Taxonomy because it works. However, this would not offer the pretext for the Bill Gates’ of the world to shove their climate change agenda down the throats of our children and get them to acquiesce to what is coming.

In another 10 years, this federal program will implode like all the other federal education programs, but the damage will have been done. How many more decades can America endure a drop of reading comprehension scores by another 40+ points until we are as functionally illiterate as most third world countries? And more importantly, how far will that American standard of living be decreased during this time as we produce a generation of children who will mindlessly accept the resources scraps of this planet as they attempt to survive in a completely changed world?

Is it time to home school? It is certainly understandable if many choose this option. For most, the time for mass home schooling has not yet arrived, but we need to demand accountability and demand it now. Teachers and administrators need to be involved in revamping of this program. For example, when dealing with controversial topics like climate change, both sides of the issue need to be fairly presented. We need to halt the funding of Common Core immediately and embrace what it is based upon, Bloom’s Taxonomy. We need to embrace what we know works, not the anecdotal accounts of Common Core supporters who stand to make billions of dollars through the implementation of this program. We also need to return education to the local level and empower local school boards to make education decisions on curriculum as they once did. Then and only then, can we shape a future for our children that we can trust.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776