Author Topic: WI Gov Scott Walker Defies Feds, Keeps Parks Open  (Read 1441 times)

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Offline Cincinnatus

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WI Gov Scott Walker Defies Feds, Keeps Parks Open
« on: October 04, 2013, 01:49:39 am »
Once again Scott Walker leads the way in dealing with Obama & Co.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's administration defied the federal government by refusing to close  popular state properties at the behest of the National Park Service.

The park service ordered state officials to close the northern unit of the Kettle Moraine, Devil's Lake, and Interstate state parks and the state-owned portion of the Horicon Marsh, but state authorities rebuffed the request because the lion's share of the funding came from state, not federal coffers.

Instead, the state's Department of Natural Resources "issued a statement saying all state parks, trails and other recreational properties were open and not affected by the federal government's budget problems."

Walker blamed both Republicans and Democrats for current fighting in Washington, perhaps leaving the door open for a run for the presidency as a centrist in 2016.
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Re: WI Gov Scott Walker Defies Feds, Keeps Parks Open
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2013, 02:05:18 am »
Make it hurt and look as bad as possible.

White House Ordering Hundreds of Privately Run, Privately Funded Parks to Close

Closed companies forced to buy the Barrycades -- "We are like prisoners of war who have to pay for our prison."

UPDATE 10/2/13 @ 7:27 pm Central: I just heard from Mr. Meyer. He emails:

It’s official.  They are shutting all of us down ASAP.  Marching orders straight from the White House.


Update: Mr. Meyer emails to add that not only is his business being forced to take losses for the closures, but in some cases the government is making him and the other park management companies buy the barricades that will be used to shut the parks. He says:

We are like prisoners of war who have to pay for our prison.

Original Story:

Warren Meyer of Phoenix, AZ, is owner and president of Recreation Resource Management, Inc. RRM employs about 400-500 camp workers and managers across about a dozen states. It is one of a handful of companies that have been managing national parks and campgrounds as tenants for years, through previous government shutdowns including the last one in 1995-1996. Those previous shutdowns never closed any of the parks managed in this way, but the current shutdown threatens closure.

The campgrounds are self-sufficient and receive no federal funding. No government employees staff or manage the parks. The management companies pay the National Park Service out of the funds they generate from operating the thousands of campgrounds. So the reason for the shutdown is puzzling to Meyer.

Today, he sent a letter to both of his senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake, asking for help to keep his parks open.

“My company, based in North Phoenix, operates nearly over 100 US Forest Service campgrounds and day use areas under concession contract. Yesterday, as in all past government shutdowns, the Department of Agriculture and US Forest Service confirmed we would stay open during the government shutdown. This makes total sense, since our operations are self-sufficient (we are fully funded by user fees at the gate), we get no federal funds, we employ no government workers on these sites, and we actually pay rent into the Treasury.”

Notice that last part. The parks not only do not cost the taxpayers any money, they pay funds into the Treasury out of the fees park users pay. Shutting them down will cost the taxpayers money.

How much? Meyer told the Tatler that his parks generate hundreds of thousands of dollars per week. Multiply that across his competitors and the Treasury could lose a few million dollars, in what is essentially free money to the government, over the course of the shutdown.

Which, as Meyer points out, is unnecessary, as these management companies are not revenue losers, but revenue generators for the Treasury.
[emphasis added]
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Re: WI Gov Scott Walker Defies Feds, Keeps Parks Open
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2013, 03:18:07 am »
Make it hurt and look as bad as possible.

Ariz. gov rejected in offer to reopen Grand Canyon

Arizona's Republican leaders, known for picking fights with the federal government, are seething again now that the Grand Canyon is closed because of the budget crisis in Washington.

Gov. Jan Brewer wants the state's signature national park reopened and has offered to pay for it with state money, but her proposal was rejected Thursday by a park official who said that as long as the federal government remains shut down, such a plan isn't an option.

"I appreciate the support and I thanked them for the offer, but it's not an offer we can accept," said park superintendent Dave Uberuaga.

The shutdown that began Tuesday has led to furloughs for about 2,200 people who work at the Grand Canyon National Park and its hotels. "And that's not counting the economic impact in the gateway communities, all of the related businesses, the bus tours, hiking companies, the jeep tours, all of those associated functions are suffering economically as well," Uberuaga said.

Many of those businesses also have offered to chip in to pay to reopen the park...

Arizona leaders have a history of bumping heads with federal officials, including fights over illegal immigration and control of public lands. Brewer made headlines early last year when she pointed her finger at President Barack Obama. And in 1995, the last time a government shutdown closed the Grand Canyon, the governor called in the National Guard to get the site reopened.

Then-Gov. Fife Symington, a strong states' rights supporter, led a convoy of unarmed troops to the park's gate. They were met there by the superintendent who negotiated for a partial reopening if the budget impasse continued, Symington recalled in an interview Thursday with The Associated Press.

The shutdown was briefly solved, but when the parks were again closed a month later, the state paid more than $17,000 a day to keep the road to Mather Point and the Grand Canyon Village open.

Such action isn't likely this time around. "This is not 1995," said Brewer's spokesman Andrew Wilder.

How I wish Governor Brewer would follow historical precedence and do it again.

A similar situation pertains in South Dakota:
Nationally, at least one other governor also has been turned back in a similar effort. South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard had offered to use state employees to keep Mount Rushmore open.

Make it hurt and look as bad as possible.

This is just bullshit. Obama has to be resisted in every way available.
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Re: WI Gov Scott Walker Defies Feds, Keeps Parks Open
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2013, 12:42:51 pm »
I wondered why Pinky Reid was talking about "state parks." Now I know.  **nononono*

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Re: WI Gov Scott Walker Defies Feds, Keeps Parks Open
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2013, 01:03:52 pm »
Is Scott Walker considering a presidential run?

This guy is a real LEADER.
Character still matters.  It always matters.

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Re: WI Gov Scott Walker Defies Feds, Keeps Parks Open
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2013, 01:09:12 pm »
Yes he is! And tough as nails!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien