Author Topic: Unbelievable! Media blames Chris Stevens for his own murder - new talking points to clear Clinton for 2016  (Read 374 times)

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Unbelievable! Media Blames Chris Stevens for His Own Murder – New Talking Points to Clear Clinton for 2016

Posted By Richard Anthony on Jan 22, 2014

Have any of you ever had a conversation with someone and the other person started-out by saying “Now don’t take this personally but….”? When someone starts a conversation like that, you know they are going to insult you in some fashion, and they think by saying “Don’t take this personally” that they are getting a pass on the rude remarks they are about to make at your expense. Well you ain’t heard nothin’ yet!

In a move that can only be considered so low as not to be believed, the liberal media has decided that Ambassador Chris Stevens is to blame for his own death at the hands of terrorists. That’s right folks, they are blaming Chris Stevens as the cause of his own death!     

T.V. talk show host and staunch liberal Bill Maher begins by essentially suggesting that the latest intelligence committee report all but exonerates everyone stateside of any incompetence, wrongdoing, or cover up. He then goes on to state who he does think bears some blame.

Maher finally said that Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a — “brave guy, great guy, great diplomat, gutsy — but he does bear some responsibility. I’m sorry. He put some trust in the local militias and they turned on him. Because you probably shouldn’t trust local militias in Libya.”

The party line for democrats and liberals has been, and will continue to be, that there is nothing to see here, and that there is no scandal; unlike the most important scandal in the world (at least in their minds), Bridgegate. However, Maher has no problem suggesting that murdered Ambassador Christopher Stevens bears some blame.

Bill Maher is not the only one to suggest this. MSNBC’s Katty Kay said, “Why were they not properly defended? And this report in a way is very sad because Chris Stevens, who was the ambassador who was killed who was clearly a brave and honorable man, was also fallible, and perhaps didn’t ask for, rejected even, some of the security that he might have had.”

As 2016 looms in the distance, Democrats are already pondering how to spin a Hillary Clinton campaign that excuses her colossal failures as Secretary of State. The media fix is in, and still two full years from the campaign, we are hearing the early rumblings of media hacks looking to fabricate a narrative that is absurdly false.

And last Thursday, CNN’s Piers Morgan told Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) he believed Ambassador Chris Stevens — one of the four Americans killed in the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, was somehow responsible for his own murder.

Now, knowing the Clinton campaign machine like I do, I believe that this narrative started in Hillary’s camp. Now, Mrs. Clinton would never say these horrible and despicable things herself. Oh no – that she leaves up to the liberal media to do! I know, you’re going to say, “But Richard, you don’t have any proof of that.”However, I ask you, where else could that narrative started from? Obama has just continued to lie about the whole thing. To be quite frank, he’s got bigger fish to fry than worry about some “Bumps in the road,” right? But besides Obama, who will benefit the most if the blame for the entire episode in Benghazi is shifted to the one guy who can’t defend himself?  I’m not a math wizard, but I can add 2 + 2. Hillary wants this whole thing to just “go away” so she can gear-up for the big race to the White House.

To sum up: Chris Stevens was not responsible for the reduction in security personnel. His requests for additional security were denied or ignored. Officials at the State and Defense Departments in Washington made the decisions that resulted in reduced security that led to not only his death but 3 others as well and it was not because of “cut-backs by Republicans.” Hillary was Stevens’ boss, so……

Like I asked in my last article, “Hillary, you allowed Americans to be murdered in Benghazi – Do you really think we are going to let you forget that?” Or for that matter- get away with it?

No way!