Author Topic: NYC gender reassignment policy pays $10,000 in taxpayer oney for sex change operation  (Read 508 times)

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NYC Gender Reassignment Policy Pays $10,000 in Taxpayer Money for Sex Change Operation

Janna Brock 13 hours ago




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sm-image-2-223143497-248343Want a sex change and don't have insurance? No problem. In New York City, it is possible to get a sex change operation free of charge (taxpayers are footing the bill) thanks to the Administration for Children’s Services and the little known gender reassignment policy. This "policy" was introduced in 2010, and it covers such "procedures" if the individual has no insurance. A "sex change" procedure can run upwards of $10,000 and obviously is not a surgery of any necessity. It's purely to satisfy someone's implausible belief that he or she is not in the right body. In today's society, where right is wrong and wrong is right, this kind of idiocy is fully sanctioned and given merit. You are what you feel, even if what you feel is completely morally and ethically wrong. But anything goes in New York City.

 New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services funded a 21-year-old’s sex-change operation on the grounds that the procedure was covered by a little-known gender-reassignment policy dating back to 2010.

The beneficiary of the taxpayer-funded operation, who is currently in foster care, is reportedly eligible for the procedure due to a lack of insurance.

The operation, in which the patient was transitioning from a man to a woman, was performed last week in Pennsylvania.

This is the essence of waste and corruption. Forcing taxpayers to foot the bill for a $10,000 surgery that is actually evil in its intent is preposterous. However, given that Obamacare is making it possible for sex change operations to be covered, this is but one more step toward complete cultural decay. In using the little known or understood gender reassignment policy, New Yorkers would not have a clue that they are being forced to pay for such a procedure. This would be like forcing the city to pay for breast augmentations for all homeless women. It makes no logical sense, but nothing does in 2014.

"She" is the second beneficiary of the gender-reassignment policy, which was put in place in 2010.

Mariah Lopez, an activist with Strategic Transgender Alliance for Radical Reform, said the city Administration for Children’s Services approved the surgery before the woman turned 21, the age at which most leave the foster care system.

The woman, whose name was not released, will “inspire others,” said Lopez. “What’s happening now is a shift by ACS, in the largest city in the world, influencing health care nationally.”

Having NYC taxpayers foot the bill for an uninsured person's "sex change" operation is hardly something inspirational. This is using and abusing the system. But the ACS is making this abuse possible. The gender reassignment policy is a sneaky way for a "transgender" individual to get a free surgery to make him or her "feel" like the other sex, at the expense of taxpayers. One would think this was lifesaving surgery. But in Obama's America, where abortion is seen as a civil right, this fits with the deceit.

New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services said in a statement that it cares about promoting “the health and well-being of all young people in its care.”

ACS reviews all requests for medical treatment on a case-by-case basis, conducting internal reviews as well as consulting medical professionals’ expertise, to ascertain the nature and severity of a medical condition and determine if a procedure will provide a significant benefit to a youth,” the statement said.

Aron Janssen, a child psychiatrist at NYU Langone Medical Center, said gender-reassignment operations “can be lifesaving.”

It’s not a cosmetic procedure,” he said. “It’s treatment.”

acs-webThis is complete nonsense. Everything in the gender reassignment policy is sanctioned lies by corrupt politicians and officials. Worse, the people have to pay for this insanity. The idea that "gender reassignment" is treatment for any sort of disorder of the soul is absurd. With the homosexual agenda in high gear, the "transgender" population has been ever persistent in assuring that they have rights.

Let me tell you folks that I do not understand what is going on in our country, in our world, with this whole gender thing. I hear everywhere, mostly in school from my professors, that your sex is male and female, but gender is how you feel as an individual. So, you could biologically be a male, but gender wise, you feel that you are a woman… Crazy, huh?

Call me old fashion, but a person who has a penis is a male in both sex and gender, whether they feel like a man or not. Sorry, huns. That’s the fact of the matter. It’s the same for women. If you have a vagina, you are biologically a female, and you can’t change that.

This sums it all up. You can't change your sex, but in the perpetual state of confusion and chaos that is our society, a gender reassignment policy is available for someone who doesn't have insurance to get a free sex change. This is the very definition of insanity.