Author Topic: More conservatives than liberals belong to mixed race families  (Read 502 times)

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More conservatives than liberals belong to mixed race families
« on: February 01, 2014, 01:29:26 pm »
More Conservatives than Liberals Belong to Mixed-Race Families

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 31, 2014 @ 4:12 pm In The Point | 10 Comments

These aren’t terribly surprising results. National politicians with mixed-race families have tended to be Republicans. Both McCain and Mitt Romney had mixed race family members. It may be because conservatives are more likely to adopt children than liberals.

Indeed, among families with step-children or adopted children, 11 percent of conservatives were living in mixed race households compared to 10 percent of liberals living in mixed-race households.

Similarly, 9.4 percent of Republicans living in step- or adopted families were in mixed-race households, compared to only 8.8 percent of Democrats in such families. (Again, this small advantage for Republicans is not large enough to be statistically significant).

The differences are not significant, but they are real.

Interestingly enough, the states with the highest rates of interracial marriage tend to be red states, with the exception of Hawaii.

Topping the list after Hawaii, are Oklahoma, Nevada, New Mexico, Alaska, California and Arizona. Texas is well ahead of New York.

Northeastern states, which tend to be the most politically liberal, actually have lower rates of interracial marriages than western states.

Even counting white-black mixed race marriages, instead of white-hispanic, which is not really interracial anyway, the only northeastern state in the top is Massachusetts.

White-Asian interracial marriages are much higher in Alabama and Kentucky than New York.

Looking at these numbers, it’s rather clear that MSNBC made a bigger mistake than the one they thought that they were making. Interracial marriage is less frequent in the liberal capitals than in “flyover” country.

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