The Briefing Room

General Category => National/Breaking News => Topic started by: Right_in_Virginia on August 13, 2018, 11:27:54 am

Title: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: Right_in_Virginia on August 13, 2018, 11:27:54 am
Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Breitbart, Aug 12, 2018, John Binder

Open borders protesters and members of the left-wing anarchist group Antifa chanted death to America during a counter-protest in Washington, DC, on Sunday.

In a video by Breitbart News’ Ian Mason, Antifa members and open borders activists can be heard and seen marching down streets throughout Washington, DC, demanding an end to the United States.

“No border, no wall, no USA at all!” Antifa and open borders activists chanted.

The mob of left-wing activists carried red flags and wore all black with masks and helmets on their heads as a counter-protest to the “Unite the Right 2” protest that took place in Lafayette Park.

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Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: verga on August 13, 2018, 12:50:05 pm
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: mountaineer on August 13, 2018, 12:54:14 pm
They are such morons, this almost would be funny - but for the violence they inflict on police and others.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: sneakypete on August 13, 2018, 02:37:52 pm
Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Breitbart, Aug 12, 2018, John Binder

Open borders protesters and members of the left-wing anarchist group Antifa chanted death to America during a counter-protest in Washington, DC, on Sunday.

In a video by Breitbart News’ Ian Mason, Antifa members and open borders activists can be heard and seen marching down streets throughout Washington, DC, demanding an end to the United States.

“No border, no wall, no USA at all!” Antifa and open borders activists chanted.

The mob of left-wing activists carried red flags and wore all black with masks and helmets on their heads as a counter-protest to the “Unite the Right 2” protest that took place in Lafayette Park.

More: (

I am betting they would INSTANTLY change their minds and their chants if someone were to explain to them the end of the US would also be the end of their "Free" public housing,medical care,welfare checks,food stamps,etc,etc,etc.

Assuming of course you could get them to understand it.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: mountaineer on August 13, 2018, 02:40:19 pm
I certainly can see why CNN refers to them as "anti-hate protesters."
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: XenaLee on August 13, 2018, 02:43:54 pm
I am betting they would INSTANTLY change their minds and their chants if someone were to explain to them the end of the US would also be the end of their "Free" public housing,medical care,welfare checks,food stamps,etc,etc,etc.

Assuming of course you could get them to understand it.

They wouldn't care.  Their adrenaline is their hatred for America as a free and prosperous nation.  If they could succeed in bringing down America, they would consider it a job well done.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: sneakypete on August 13, 2018, 02:49:39 pm
BTW,Tim Kaine,the Governor of Virginia and possible Dim presidential candidate in 2020 has a son that was unmasked and arrested at a Left Coast event after attacking hecklers.

Kaine is on record as supporting his son.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: Sanguine on August 13, 2018, 03:10:40 pm
They are such morons, this almost would be funny - but for the violence they inflict on police and others.

And, they're frighteningly well-organized. As one would expect fascists to be.  Luckily their numbers are small so far.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: Timothy Dennis on August 20, 2018, 02:29:36 pm
Please allow me to correct you: Antifa is left-wing (Communist); "fascists" are right-wing (see Mussolini of Italy). Furthermore, they should be locked up as traitors to this nation; at the very least they should be locked up for destruction of property and physical violence against people...
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: dfwgator on August 20, 2018, 02:31:29 pm
Please allow me to correct you: Antifa is left-wing (Communist); "fascists" are right-wing (see Mussolini of Italy). Furthermore, they should be locked up as traitors to this nation; at the very least they should be locked up for destruction of property and physical violence against people...

Communists and Fascists both are for centralized government control.  Left or Right means nothing in that context.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: XenaLee on August 20, 2018, 02:54:27 pm
Please allow me to correct you: Antifa is left-wing (Communist); "fascists" are right-wing (see Mussolini of Italy). Furthermore, they should be locked up as traitors to this nation; at the very least they should be locked up for destruction of property and physical violence against people...

How, exactly, can a communist (Mussolini) be right-wing?   
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: skeeter on August 20, 2018, 03:00:47 pm
Communists and Fascists both are for centralized government control.  Left or Right means nothing in that context.

Exactly. The right/left labels just confuse the issue.

Focus needs to be returned to the individual vs the state.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: dfwgator on August 20, 2018, 03:04:36 pm
How, exactly, can a communist (Mussolini) be right-wing?

A Fascist is just a Communist with a snappier uniform.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: INVAR on August 20, 2018, 03:06:29 pm
Please allow me to correct you: Antifa is left-wing (Communist); "fascists" are right-wing (see Mussolini of Italy). Furthermore, they should be locked up as traitors to this nation; at the very least they should be locked up for destruction of property and physical violence against people...

There was nothing 'Right-Wing' (As America defines it) about Mussolini.  He was a Nationalist Collectivist bent on an Italian empire where obeisance was everything by and for the State.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: sneakypete on August 20, 2018, 03:07:01 pm
And, they're frighteningly well-organized. As one would expect fascists to be.  Luckily their numbers are small so far.


They are well-organized because the "field leaders" of their demonstrations are the sons and daughters of prominent Dims. The sons of both Tim Kaine and Terry McAuliffe have both been unmasked or arrested during Antifa riots.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: sneakypete on August 20, 2018, 03:10:26 pm
Please allow me to correct you: Antifa is left-wing (Communist); "fascists" are right-wing (see Mussolini of Italy). Furthermore, they should be locked up as traitors to this nation; at the very least they should be locked up for destruction of property and physical violence against people...

@Timothy Dennis

Please allow ME to correct YOU. The Nazi's and Mussolini's Party were the original fascists,and both here declared to be left-wing political movements by the people that started them. The Soviet Union was allies with Nazi Germany and agreed to invade and share Poland. This alliance lasted right up to the point where the Nazis invaded the USSR,and suddenly,overnight,the press working under their Soviet masters started identifying Nazi's as "right-wingers". The truth is that the USSR and Nazi Germany had a security pact where they agreed to help each other if either were invaded.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: dfwgator on August 20, 2018, 03:17:32 pm
@Timothy Dennis

Please allow ME to correct YOU. The Nazi's and Mussolini's Party were the original fascists,and both here declared to be left-wing political movements by the people that started them. The Soviet Union was allies with Nazi Germany and agreed to invade and share Poland. This alliance lasted right up to the point where the Nazis invaded the USSR,and suddenly,overnight,the press working under their Soviet masters started identifying Nazi's as "right-wingers". The truth is that the USSR and Nazi Germany had a security pact where they agreed to help each other if either were invaded.

Actually Stalin, was more like Hitler than Lenin.   Lenin believed in Internationalism,  Stalin believed in "Socialism in One Country".  He also believed in the superiority of ethnic Russians (despite being Georgian), and imposed "Russification" on the Soviet Union, uprooting many ethnic communities that had lived there for centuries and replaced them with ethnic Russians.   
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: txradioguy on August 20, 2018, 03:20:46 pm
I see they've learned well from their brothers and sisters in the PLO with the Death to America crap.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: sneakypete on August 20, 2018, 03:35:26 pm
Please allow me to correct you: Antifa is left-wing (Communist); "fascists" are right-wing (see Mussolini of Italy). Furthermore, they should be locked up as traitors to this nation; at the very least they should be locked up for destruction of property and physical violence against people...

@Timothy :amen:
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: sneakypete on August 20, 2018, 03:39:20 pm
Actually Stalin, was more like Hitler than Lenin.   Lenin believed in Internationalism,  Stalin believed in "Socialism in One Country".

And he defined "One Country" as a globalist country.

He also believed in the superiority of ethnic Russians (despite being Georgian), and imposed "Russification" on the Soviet Union, uprooting many ethnic communities that had lived there for centuries and replaced them with ethnic Russians.


I ain't buying that one. Beria,one of his most viscous underlings was a Jew. There were also many Georgians and others in the leadership. Then again,if you consider all of Europe to be a Russian outpost,pretty much everybody is a Russia that wears red and marches to the company line.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: sneakypete on August 20, 2018, 03:46:13 pm
How, exactly, can a communist (Mussolini) be right-wing?


Because right and left are reversed in Europe. Nazism has National Socialists as a part of the party name. The USSR was the United Soviet Socialist Republic.

What makes it even more confusing was the media,with the backing of King Franklin and his commie wife IMMEDIATELY started calling Nazi's "right-wingers" the instant they invaded his sacred USSR.

As a result of this we now have several generations that have grown up thinking National SOCIALISTS are right-wingers. What is REALLY hilarious (to me,anyhow) is our own homegrown Nazi idiots think they are right-wingers. Then again,nobody has ever accused those boys of being all that bright to start with. Most seem to be "40 years old,going on 12 years old",and mostly attracted to the Nazi's because they had cool flags,helmets,knives,etc,etc,etc. It's more of a fashion show here in the US than it is a serious political movement. Kinda like the people that buy new Harleys,new Levi jackets to make "cuts" out of,and become "instant scooter trash". It's a fashion show,nothing else.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: sneakypete on August 20, 2018, 03:50:51 pm
A Fascist is just a Communist with a snappier uniform.


And there it is.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: dfwgator on August 20, 2018, 03:54:50 pm
The Soviets went out of their way in their propaganda to never use the term "Nazi",  but "Fascist" to describe the Germans, although it was Italy that were the real "Fascists".

The reason was that had they used the term "Nazi", it would have implied that indeed that Hitler and Co. were fellow socialists. 
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: Sanguine on August 20, 2018, 04:23:09 pm
Please allow me to correct you: Antifa is left-wing (Communist); "fascists" are right-wing (see Mussolini of Italy). Furthermore, they should be locked up as traitors to this nation; at the very least they should be locked up for destruction of property and physical violence against people...

No, fascists are national socialist/communists.  Mussolini thought himself to be socialist and tried to create a (national) socialist nation.

And, yes, they should be locked up when they commit crimes.  They are fascists.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: txradioguy on August 20, 2018, 04:39:45 pm
No, fascists are national socialist/communists.  Mussolini thought himself to be socialist and tried to create a (national) socialist nation.

And, yes, they should be locked up when they commit crimes.  They are fascists.

Fascists...both the Mussolini Black Shirt type and the Hitler Brown shirt type despised Stalinist style Communism and Communists in general.

Hitler was locking them (Communists) up in the early concentration camps before he finalized his final solution for the Jews.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: goatprairie on August 20, 2018, 05:17:37 pm
Fascists...both the Mussolini Black Shirt type and the Hitler Brown shirt type despised Stalinist style Communism and Communists in general.

Hitler was locking them (Communists) up in the early concentration camps before he finalized his final solution for the Jews.
I read an article a while back that claimed Hitler was an informant for the German Communist Party in the early twenties before he took over as head Nazi thug.
Hitler hated communists because they rivaled him for total power. He knew that only the communists would be ruthless enough to compete with him for total control of Germany.
A lot of Nazi theory was anti-capitalist, anti-wealthy, and certainly Hitler, like the commies, wanted total control of the masses.
Solzhenitsyn considered Stalin and Hitler as ideological twins both murderous dictators who loved murder and power above everything else. According to Solzhenitsyn, Hitler was Stalin's "little brother."
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: txradioguy on August 20, 2018, 05:32:13 pm
I read an article a while back that claimed Hitler was an informant for the German Communist Party in the early twenties before he took over as head Nazi thug.
Hitler hated communists because they rivaled him for total power. He knew that only the communists would be ruthless enough to compete with him for total control of Germany.
A lot of Nazi theory was anti-capitalist, anti-wealthy, and certainly Hitler, like the commies, wanted total control of the masses.
Solzhenitsyn considered Stalin and Hitler as ideological twins both murderous dictators who loved murder and power above everything else. According to Solzhenitsyn, Hitler was Stalin's "little brother."

Yup two peas in a pod with the only disagreement being in what the title of the despot was.
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: Timothy Dennis on August 22, 2018, 08:38:10 pm
@Timothy Dennis

Please allow ME to correct YOU. The Nazi's and Mussolini's Party were the original fascists,and both here declared to be left-wing political movements by the people that started them. The Soviet Union was allies with Nazi Germany and agreed to invade and share Poland. This alliance lasted right up to the point where the Nazis invaded the USSR,and suddenly,overnight,the press working under their Soviet masters started identifying Nazi's as "right-wingers". The truth is that the USSR and Nazi Germany had a security pact where they agreed to help each other if either were invaded.

  The Nazis invaded Russia during WW2, so there goes your security pact theory...
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: DB on August 22, 2018, 08:44:17 pm
  The Nazis invaded Russia during WW2, so there goes your security pact theory...

Right   Over   Your   Head...
Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: INVAR on August 22, 2018, 10:00:52 pm
  The Nazis invaded Russia during WW2, so there goes your security pact theory...

Please tell us you are not that blindly ignorant and are just seeing if we are up on our history or not.

Title: Re: Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: ‘No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!’
Post by: sneakypete on August 22, 2018, 11:59:11 pm
  The Nazis invaded Russia during WW2, so there goes your security pact theory...

@Timothy Dennis

Un,huh. You might want to rethink that one,but stop if you smell something burning.