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 Nancy Pelosi yet again reveals Democrats’ disdain for average Americans
By Social Links for Joe Concha
Published May 13, 2024, 6:14 p.m. ET

Do Democrats have contempt for Americans who aren’t part of the richest 1% or don’t live in cities on the coast?

This query comes after former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made an outrageous comment during a recent Oxford Union debate, calling those who may see themselves as part of the populist movement just “poor souls who are looking for some answers.”

“We’ve given [answers] to them, but they’re blocked by some of their views on guns. They have the three Gs: guns, gays, God,” huffed the the 84-year-old Pelosi. “That would be a woman’s right to choose — and the cultural issues cloud some of their reception of an argument that really is in their interest.”

How utterly condescending, albeit not surprising considering the elitist bubble Pelosi —  who along with her husband is worth north of $100 million — lives in.

She’s clearly saying, in other words, that if these “poor souls” weren’t so brainwashed and would listen to the way Democrats would like them to think, they would see that the Democratic Party and its agenda is a perfect fit for them.

They’re just too dumb or delusional to realize it.

 ‘Mr. Fix-It’ Michael Cohen bombs on the stand, offers no new evidence to convict Trump
By Social Links for Jonathan Turley
Published May 13, 2024, 5:56 p.m. ET

Michael Cohen apparently wants a reality show but, if his testimony Monday is any indication, reality is about to sink in for not just Cohen but the prosecutors and the court.

In stoking interest in his own appearance, the former Trump counsel promised the public that they should be “prepared to be surprised.”

Thus far, however, Cohen has offered nothing new and, more importantly, nothing to make the case for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Just before he took the stand, the New York Post revealed that Cohen has been peddling a reality show called “The Fixer,” including working with Colin Whelan, who helped create “Joe Exotic: Tigers, Lies and Cover-Up.” Whelan appears interested to stay within that genre.

The Cohen pitch came with a cheesy promo video where he promised viewers, “I am your fixer.”

His first post-Trump client, Bragg, may have to disagree.

Cohen had only one advantage for Bragg: His notoriously flexible morals and ethics, which allows him to say most anything to support his sponsors.

Gold Star Families to Jen Psaki: You'll Be Hearing From Our Attorneys
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell

Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is out hawking her new memoir, "Matthew Foldi at our sister site Townhall wrote:

    Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki gave a cruel Mother’s Day gift to the 13 Gold Star families who famously watched President Joe Biden repeatedly stare at his watch during the dignified transfer of their loved ones at Dover Air Force Base almost three years ago — by calling them liars — all to hawk her new book.


    Mark Schmitz, whose son Jared was one of the 13 American service members killed in Afghanistan on August 26th, 2021, told Townhall that Psaki “will be hearing from our attorney, [and] so will her publisher…to the fullest extent of the law,” adding that “what she wrote was absolutely disgusting and clearly only for political and financial gain at the expense of grieving Gold Star families.”

According to an exclusive in Axios, Psaki claims the Gold Star families and supporters who reported that Biden checked his watch while their loved ones' remains were undergoing a dignified transfer were engaged in "misinformation" and used images taken by multiple outlets to make Biden "appear insensitive, concerned only about how much time had passed."

If the shoe fits — and according to at least two AP photos, it does. Biden didn't just "appear insensitive" and concerned only about the passage of time, he was insensitive, dishonoring the dignity and gravity of the moment by being impatient. Perhaps he needed a potty break?

    Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki claims in her new book that President Biden never looked at his watch during the ceremony for soldiers killed during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 — contradicting news photos and firsthand accounts of Gold Star families.

Psaki's documenting lies about how Biden handled the ceremony into book form doesn't just further besmirch the Gold Star families who spoke out about this indignity. It is dismissive and cruel. Not much different than how she conducted herself from the press room podium.

    Many family members of the 13 soldiers killed during the explosion at the Abbey Gate base in Kabul have consistently said in interviews and appearances before Congress that Biden checked his watch as the caskets went by.

    Mark Schmitz, the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, told Congress in August of 2023 that "while I stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch over and over again, all I wanted to do was shout out, 'It's two f***ing thirty, bleep.' "

    The day after the ceremony on Aug. 29, 2021, Shana Chappell, the mother of Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, wrote on Facebook: "I watched you disrespect us all 5 different times by checking your watch!!! What the f*** was so important that you had to keep looking at your watch????"

Well, it's the Hill.... *****rollingeyes*****
 Michael Cohen ensnares Trump in Stormy Daniels scheme
by Zach Schonfeld and Ella Lee - 05/13/24 6:17 PM ET

NEW YORK — The jury that will decide former President Trump’s fate in his hush money trial finally heard on Monday from Michael Cohen, who provided some of the strongest implications yet of his former client’s role in the scheme at the heart of the case.

As he’s done many times before, Cohen recounted his role in several so-called catch-and-kill deals to keep unflattering stories about Trump out of the public eye during the 2016 campaign.

But the retelling of that story to jurors over an entire court day pinned the blame on his former boss more than any other witness who has taken the stand so far. That clearly angered Trump, who afterward gave some of his most vehement remarks about his innocence, reading out articles from legal allies and slamming the judge in response to what he’d just sat through for hours.

Inside the courtroom however, the atmosphere itself was more subdued than had been expected between the two allies-turned-foes who have been at each other’s throats for years.

Cohen appeared careful to not lose his temper, speaking slowly and looking dejected and even anxious on the stand. He made a handful of audible sighs as prosecutors for hours asked him to detail his conversations negotiating hush money deals during Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Trump, meanwhile, kept his eyes closed for much of Cohen’s testimony — a marked departure from their last faceoff, which ended with the former president storming out of the courtroom where his ex-personal attorney was testifying against him in a civil case.

But Trump’s visibility was stark when he first entered the courtroom where his criminal trial was taking place Monday morning, followed by a small entourage of more than 15 people comprised of Republican lawmakers, Secret Service agents, lawyers and campaign allies.

Three sitting members of Congress — Sens. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) and JD Vance (R-Ohio) and Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) — were among the group, as was Trump’s son Eric Trump and his legal spokeswoman, Alina Habba. Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird (R) also sat in.

Trump at the end of the day gave shoutouts to many of them, reading from a list of his allies’ statements that Trump had marked up with a Sharpie during the afternoon proceedings. But he also grew angry during remarks to reporters staking out the courthouse hallway.

“We have a corrupt judge,” Trump told reporters in the hallway of the court house, raising his voice. “And we have a judge who’s highly conflicted. And he’s keeping me from campaigning.”

“He’s a corrupt judge. And he’s a conflicted judge and he oughta let us go out and campaign and get rid of this scam,” Trump alleged.
House Oversight considering move to hold Merrick Garland in contempt: ‘Must be consequences’
Brady Knox
May 13, 2024 5:05 pm

The House Oversight Committee is considering moving to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress.

Garland refused to provide audio files of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with President Joe Biden despite a subpoena from the committee. In response, House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) is moving to hold him in contempt of Congress.

“The House Oversight and Judiciary Committees issued lawful subpoenas to Attorney General Garland for the audio recordings of President Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Hur, yet he continues to defy our subpoenas,” Comer wrote.

“These audio recordings are important to our investigation of President Biden’s willful retention of classified documents and his fitness to be President of the United States,” he added. “There must be consequences for refusing to comply with lawful congressional subpoenas and we will move to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress.”

The markup for the resolution to hold Garland in contempt of court will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday. The Washington Examiner previously exclusively reported that the House Judiciary Committee was aiming to hold Garland in contempt of Congress.

Kamala Harris Drops F-Bomb While Giving Advice: ‘Kick That F**king Door Down’

Elizabeth Weibel 13 May 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris dropped an f-bomb while dishing out advice during the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Legislative Leadership Summit in Washington, DC, on Monday.

Harris spoke to the crowd about breaking down barriers and handling opportunities and instances in which an individual is the “only one that looks” like themself.

Harris added that, in certain instances, they would “need to kick that f**king door down.”

“So, here’s the thing about breaking barriers. Breaking barriers does not mean you start on one side of the barrier and you end up on the other side,” Harris began. “There’s breaking involved. And, when you break things, you get cut, and you may bleed. And it is worth it every time, every time.”

Harris added that young people should walk into rooms with their chins up and shoulders held high, whether the room be “a meeting room, a board room, a courtroom” or even a hearing room.

“We have to know that, sometimes, people will open the door for you and leave it open,” Harris added. “Sometimes, they won’t, and then you need to kick that f**king door down.”

After Harris’s comments, she began laughing and responded by saying, “Excuse my language” as the audience cheered.

Joe Biden Increases Immigrant Population by 6.6 Million — Nearly Two Years of American Births

John Binder 13 May 2024

President Joe Biden’s administration has caused the nation’s foreign-born population to surge to a level never before seen in American history, new analysis details.

Researchers Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler with the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) published the analysis on Monday, showing that from late January 2021, when Biden took office, through March of this year, 6.6 million immigrants have been added to the United States population.

The rise in the foreign-born population under Biden is equivalent to nearly two years of births in the United States and larger than the populations of 33 states.

Today, the foreign-born population stands at 51.6 million — the largest ever recorded in American history. Put another way, about 3 in 19 people living in the United States were born in a foreign country.

Utter nonsense!  You're a piss-poor troll.  If you can't recognize the difference, you're not worthy being a part in any discussion on this board.

It's a bare fact. No difference. With forty years to prove it.

Liberalism is not winning on its merit. It has no merit.
Liberalism is winning because it has no opposition.
Dear childish Jooo-hating diploma-tearing protesters: No one cares. Shut up.
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