Author Topic: CAPITOL UPDATE: Pelosi and Reid Rebuked – Democrat Staffers Say, “We’re On Our Own”  (Read 624 times)

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CAPITOL UPDATE: Pelosi and Reid Rebuked – Democrat Staffers Say, “We’re On Our Own”

by Ulsterman on December 1, 2013

Sources within the corridors of Capitol Hill indicate both Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have suffered “very significant” damage regarding their ability to force other Democrats to “fall in line”, and that more than one congressional office is now declaring themselves, “on our own” as they scramble to try and save their House or Senate seats as the 2014 Midterm Election quickly approaches.

While the media repeats the mantra of Republicans at war with one another, it is in fact Democrats who are now fighting increasingly against their own leadership, and all but ignoring the pleas of the Obama White House.


Readers have likely noted the uptick in the Mainstream Media’s tone of urgency that the Obama administration must somehow get in front of the Obamacare debacle that is not only pummeling the president’s own approval ratings, but dragging down the entire Democratic Party along with it. (And rightfully so of course – not ONE Republican voted for that legislative monstrosity)

This desperation is a direct result of Democratic staffers sharing just how tense things have become for all Democrats in D.C. these days, and how fractured the party itself now is as party leaders work to repair at least some of the damage.  Both Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, at the direction of the Obama  White House, attempted to get out in front of the debacle, and behind closed doors, twisted arms of their rank and file to keep quiet, fall in line, and make no public complaints.  This directive is now being ignored by a growing number from within the party, as staffers have begun to inform one another that their offices are “on our own” in the months leading to the 2014 Midterm Elections.  Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi cannot be trusted to save them, and certainly not the Obama White House, which has a long history of caring only about itself, and looking down with disdain at the mechanics of D.C. politics.

The term Lame Duck is now firmly wrapped around the Obama White House, and while White House operatives are clearly aware of this fact, it appears those closest to Barack Obama are working to insulate him from the term as much as possible.  That insulation is, and will continue, to come in the form of several fundraising trips that allow the president to remain feeling as if he remains an integral part of the political climate, even as his own party moves past him.

As for Republicans, there has been some initial efforts to mend fences between the more conservative factions and the leadership.  This effort was initiated first by the Boehner office, to later include Mitch McConnell, who has admitted to his own staff a growing fear he is losing support among Republican voters in his home state.  Both Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Senator Mike Lee apparently were open to conciliation, though both offices have reminded others their efforts against Obamacare have been proven right, and that more Republicans should have been willing to openly join the effort.

Apparently a certain senator from North Carolina instructed their staff that the only public statements regarding Obamacare were to be in opposition to its implementation, (though not the law itself) an example that will likely be copied by more Democrats facing tough red state elections in 2014, which in turn, reduces the Obama  White House’s influence on the party even further.

The RNC is quietly getting the word out regarding fundraising goals not having been met.  It appears conservatives are sending their dollars directly to candidates as opposed to more generalized organizations like the RNC.  If this trend continues, it will be a truly transformative process for the Republican Party, helping to return it to its grassroots foundations, and opening up the possibility of a national candidate who appeals to a cross section of voters, much like Ronald Reagans “Reagan Democrats” movement of the 1980′s that resulted in historic landslide victories for the Republican candidate.

So in short, it is proving an increasingly tough time for Democrats, and increasingly interesting times for Republicans.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline happyg

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If those democrats had half a brain, they would have rejected Pelosi and Reid four years ago. Instead, they clung to them like glue. Now, they want to be victims. To heck with them. They helped in the ruination of America, and need to sit out all forthcoming elections. It amazes me that they can live with themselves.