Author Topic: John Kerry's focus on millionaires and billionaires will solve climate change.  (Read 405 times)

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John Kerry’s Laser Focus on Millionaires & Billionaires Will Solve Climate Change

by Betty Butter • 5 February, 2014

John Kerry knows his millionaires and billionaires.  No one needs to show him the money.   He knows where to find it, who has made it and how to marry it.  And, like Al Gore, he sees that big bucks are to be made from the climate change racket in his crystal ball.

Here is an article about his speech at the Munich Security Conference (From CNS):

( – Just as computer technology greatly expanded Americans’ wealth in the 1990s, the clean energy market could do the same thing in the years ahead, Secretary of State John Kerry told the Munich Security Conference in Germany on Saturday.

He touted climate change as a societal challenge and an economic opportunity:

“We created the greatest wealth the world has seen during the 1990s, greater even in America than the period of the Pierponts and the Morgans and the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Mellons–much greater. You know what it was? It was a $1-trillion market with 1 billion users. It was the high-tech market, the personal computer mostly, communications.

“The energy market that we are staring at–that is the solution to the climate change,” Kerry continued. “Energy policy is the solution to climate change. That market, my friends, is a $6-trillion market today with 4 to 5 billion users today, and it will grow to some 9 billion users over the course of the next 20 to 30 years.

“It is the mother of all markets, and only a few visionaries are doing what is necessary to reach out and touch it and grab it and command its future.”

Kerry urged conference attendees to read the latest report from the Intergovernmental  Panel on Climate Change. “It’s really chilling,” he said. “And what’s chilling is not rhetoric; it’s the scientific facts, scientific facts. And our history is filled with struggles through the Age of Reason and the Renaissance and the Enlightenment for all of us to learn some respect for science. The fact is that there is no doubt about the real day-to-day impact of the human contribution to the change in climate.”

Kerry said although climate change is solvable, the skeptics need to be convinced by the ruling class:

“There seems to be an absence of will, an absence of collective leadership that’s ready to come together and tell our people — not what they’re necessarily telling us through this crazy social media… but for us as leaders to suggest to them, this is what you ought to be interested in, because it actually affects your life and your livelihood and your future.”

Read more here

Well, if anything, this solves the riddle of why John Kerry is wealthy.  If you focus on wealth as much as he does, you will be wealthy.



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Comparing some hypothetical clean energy industry to the computer tech/IT industry in the 1990s is utterly inapposite for the simple reason that almost anyone could get in on the computer boom - all you needed, at minimum, was the ability to program a computer - whereas only the wealthy, well-financed, and politically connected will be able to get in on this hypothetical clean energy market.