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Seriously, I live in SoCal there are are probably more EV's here than anywhere else because the climate is perfect for them year round, that of course changes in NorCal. You could not pay me to have an EV, I live in an apartment like millions of others and would be stuck using pubic charging stations, that's a no go and even if I owned a home it would be a no go as homed based charging is a very expensive deal, plus I don't like the odds of a firebomb going off in my garage. And then the is the time it currently takes to charge, why should I sit around waiting for an EV to charge when I can fill the tank of my ICE in less than five minutes or less? Nope until they come up with cars powered by Mister Fusion I'll stick to my ICE car....with the added bonus that I won't risk being trapped in a natural disaster when the power goes out.

Up in here they are as laughable as the smart cars... I mean point and laugh.

But put that in a context - We don't have smart cars up in here... We have side-by-sides and Razors.  :shrug:
So kinda the same thing.

Maybe the same sort of analog will happen with the EVs.

We do have batt operated power tools. But only in the summer.
Winter construction, everything is corded and the air compressors come back out.
But I doubt anybody is going to buy an EV just for summertime.

I have an old golf cart coming though. Gonna jack it up and put ATV tires under it, and see about some LIron batts for it... Mount onboard solar/inverter... Use that to go to town when I can. So I ain't against it in theory.
Rolling Stones  -  Before They Make Me Run

Steve Miller Band  -  Take the Money and Run

State Politics/Government / Re: Oregon Declares War On Family Farms
« Last post by roamer_1 on Today at 04:21:19 am »
They're trying to do that here too... They've been tying up water for years... Now the claim is that Native water rights supercede property owner's water rights...

Then, if that's won, all they have to do is make a deal with the tribes and we're all screwed.
Al Green  -  Take Me To the River

Johnny Rivers  -  John Lee Hooker

•  “The second rule: In the state of Oregon, if you are using water, even groundwater, the only water that you can legally harvest and use without a permit is actually rainwater. They consider all water in the ground a resource of the public. Even if you have a private well on your property, that belongs to the people of Oregon.”

Rain barrels are illegal in Maryland.
It is illegal to connect your downspout to any sort of container in Maryland.
They claim that doing so is "stealing the people's water."
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