Author Topic: Will the "White Hispanics" of Sanford Riot Based on How This Prosecution is Being Handled?  (Read 746 times)

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Will the "White Hispanics" of Sanford Riot Based on How This Prosecution is Being Handled?
July 11, 2013


RUSH:  You know, I don't believe this but I do believe it because I saw it.  Otherwise I wouldn't believe it.  If Snerdley told me what I'm gonna tell you and I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't believe it.  I went to check the demographics of Sanford, Florida, on Wikipedia.  This is unbelievable.  To show you the power of the New York Times, in the demographic breakdown of the population of Sanford, Florida, on Wikipedia (which, as you know, is an encyclopedia that anybody can add to; anybody can edit) they include "white Hispanics" with the white population.  "White Hispanics."

Now, up until this case, Hispanics were always lumped in with African-Americans and other people of color as a minority.  But since this case happened, and since there is an African-American young man that has been killed by an Hispanic, "We can't have that." The Hispanic has to be white because the media wants to make this a racial event in America that, in their view, is a microcosm of what this country's really all about, and that is that black are killed just for being black.  Even to this day.  That's the only reason that they're in jail, 'cause they're black, and the only reason they're killed is because they're black, and they're killed by white people.

So here is Trayvon Martin killed by an Hispanic, and all of a sudden now the Hispanic becomes white.  If you go to Wikipedia to look at the demographic population or breakdown, the population of Sanford, Florida, they now include a new category, "white Hispanics."  But even at that, even putting "white Hispanics" with whites, they still say that 30% of the population of Sanford, Florida, is made up of "nonwhite Hispanics."  You see what these people do?  They talk about the great humanitarians they are and how we're all just one people, and everything they do is divisive.  Everything the left does is intended to divide people, and to group people, primarily into groups of victims.

So here you go.  According to the 2010 census, 50.5 million Americans, or 16.3% of Americans were ethnically Hispanic or Latino.  Of those, 26.7 million, or 53%, were white.  So now all of a sudden since this case, according to Wikipedia, most Hispanics in America are "white Hispanics."  Who knew?  So how come we keep hearing about how the Republican Party's doomed because white people are dying off?  How can white people be dying off if over half the Hispanic population is white?  Anyway, it's a footnote in a census document in a PDF file.

The bottom line of this is that the Hispanic population in Sanford, Florida, is only 20%.  Hispanic or Latino, 20%.  So what I'm wondering is we've got PSAs down there that law enforcement have sponsored and have broadcast on TV.  As Vinny from Queens said, "An outreach to thuggery."  And the PSAs are urging people not to riot in wake of the verdict.  And obviously they're talking about the black population.  They're hoping the black population doesn't riot.  Course, are they really hoping that?  I mean, like my old saw, you tell people, "Don't think pink," what are they thinking?  Don't riot?  You you put the idea in their head.

Are they worried that the Hispanics might riot?  Are they worried that the Hispanics might come out of the shadows in Sanford, Florida, and riot if there's a guilty verdict?  So the Hispanic population of Sanford, Florida, is 20%, and a percentage of that is now labeled as being "white Hispanics."  The prosecution's going through final arguments right now, and I read, or I think I heard that the final arguments could take three hours, the defense alone take three hours, then with a one-hour rebuttal.  So the case won't go to the jury 'til tomorrow.  These poor jurors.  There are six women on the jury, five are white and one's a "white Hispanic," right?  Or is one a white African-American?  Six women on the jury, right?  Five of 'em are white and one is "white Hispanic" or believed to be a "white Hispanic," not a white African-American.  Okay.

I'm reminded of the Menendez jury, which we spoke about earlier.  There's no telling what the jury's gonna do, but Vinny from Queens thinks he knows.  They've seen the PSA, they've heard this.  The judge knows this.  Everybody in that town is scared to death of riots if there is a not guilty verdict, so what are we gonna get?  We're gonna get a guilty verdict just to spare the town.  We'll wait.  We'll wait and see what happens.


RUSH: Here's Judy in Tampa, as we go back to the phones.  Great to have you on the EIB Network.  Hi.

CALLER:  Hi.  Pleasure to talk to you.  My thought was if there's a conviction -- it seems like there will be -- don't you think that the anti-gun people are looking for that, too?  That's gonna be a nice --

RUSH:  You know, I think you're on to something.  During the break here I've been paying a little bit of attention to the prosecution closing argument, and they're making a big deal, the lead prosecutor here, making a huge deal out of who was armed here.

CALLER:  Yeah.

RUSH:  Making a big deal out of who had the gun.  And making a big deal out of who ought to have been scared in this situation. It should have been Trayvon.  Zimmerman's the guy that had the gun and it was Zimmerman doing the profiling and it was Zimmerman that was the aggressor. It was Zimmerman here exuding all this aggressive behavior and scaring everybody.  So focusing on the gun and Neighborhood Watch and he's not really a cop, he was a wannabe cop, yeah, I think you're on to something.

CALLER:  Yeah, guns are bad. Nobody should have them. Nobody should carry them.

RUSH:  Well, yeah.

CALLER:  That's where they're going, yeah.

RUSH:  And certainly not "white Hispanics" who are not cops.

CALLER:  And not Neighborhood Watch guys 'cause I read a very surprising article by David Horowitz who said they shouldn't carry the guns.  That was odd.

RUSH:  Who said they should carry --

CALLER:  Should not, David Horowitz wrote an article on Frontpagemag.  Everyone was really wondering why he was doing that, but that's what we heard.

RUSH:  David Horowitz said the Neighborhood Watch --

CALLER:  -- shouldn't be carrying a gun.

RUSH:  Shouldn't be carrying a gun.  Hmm.  Interesting.  Well, I can see why people would be curious about that.

CALLER:  They were very curious.  Not very happy about it.

RUSH:  I can imagine.  Well, obviously he had his reasons, but did he explain 'em?

CALLER:  Well, the whole piece just came out of left field literally. It had nothing to do with the mind-set or the whole point of view of that particular blog, that particular website.

RUSH:  Yeah.

CALLER:  It was kind of shocking.

RUSH:  Yeah.  Well, I did not know that.  I'm glad you passed that on to me. Again, to reiterate, the lead prosecutor here is throwing everything at Zimmerman, which, no surprise.  Zimmerman was profiling. Zimmerman had the gun. Zimmerman couldn'ta been scared, he had a gun. Trayvon didn't have a gun.  Zimmerman, he's just ticked off, in fact, he was mad, because the cops weren't responding quickly enough.  And he was ticked off, there had been a lot of robberies in the neighborhood, and he didn't think the cops cared enough, so by golly by gosh he's gonna do something about it.  So they're accusing Zimmerman of profiling, accusing Zimmerman of being aggressive and threatening with the gun.

The gun -- and I'm sure the defense is gonna say this -- but the gun probably saved Zimmerman's life, or could have.  You can't say probably.  But the gun could possibly have been the thing, the reason that Zimmerman was alive today.


RUSH:  Ladies and gentlemen, I've been watching the prosecutor in the closing arguments here in the Zimmerman trial during the obscene profit time-outs. I have to tell you something about this guy.  I don't know his name.  Oh, there it is.  Bernie De La Rionda, or De La Rionda. I'm not sure how he pronounces it, but this guy's mad.  This prosecutor is filled with rage.

I mean, every time I've tuned in for 30 minutes, this guy's been filled with rage, at least the times I've seen him. (interruption) Well, the way it might matter is this: What is it that we're told people don't like?  They don't like yelling! They don't like people arguing. People are made uncomfortable with "partisanship," right?  They don't like this constant bickering and constant arguing. They don't like people's raised voices.

They don't like all of this, and this guy? This guy is acting like he is livid over everything about this.  They're not showing the jurors, so I don't know the jury's reaction. But I can tell you, the gallery there -- and this doesn't mean anything.  Do not misinterpret.  I'm not predicting an outcome on this based on anything I'm seeing here.  I'm just sharing with you my observations.

But there are people yawning in the gallery while this guy is filled with rage and anger. Some of the people back there are not even looking at him anymore. One guy grimaced and kind of looked away and another guy yawned. You know, the women are looking down.  If any of the jurors are happen to be 24-year-old women, they might be scared to death listening to the closing arguments here.  I'm just saying. 

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776