Author Topic: Obama spent $7.4 billion helping third world fight imaginary problem  (Read 587 times)

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Obama Spent $7.4 Bil Helping Third World Fight Imaginary Problem

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 4, 2014 @ 8:06 pm In The Point | 4 Comments

No word on how much money was spent helping the Third World fight ghosts, a problem that like Global Warming doesn’t exist, but is much more entertaining. Just compare The Day After Tomorrow to Paranormal Activity.

American taxpayers spent $7.45 billion to help developing countries cope with climate change in fiscal years 2010 through 2012, according to a federal government report submitted to the United Nations on a subject that Secretary of State John Kerry described as “a truly life-and-death challenge.”

That sum of $7.45 billion, which reached more than 120 countries through bilateral and multilateral channels, met President Obama’s “commitment to provide our fair share” of a collective pledge by developed nations to provide a total of nearly $30 billion in “fast start finance” (FSF), the report stated.

Some highlights of the Obama Ecoscam spending spree included… Green Energy for Pakistan

OPIC is investing $16.7 million into Pakistan’s first grid-connected independent biomass power project. The project will help Pakistan address its shortage of power, reduce its GHG emissions and reliance on fossil fuel, and ultimately serve as a replicable biomass model for the rest of the country.

…and conservation for Obama’s native Indonesia…

USAID has invested $12.8 million over the three-year fast start period in sustainable forest conservation and management in the Indonesia Forest and Climate Support (IFACS) program Indonesia is the world’s third largest greenhouse gas emitter

I like how these one sided giveaways are described as “investing” as if we’re going to see proceeds from them.

USAID is investing $2 million in the Bangladesh Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project, which will support the implementation of the 2009 Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan and 2002 Vision and Policy Statement on Power Sector Reforms.

I can’t wait till these investments in Bangladesh pay off.

But at least we’re not giving money that we borrow from China to China to fund Green Ene… no we are. Of course we are. We have to “invest” in China with Chinese money and then repay them the money that we invested in them with interest.

Because that’s how liberal economics works.

USTDA funding of almost $700,000 is supporting technical assistance and a pilot project on smart grid substation communication architecture in China.

A USTDA grant of just over $400,000 is funding a feasibility study and pilot project to evaluate fuel cell applications for telecommunications infrastructure in China. The objective of the proposed project is to qualify fuel cell technology applications for use by the telecommunications industry in China. The fuel cell systems would be used for both backup and base load power, replacing lead acid batteries and diesel fuel combustion generators.

As part of a regional program, the Global Environment Facility is providing $10.7 million for climate change mitigation activities in China within the $136.8 million Greater Mekong Sub-region Forests and Biodiversity Program.

We’re borrowing money from China, which makes its money from polluting industries that sell us products, to teach them to stop polluting.


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