Author Topic: “APPROPRIATE” – Eric Holder Doubles Down On Government Intimidation Of The Media  (Read 618 times)

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“APPROPRIATE” – Eric Holder Doubles Down On Government Intimidation Of The Media

by Ulsterman on June 20, 2013

Just days after CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson confirmed both her work and personal computers were hacked during her investigations into such anti-Obama stories as the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal, the Green Energy stimulus scandal, and later, the Benghazi Massacre scandal, Obama Attorney General Eric Holder (who is deeply involved in all of those scandals) issued a letter to Congress indicating the spying tactics used against Fox investigative reporter James Rosen were “appropriate”.  Holder claims Congress may have “misinterpreted” his earlier under oath remarks when he testified that no journalists had been prosecuted by the Justice Department for publishing leaks.


(via Politico)
Eric Holder: James Rosen probe ‘appropriate’

Attorney General Eric Holder is defending his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee in a new letter, reiterating that he did not lie when he told the committee no journalists have been prosecuted by the Justice Department for publishing leaks.

Holder called the investigation that involved Fox News reporter James Rosen “appropriate,” saying again that charges were never brought against Rosen and saying the committee might have misinterpreted his remarks.

…Judiciary Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte has pressed Holder on his statements, saying they conflict with an affidavit attached to a search warrant that named Rosen as a co-conspirator. Holder defended that label as being part of showing probable cause necessary to get the warrant, and again said charges against Rosen were never sought.

In his answers, Holder also said neither guidelines nor the law require the attorney general to sign off on search warrants for journalists’ emails, unlike phone records, though department officials got Holder’s approval in this case.  LINK


Please read that last line reader – Eric Holder, the top legal official in the United States government, is excusing his spy program against members of the media as OK – because he claims there are no guidelines for search warrants issued to obtain personal emails from individuals.  In essence, what Eric Holder is saying is that the government, any time it chooses, can crack open YOUR computer and take what it wants because such an act has nothing to do with listening in on your phone conversations.  Holder’s claim is that he has not officially prosecuted a journalist for publishing leaks  – so no infringement against a journalist’s rights has actually taken place.

This position is very similar to someone breaking into your home, looking in all of your closets and drawers, taking pictures, and then leaving and telling you they never committed a crime because they didn’t actually steal anything.
Second, Eric Holder’s testimony actually indicated he believes the press should have a “shield” that will allow them to freely gather information for stories.  He is then saying that because such a law does not currently exist, it is just fine for him to abuse his power and authority as the Attorney General and go on spying on, and intimidating, members of the media.

The entire premise for Eric Holder’s defense of himself, his actions, and the Obama administration is shocking, disturbing, and terribly dangerous, given the high ranking position he holds within the current government – a position that de facto President Valerie Jarrett made clear she intends Eric Holder to keep for some time…

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776