Author Topic: A 'birther' movement rises in Venezuela  (Read 829 times)

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A 'birther' movement rises in Venezuela
« on: July 28, 2013, 02:02:39 pm »

(CNN) -- Unable to defeat their political rival at the ballot box, some in the Venezuelan opposition are resorting to a tactic familiar to Americans: questioning the birthplace of the president.

In the United States, the so-called "birther" movement disputed President Barack Obama's legitimacy, claiming that he was born in Africa and therefore is ineligible for the highest office. Even when Obama's birth certificate was made public, some called it a forgery.

No birth certificate has been produced for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

Rumors of Maduro's birthplace surfaced before he was elected in April, but in recent weeks they have gained new life.

In the Venezuelan version of the birther movement, its proponents say Maduro was born in neighboring Colombia and is either a Colombian citizen or a dual citizen, either of which would make him ineligible to be president.

The leaders of the movement have taken their complaint to Venezuela's Supreme Court, to Colombian authorities and even to the European Union.

The claim is controversial in Venezuela.

Maduro's supporters ignore the question as nonsense.
