Author Topic: Government employee union boss calls for thug tactics against voter ID  (Read 490 times)

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Government employee union boss calls for thug tactics against voter ID

Posted By Charles C. Johnson On 2:36 PM 11/28/2013 In | No Comments

J. David Cox, the national president of the American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, pledged to ignore the Supreme Court and said that he and the labor movement would “fight in the streets” against Republican governors’ supporters of voter integrity efforts.

“I’m committing myself, I’m committing our union, and the labor movement. We will not — we will not — allow Republican governors to control the vote in this country,” he said to applause. “That is a God-given right of every citizen. The right to vote! We are going to fight ‘em. We’re going to fight them in the streets. We are going to fight them anywhere. We are going to fight them! I don’t care what the Supreme Court says.”

J. David Cox made the remarks at a recent Rainbow PUSH Coalition event honoring Jesse Jackson’s 72nd birthday at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, California.

Cox complimented Jackson on his activism surrounding the government shutdown. “The Reverend was out there everyday in the sixteen days of the government lockout and shut down that hurt the most vulnerable citizens and put all of its own workers out of work,” Cox said. “Reverend Jackson, you pretty much singlehandedly brought that thing to a close. And we applaud you for that. Every day he was out there on the job.”

This reporter attended the Beverly Hilton event, which included prominent Democrats such as California Reps. Karen Bass and Maxine Waters.

In addition to several labor unions, Larry Flynt is a sponsor of Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition. Jackson praised Flynt for arguing that Flynt’s would-be murderer shouldn’t be executed as he was in Missouri. Jackson left out that Flynt wanted to torture him.

Cox’s apparent call for violence and lawlessness is especially alarming given the recent history of left-wing voter bullying. The Obama Justice Department’s reluctance to prosecute a 2008 case of voter intimidation by members of the New Black Panther Party — which led to the resignation of one DOJ lawyer and the transfer of another high-ranking official — has raised concerns that the Democrats have brought Chicago-style election abuse to the national level.

Jackson’s son, former Democratic Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois, pleaded guilty to wire and mail fraud in February and is now serving a 30-month sentence in federal prison.

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