Author Topic: Barack Obama - the man who knew too little  (Read 791 times)

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Barack Obama - the man who knew too little
« on: October 27, 2013, 02:43:02 pm »
Barack Obama -- The Man Who Knew Too Little

By Onan Coca   / 26 October 2013   / 247 Comments   

Maybe you can remember back to the early days of our enlightenment to the fact that the IRS was persecuting conservatives for their political beliefs. Many of us wondered how the IRS could get away with abusing conservative citizens and the groups they belonged to for so long. Some of us wondered how widespread this was, and if the malfeasance ran all the way to the White House. That’s when President Obama arrived at a press conference to tell us that he found out about it at the same time we did.


Personally, I was floored. I could not believe that the President of the United States could stand there and say that a practice that was widespread throughout the IRS was news to him. Things got worse as we found out more of the story, and learned that the Inspector General had been conducting an investigation into the IRS for quite some time. Yet, the President never knew? Then we learned that the practice had been rumored and talked about for a couple of years…but somehow the President never knew?

Either the President was lying – or he is the most inept man to hold the office since President Ulysses S. Grant, who also allowed incredible corruption to take place under his nose.

One time, one scandal… maybe we could forgive. Maybe we could gloss over. But it wasn’t just once, was it?

The whole piece by Stewart is funny if salted with some colorful language, but the most important part begins at right about 2:20 into his “report.” Over the next couple of minutes, Jon Stewart reviews four other occasions when President Obama had no idea what was going on. Stewart ends up arguing that the President likely found out about the killing of Osama bin Laden when he announced it on TV!

You’d think that after taking a beating like that from Jon Stewart, the Obama White House would do everything in their power to never answer another question like this – “Um, I just learned about it when everyone else did…”

Not so fast. Apparently the White House didn’t learn the lesson that Stewart tried to impart.

CNN’s medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked HHS chief Kathleen Sebelius when and if President Obama knew about the problems with the website. Sebelius trots out the old Obama administration mainstay… “President Obama didn’t know…”

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked when the President first learned about the considerable issues with the Obamacare website. Sebelius responded that it was in "the first couple of days" after the site went live October 1.

"But not before that?" Gupta followed up.

To which Sebelius replied, "No, sir."

obama-dunceSebelius admitted that there is concern in her department and the White House over the technical debacle surrounding the website rollout, saying "no one could be more frustrated than I am and the president."

So our President never knows what’s going on? Do they lock the guy up in a room somewhere in the White House every day and only parade him out when they need a speech? It’s disgusting to think that our President is not up to date on the major issues affecting our nation and his Presidency. How can we trust a man who never knows anything?

Either President Obama is a liar, or he is the most inept President we have ever had. Either way, it’s obvious the American people made a huge mistake.



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Re: Barack Obama - the man who knew too little
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 03:33:29 pm »
Obama is not only a liar, he's also inept, stupid, arrogant, and a worthless piece of nothing.


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Re: Barack Obama - the man who knew too little
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 04:04:29 pm »
Obama is not only a liar, he's also inept, stupid, arrogant, and a worthless piece of nothing.

Blacks like him. :thud: