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We still use Windows 7 on our home computer. I had 10 on the 'puter at work and didn't like it.
It really pisses me off when these idiots don't follow through on what they say they will do.  I expect Springsteen to be gone by New Year's Day.
Mellonhead. Springstupid, the Dixie Clits, Cher and a few others will not be missed.
Wasn't Cher or some such dimbulb supposed to leave if Dubya was elected? And yet we're not rid of her. Springsteen and his ilk aren't going anywhere.

Rosie O'Donnell was supposed to be gone as well.

I wish these people who promised to leave would do so. 
Where are these going to hang?

Obama looks like he is sitting on a bush...and that doesn't even look like Michelle....

Haven't these been unveiled before???

The Obama Portraits Tour

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