Author Topic: Jessie Jackson Jr Eligible to receive $8,700 dollars per Month in Disability Pay While in Prison  (Read 365 times)

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By Richard Anthony
A friend of mine who is a private investigator first alerted me to this story almost 3 weeks ago and suggested that I look into it, so I did. What I found has made me sick to my stomach. It seems that former democratic Illinois congressman and son of race-hustler Jessie Jackson, Jessie Jackson Jr., is eligible to receive $8700.00 a month in disability for his conveniently contracted “Mood Disorder,” even though in federal prison for illegally spending $750,000.00 of campaign contributions,.

Now this hits me as kind of strange because several of my fellow veterans are having their benefits cut-back or even denied. However, we have a Democrat Congressman who (along with his wife) committed a felony by using campaign contributions to buy things like Rolex watches, Michael Jackson memorabilia and Mink capes. Of interesting note is that Jackson Jr. never showed any symptoms of a “mood disorder” during his 17 years as a federal lawmaker. The mental illness surfaced abruptly last summer as the congressman was about to get criminally charged. Junior’s wife, Sandi, a former Chicago City Councilwoman, is also in jail for falsifying tax returns to cover up the illicit operation. So was she “Bi-Polar” too?

Let’s return to Jackson Jr.’s convenient mental illness. It all started during a circus-like event last summer. The congressman vanished for about two weeks amid a looming criminal indictment before his office revealed he was on medical leave for “exhaustion.” A few weeks later, Democratic leaders in Congress pressured Jackson’s staff for more information since it became obvious he wasn’t returning. The response: Jackson’s condition was worse than originally thought and required him to be hospitalized for emotional problems. After much speculation from various media outlets, Jackson’s doctor issued a statement saying: “The Congressman is receiving intensive medical treatment at a residential treatment facility for a mood disorder. He is responding positively to treatment and is expected to make a full recovery.”

“Expected to make a full recovery”? Well, I know something about being Bi-Polar and you don’t ever “recover completely.” You just learn to manage it. I know because I am Bi-Polar, and have also been diagnosed with PTSD. Even though my condition(s) are permanent, I manage it and live a productive life “felony-free.” What is even stranger about this is, that it never surfaced before his committing a felony. Bipolar disorder often develops in a person’s late teens or early adult years. It is strange how he managed to serve 17 years as a Congressman and nobody managed to see changes in his mood or behavior until after he got busted.

But here’s the rub. He gets sent to prison for two and a half years, an unusually light sentence, considering the charges of illegal use of such a large sum of money, but because of his “sudden illness” he’s now eligible to receive disability (courtesy of you and me the U.S. tax payer). He will also, at the age of 65, be eligible to receive a “partial pension” of $45,000.00 a year for his “federal service.” What kind of message is this sending to young people? As long as you are black and a Democrat, and even if you knowingly commit a felony, not only will the punishment not fit the crime, but you’ll get paid by the government?

Ladies and Gentlemen this “Culture of Corruption” must cease, but as long as Democrats run the show- it won’t. This is yet another reason for Democrats to be sent packing in 2014!