The Briefing Room

General Category => Politics/Government => Topic started by: Formerly Once-Ler on May 16, 2019, 11:17:05 pm

Title: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Formerly Once-Ler on May 16, 2019, 11:17:05 pm (
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Hoodat on May 16, 2019, 11:27:19 pm
Trump administration to release some migrants caught along southern border into South Florida

Alan Gomez, USA TODAY Published 5:11 p.m. ET May 16, 2019 | Updated 7:01 p.m. ET May 16, 2019[/size

MIAMI – The Trump administration is preparing to release hundreds of asylum-seeking migrants caught along the southern border into Florida's Broward and Palm Beach counties, with no apparent plan to house, feed or care for them, according to local officials who have been briefed on the plans.

Broward County Mayor Mark Bogen said Thursday that Customs and Border Protection officials told him they would unload about 1,000 migrant families each month, evenly split between the two counties, for an unknown period of time.

Bogen called the plan "irresponsible" and warned that it would create a "homeless encampment" in his South Florida county. (
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 16, 2019, 11:32:25 pm
Trump administration to release some migrants caught along southern border into South Florida

Alan Gomez, USA TODAY Published 5:11 p.m. ET May 16, 2019 | Updated 7:01 p.m. ET May 16, 2019[/size

MIAMI – The Trump administration is preparing to release hundreds of asylum-seeking migrants caught along the southern border into Florida's Broward and Palm Beach counties, with no apparent plan to house, feed or care for them, according to local officials who have been briefed on the plans.

Broward County Mayor Mark Bogen said Thursday that Customs and Border Protection officials told him they would unload about 1,000 migrant families each month, evenly split between the two counties, for an unknown period of time.

Bogen called the plan "irresponsible" and warned that it would create a "homeless encampment" in his South Florida county. (

Sorry for the duplicate -- I just posted.  I would say that this makes what he's spewing absolutely false. 
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 16, 2019, 11:39:25 pm
Ok ...early into the speech ... he said "needs to get this approved" ... I think we all know how that's going to turn out.  His proposal leaves much to be desired period. At the end he pretty much tells all; if we can't get the DEMS to agree, we will do this after we take back the House, Senate and Presidency!  ???? What???  Why in the heck didn't you do that when you had the House and Senate and the Presidency?  Seriously, is anybody buying this crock?   He can't honestly think that we're buying into the blame game once again??  He's simply campaigning for 2020, same ole promises that he failed to deliver on before!

I say he needs to order that existing laws be enforced period.  Hello, Homeland Security, anyone doing their darn job??

400 miles of wall will be built by the end of next year.  Is that new wall or repair of existing wall?
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Right_in_Virginia on May 17, 2019, 12:07:02 am
The White House
 Office of the Press Secretary
 May 16, 2019


Rose Garden
2:35 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Please. Thank you. Thank you very much.

We’re here on this very beautiful spring day in the Rose Garden to unveil our plan to create a fair, modern, and lawful system of immigration for the United States. And it’s about time. (Applause.)

If adopted, our plan will transform America’s immigration system into the pride of our nation and the envy of the modern world. Our proposal builds upon our nation’s rich history of immigration, while strengthening the bonds of citizenship that bind us together as a national family.

Throughout our history, we have proudly welcomed newcomers to our shores. Out of many people, from many places, we have forged one people and one nation under God, and we’re very proud of it. (Applause.) We share the same home, we share the same destiny, and we pledge allegiance to the same, great American flag. (Applause.)

Our policies have turbo-charged our economy. Now, we must implement an immigration system that will allow our citizens to prosper for generations to come.

Today, we are presenting a clear contrast: Democrats are proposing open borders, lower wages, and, frankly, lawless chaos. We are proposing an immigration plan that puts the jobs, wages, and safety of American workers first. (Applause.)

Our proposal is pro-American, pro-immigrant, and pro-worker. It’s just common sense. It will help all of our people, including millions of devoted immigrants, to achieve the American Dream.

We are grateful to be joined this afternoon by a tremendous number of people from the House, the Senate, and my Cabinet. And I love you all, but I won’t introduce you all because I’ll be here all day long. (Laughter.) But you’re all here.

Our plan achieves two critical goals. First, it stops illegal immigration and fully secures the border. And, second, it establishes a new legal immigration system that protects American wages, promotes American values, and attracts the best and brightest from all around the world.

The proposal begins with the most complete and effective border security package ever assembled by our country — or any other country, for that matter. (Applause.) It’s so important.

This plan was not developed, I’m sorry to say, by politicians. We have a lot of politicians. But you respect the people and you know the people that have developed this plan. It was designed with significant input from our great law enforcement professionals to detail what they need to make our border — which is 100 percent operationally secure. One hundred percent.

Everyone agrees that the physical infrastructure on the border and the ports of entry is gravely underfunded and woefully inadequate. We scan only a small fraction of the vehicles, goods, and all of the other things coming across, including people. And, sadly, the drugs pour across our border. We’re going to stop it.

Investment in technology will ensure we can scan 100 percent of everything coming through, curbing the flow of drugs and contraband, while speeding up legal trade and commerce. It’s the most heavily traded — monetarily — border anywhere in the world, and it’s not even close.

To make certain that we are constantly making the upgrades we need, our proposal creates a permanent and self-sustaining border security trust fund. This will be financed by the fees and revenues generated at the border crossings itself.

Importantly, we’re already building the wall, and we should have close to 400 miles built by the end of next year, and probably even more than that. It’s going up very rapidly. (Applause.)

And I want to thank the Army Corps of Engineers. They’re doing a fantastic job on the wall. And that’s a wall that is desperately needed.

As we close the gaps in our physical framework, we must also close the gaps in our legal framework. Critical to ending the border crisis is removing all incentives for smuggling women and children. Current law — (applause). That’s right. That’s right. Women and children. People have no idea how bad it is unless you’re there, and unless you are a member of law enforcement. They see it every day, and they can’t believe what they see.

Current law and federal court rulings encourage criminal organizations to smuggle children across the border. The tragic result is that 65 percent of all border-crossers this year were either minors or adults traveling with minors. Our plan will change the law to stop the flood of child smuggling and to humanely reunite unaccompanied children with their families back home — and rapidly. As soon as possible. (Applause.)

We must also restore the integrity of our broken asylum system. Our nation has a proud history of affording protection to those fleeing government persecutions. Unfortunately, legitimate asylum seekers are being displaced by those lodging frivolous claims — these are frivolous claims — to gain admission into our country.

Asylum abuse also strains our public school systems, our hospitals, and local shelters, using funds that we should, and that have to, go to elderly veterans, at-risk youth, Americans in poverty, and those in genuine need of protection. We’re using the funds that should be going to them. And that shouldn’t happen. And it’s not going to happen in a very short period of time. Have to get this approved.

My plan expedites relief for legitimate asylum seekers by screening out the meritless claims. If you have a proper claim, you will quickly be admitted; if you don’t, you will promptly be returned home.

Crucially — (applause) — our plan closes loopholes in federal law to make clear that gang members and criminals are inadmissible. These are some of the worst people anywhere in the world — MS-13 and others. Inadmissible. Not coming in. We’re taking them out all the time by the thousands, a year, but they come in. They are no longer admissible. And for criminals already here, we will ensure their swift deportation. (Applause.)

We will keep our communities safe. Americans can have complete and total confidence that under this plan, the borders will finally be fully and totally secured. (Applause.)

And I know a number of our Republican friends and others — Lindsey, I see you sitting right there, and Steve, you’re working on a plan — an immediate plan. A smaller plan, but a very immediate plan to stop it as of this afternoon. So, as fast as you can get something done. This is the big, beautiful, bold plan, but we need something very quickly. And if you can get it done, that would be fantastic. Okay? Thank you. (Applause.) Appreciate you working on it.

A topic of less discussion in national media, but of vital importance to our country, is our legal immigration system itself. Our plan includes a sweeping modernization of our dysfunctional legal immigration process. It is totally dysfunctional. The system will finally be fair, transparent, and promote equality and opportunity for all.

Every year, we admit 1.1 million immigrants as permanent legal residents. These green card holders get lifetime authorization to live and work here and a five-year path to American citizenship. This is the most prized citizenship anywhere in the world, by far.

Currently, 66 percent of legal immigrants come here on the basis of random chance. They’re admitted solely because they have a relative in the United States. And it doesn’t really matter who that relative is. Another 21 percent of immigrants are issued either by random lottery, or because they are fortunate enough to be selected for humanitarian relief.

Random selection is contrary to American values and blocks out many qualified potential immigrants from around the world who have much to contribute. While countless — and you wouldn’t believe how many countries, like Canada, create a clear path for top talent. America does not.

Under the senseless rules of the current system, we’re not able to give preference to a doctor, a researcher, a student who graduated number one in his class from the finest colleges in the world — anybody. We’re not able to take care of it. We’re not able to make those incredible breakthroughs. If somebody graduates top of their class from the best college, sorry, go back to your country. We want to keep them here.

Companies are moving offices to other countries because our immigration rules prevent them from retaining highly skilled and even, if I might, totally brilliant people. We discriminate against genius. We discriminate against brilliance. We won’t anymore, once we get this passed. And we hope to get it passed as soon as possible. (Applause.)

Some of the most skilled students at our world-class universities are going back home because they have no relatives to sponsor them here in the United States. And that’s the only way. We want these exceptional students and workers to stay, and flourish, and thrive in America. (Applause.) Thank you.

As a result of our broken rules, the annual green card flow is mostly low-wage and low-skilled. Newcomers compete for jobs against the most vulnerable Americans and put pressure on our social safety net and generous welfare programs.

Only 12 percent of legal immigrants are selected based on skill or based on merit. In countries like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand — and others — that number is closer to 60 and even 70 and 75 percent, in some cases.

The biggest change we make is to increase the proportion of highly skilled immigration from 12 percent to 57 percent, and we’d like to even see if we can go higher. (Applause.) This will bring us in line with other countries and make us globally competitive.

At the same time, we prioritize the immediate family of new Americans — spouses and children. The loved ones you choose to build a life with, we prioritize. And we have to do that. They go right to the front of the line. Right to the front of the line, where they should be. (Applause.)

America’s last major overhaul of our legal admissions policy was 54 years ago. Think of that. So a major update — and that’s what this is: merit system and a heart system — is long overdue.

The millions of legal immigrants who have come to America over the past half century are now cherished members of our national family. Going forward — (applause) — it is their interest, and in their interest, and their children’s interest, to adopt a green card system that promotes a rising standard of living for all of our citizens.

Three in four new jobs at the end of last year went to Americans previously out of the workforce. Our economy is better probably than it ever has been in the history of our country. (Applause.) And because of that great economy, we’re able to do things that nobody ever thought possible before, and that’s what we’re going to do for immigration, finally.

Wages are rising but our current immigration system works at cross-purposes, placing downward pressure on wages for the working class, which is what we don’t want to do.

Last year, we also passed historic criminal justice reform. (Applause.) And we had tremendous backing — bipartisan — from Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, liberals. I guess we could also use the word “progressives.” A new word that’s come about.

Americans with criminal records are getting a second chance at life in higher numbers than ever before. Unfortunately, the current immigration rules allow foreign workers to substitute for Americans seeking entry-level jobs. So, foreign workers are coming in and they’re taking the jobs that would normally go to American workers.

America’s immigration system should bring in people who will expand opportunity for striving, low-income Americans, not to compete with those low-income Americans. (Applause.)

Our proposal fulfills our sacred duty to those living here today, while ensuring America remains a welcoming country to immigrants joining us tomorrow. And we want immigrants coming in. We cherish the open door that we want to create for our country, but a big proportion of those immigrants must come in through merit and skill. (Applause.)

The White House plan makes no change to the number of green cards allocated each year. But instead of admitting people through random chance, we will establish simple, universal criteria for admission to the United States. No matter where in the world you’re born, no matter who your relatives are, if you want to become an American citizen, it will be clear exactly what standard we ask you to achieve. It will be made crystal clear. (Applause.)

This will increase the diversity of immigration flows into our country. We will replace the existing green card categories with a new visa, the Build America visa — which is what we all want to hear. (Applause.)

Like Canada and so many other modern countries, we create an easy-to-navigate points-based selection system. You will get more points for being a younger worker, meaning you will contribute more to our social safety net. You will get more points for having a valuable skill, an offer of employment, an advanced education, or a plan to create jobs.

We lose people that want to start companies, and, in many cases, they’re forced to leave our country; go back, usually, to the country where they came from; and they’ll start up companies, and some of those companies are among the biggest and most successful companies today in the world. They could’ve started them right here in the United States, where they wanted to do it in the first place. Now they’ll have a chance. (Applause.)

Priority will also be given to higher-wage workers, ensuring we never undercut American labor. To protect benefits for American citizens, immigrants must be financially self-sufficient.

Finally, to promote integration, assimilation, and national unity, future immigrants will be required to learn English and to pass a civics exam prior to admission. (Applause.)

Through these steps, we will deliver an immigration system that respects, and even strengthens, our culture, our traditions, and our values.

Four months ago, I had the honor of participating in a swearing-in ceremony for new Americans, right here in the Oval Office. It was a beautiful reminder that American citizenship is the most precious gift our nation has to offer. When we swear in new citizens, we do more than give them a permit; we give them a history, a heritage, a home, and a future of limitless possibilities and potential.

Our nation used to pride ourselves on this capacity: our unique ability to instill the spirit of America into any human heart, into any human being. Many of the Democrats have claimed to be for these concepts at different times in their careers and, in many cases, in very recent history. And I hope that they will end up joining me and all of the people gathered together today in putting politics aside, putting security and wages first, and pursuing these historic reforms. It’s time. (Applause.)

And if for some reason — possibly political — we can’t get the Democrats to approve this merit-based, high-security plan, then we will get it approved immediately after the election, when we take back the House, keep the Senate, and, of course, hold the presidency. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.

But wouldn’t it be nice to do it sooner than that? (Laughter.) But it’s not a very long time, is it? Sixteen months.

One of the reasons we will win is because of our strong, fair, and pro-America immigration policy. It’s time to restore our national unity and reaffirm our national purpose. It is time to rebuild our country for all Americans.

Together, we will create an immigration system to make America safer, and stronger, and greater than ever before.

Thank you. God bless you all. Thank you very much. (Applause.) Thank you.

END 2:59 P.M. EDT

Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Right_in_Virginia on May 17, 2019, 12:17:44 am
America’s immigration system should bring in people who will expand opportunity for striving, low-income Americans, not to compete with those low-income Americans. (Applause.)

Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Right_in_Virginia on May 17, 2019, 12:18:58 am
This will increase the diversity of immigration flows into our country. We will replace the existing green card categories with a new visa, the Build America visa — which is what we all want to hear. (Applause.)

Like Canada and so many other modern countries, we create an easy-to-navigate points-based selection system. You will get more points for being a younger worker, meaning you will contribute more to our social safety net. You will get more points for having a valuable skill, an offer of employment, an advanced education, or a plan to create jobs.

Priority will also be given to higher-wage workers, ensuring we never undercut American labor. To protect benefits for American citizens, immigrants must be financially self-sufficient.

Finally, to promote integration, assimilation, and national unity, future immigrants will be required to learn English and to pass a civics exam prior to admission. (Applause.)

Through these steps, we will deliver an immigration system that respects, and even strengthens, our culture, our traditions, and our values.
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 17, 2019, 12:19:43 am
In a nutshell...same ole same ole.  Still would like to know why he didn't do what he's proposing when he had the House, Senate, and the presidency??  Why didn't he make the push for a wall and border security when he had his full majority??  Sorry, not buying what he's selling.  He sure knows how to win over a crowd that's for sure.

"....And if for some reason — possibly political — we can’t get the Democrats to approve this merit-based, high-security plan, then we will get it approved immediately after the election, when we take back the House, keep the Senate, and, of course, hold the presidency. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much...."
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: corbe on May 17, 2019, 12:44:37 am
In a nutshell...same ole same ole.  Still would like to know why he didn't do what he's proposing when he had the House, Senate, and the presidency??  Why didn't he make the push for a wall and border security when he had his full majority??  Sorry, not buying what he's selling.  He sure knows how to win over a crowd that's for sure.

"....And if for some reason — possibly political — we can’t get the Democrats to approve this merit-based, high-security plan, then we will get it approved immediately after the election, when we take back the House, keep the Senate, and, of course, hold the presidency. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much...."

   Unfortunately his Immigration Czar had failed to get his security clearance, even after many rewrites at that time and was preoccupied with the Mideast.


Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 17, 2019, 12:54:55 am

   Unfortunately his Immigration Czar had failed to get his security clearance, even after many rewrites at that time and was preoccupied with the Mideast.


That creepy look is enough to give one nightmares.
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Chosen Daughter on May 17, 2019, 01:04:55 am

All this is about Kushner selling his increase in HB Visa's.  Cruz had that pegged with his campaign add.  BTW he did alot of talking about immigrants needing to be self sufficient.  How does this plan stop the gravy? (
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Chosen Daughter on May 17, 2019, 01:21:30 am
Immigration reporting tends to rely heavily on stories — stories about illegal immigrant families looking to be reunited, about TPS recipients facing potential deportation, or about legal immigrants working their way toward citizenship. One type of story that receives far less attention from the media, despite its prevalence, is from victims of foreign guest labor — American mothers, fathers, and breadwinners who lost their livelihoods to cheaper foreign replacements and outsourcing.

Big corporations and their lobbyists will often claim that there is a "shortage" of American STEM workers that necessitates an ever-growing number of "high-skill" visas, such as H-1B, L-1, and H4 EAD. This is absolutely false.

In fact, only about a third of natives with college degrees in STEM fields actually hold STEM jobs, meaning there are millions of Americans who could be recruited prior to turning to foreigners.1 Foreign-educated immigrants are also less-skilled than U.S. degree holders when it comes to tests on numeracy, literacy, and computer operations.2 Foreign-educated immigrants with a college or advanced degree perform at about the level of Americans with only a high school diploma, according to test scores.

Congress has established that, each year, 65,000 H-1B visas will be made available for workers with bachelor's degrees, plus 20,000 more for those with master's degrees or higher. Certain groups, such as universities and research organizations, are exempt from these caps. In addition to H-1B, there are also L-1 visas for foreigners with managerial or specialized knowledge (no cap), H4 EAD work authorizations for H-1B spouses (no cap), and the Optional Practical Training program, which subsidizes employers who hire F-1 foreign students who graduate from college in America instead of hiring Americans. There are over one million international students in the United States.
Key takeaways:

There is no shortage of qualified American STEM workers — most Americans with STEM degrees work in other industries, and American graduates outperform foreign-educated immigrants when tested on a range of skills.

The H-1B program has transformed over time from a means to supplement the American tech workforce to a means of cheaply replacing it.

Americans who are replaced by H-1B guestworkers are often forced to train their replacements or risk losing their severance.

Foreign STEM workers often come from sham universities abroad — particularly in India — and have far fewer specialized skills than they claim.

President Trump and members of Congress ought to meet with laid off American STEM workers in order to hear their stories.

I can see what Trump is trying to sell.  This for that.  Sure the college graduate immigrants shouldn't need welfare.  At least you would think not.  But are we really willing to sell our children out to foreign labor?  What is always missing is the part about the great Americans that want to start businesses.  What about great Americans who are talented?

Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 17, 2019, 02:51:35 am
What he addressed is LEGAL immigration and did very little to address the major crisis at the border of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION -- What about border security??  What about the completion of the wall?  400 miles isn't complete and it can't be completed because he is allowing states to opt out.

What about the ILLEGALS he just dumped into South FL??  What about the ILLEGALS still at the border and still coming across in caravans??  What about those that aren't being health screened? 

I cannot believe that round of applause he received.  Hello???  Anyone remember his campaign promises? NO CATCH & RELEASE!!  NO AMNESTY!!!!
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: EdJames on May 17, 2019, 02:54:41 am
What he addressed is LEGAL immigration and did very little to address the major crisis at the border of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION -- What about border security??  What about the completion of the wall?  400 miles isn't complete and it can't be completed because he is allowing states to opt out.

What about the ILLEGALS he just dumped into South FL??  What about the ILLEGALS still at the border and still coming across in caravans??  What about those that aren't being health screened? 

I cannot believe that round of applause he received.  Hello???  Anyone remember his campaign promises? NO CATCH & RELEASE!!  NO AMNESTY!!!!

A 2020 campaign proposal and speech was given today.
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: corbe on May 17, 2019, 02:58:07 am
   At least he didn't mention Mehico will pay for this $hit.
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 17, 2019, 03:13:10 am
A 2020 campaign proposal and speech was given today.

Exactly, indeed he did!  More hollow promises ... guarantee it!
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Chosen Daughter on May 17, 2019, 03:51:10 am
Exactly, indeed he did!  More hollow promises ... guarantee it!

Yep.  I require details.  Not campaign speech.  This really isn't about the illegal immigration.  It is about Kushner wanting to pass the legislation so that he can increase HB visa's.
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Right_in_Virginia on May 17, 2019, 12:27:08 pm
Knee jerks are overtaking us and driving out rational discussion.   **nononono*
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 17, 2019, 12:44:43 pm
Knee jerks are overtaking us and driving out rational discussion.   **nononono*

No actually, there are those of us who listened and heard what he said and some listened and heard what they wanted him to say.
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Jazzhead on May 17, 2019, 12:53:55 pm
Trump administration to release some migrants caught along southern border into South Florida

Alan Gomez, USA TODAY Published 5:11 p.m. ET May 16, 2019 | Updated 7:01 p.m. ET May 16, 2019[/size

MIAMI – The Trump administration is preparing to release hundreds of asylum-seeking migrants caught along the southern border into Florida's Broward and Palm Beach counties, with no apparent plan to house, feed or care for them, according to local officials who have been briefed on the plans.

Broward County Mayor Mark Bogen said Thursday that Customs and Border Protection officials told him they would unload about 1,000 migrant families each month, evenly split between the two counties, for an unknown period of time.

Bogen called the plan "irresponsible" and warned that it would create a "homeless encampment" in his South Florida county. (

I like the idea of dumping these migrants into communities represented by Democrats in Congress.   Maybe it could persuade Pelosi to adopt an attitude toward serious proposals to reform the asylum laws other than to declare them "dead on arrival".   
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 17, 2019, 01:01:04 pm

I like the idea of dumping these migrants into communities represented by Democrats in Congress.   Maybe it could persuade Pelosi to adopt an attitude toward serious proposals to reform the asylum laws other than to declare them "dead on arrival".

I actually like the idea of "dumping" these ILLEGALS back over the border!  Now they are in this country and in this case they ARE in communities represented by DEMS; these are the same communities that the DeSantis and Scott had to challenge the DEMS because of blatant fraud during the vote counting process.

Yep ... well done @ Jazzhead.   :chairbang:
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Right_in_Virginia on May 17, 2019, 01:10:49 pm
No actually, there are those of us who listened and heard what he said and some listened and heard what they wanted him to say.

What you keep missing is "we cannot do this without democrats".  I understand you have to do this to keep the fire burning under your one issue, but it just makes your posts silly repetitions of irrelevance.

Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Victoria33 on May 17, 2019, 01:35:17 pm

"Broward and Palm Beach counties, with no apparent plan to house, feed or care for them, according to local officials who have been briefed on the plans."
I read the article. Five hundred will go to Broward and 500 to Palm Beach county every month with no ending date of this. Article said these are families who crossed the border in El Paso, Texas.

The Florida counties had no say in this - they got the notice these people were coming - it was already a done deal.  So how will these families get there?  One thousand put on planes to Florida?  They get off the plane and what is next?  Is the government giving them money before putting them on the plane?  I think that is likely so they have money to pay for a hotel room but how long with that last?  People are going to live under bridges to keep the rain off them.

This is a disaster for Florida.
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 17, 2019, 02:03:39 pm

"Broward and Palm Beach counties, with no apparent plan to house, feed or care for them, according to local officials who have been briefed on the plans."
I read the article. Five hundred will go to Broward and 500 to Palm Beach county every month with no ending date of this. Article said these are families who crossed the border in El Paso, Texas.

The Florida counties had no say in this - they got the notice these people were coming - it was already a done deal.  So how will these families get there?  One thousand put on planes to Florida?  They get off the plane and what is next?  Is the government giving them money before putting them on the plane?  I think that is likely so they have money to pay for a hotel room but how long with that last?  People are going to live under bridges to keep the rain off them.

This is a disaster for Florida.

Indeed it is.  Not just from an economic standpoint, but also a threat to legal citizens.  Miami-Dade is already a hell hole with it's prison being one of the most dangerous in the country.  Releasing ILLEGALS into our society with no end date negates any of the 'plan' that Trump just tried to sell.

What I find interesting is that Trump will need to carry FL if he truly expect or wants to win in 2020.  Not going to happen in light of what is going on.
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 17, 2019, 02:06:07 pm
What you keep missing is "we cannot do this without democrats".  I understand you have to do this to keep the fire burning under your one issue, but it just makes your posts silly repetitions of irrelevance.

He HAD a full majority, so stop with the excuses for him!  What you keep missing is that IS the issue that he campaigned on and he has FAILED.  The crisis is getting worse under his administration, not better.  Not even close.

BTW, if you think my posts are silly, repetitive and of irrelevance, then, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't read them!!!
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Chosen Daughter on May 17, 2019, 02:21:34 pm
I actually like the idea of "dumping" these ILLEGALS back over the border!  Now they are in this country and in this case they ARE in communities represented by DEMS; these are the same communities that the DeSantis and Scott had to challenge the DEMS because of blatant fraud during the vote counting process.

Yep ... well done @ Jazzhead.   :chairbang:

Me too.  I keep seeing liberal news stories about children dying or children sleeping on the floor in detention centers.  They would not be if it weren't for parents putting their children at risk to come and get a job.  I can't remember if the latest one was 2 or 4 but the child had pneumonia.  We sent the child to a children hospital where the child stayed for a month and then dies.  That has to be a hefty hospital bill on the taxpayer.  And the liberals just use it to somehow blame us?  We don't trudge children thousands of miles.  Have them stay in squalor cramped camps with a couple porta potties for thousands of people.  Having your children sleeping next to total strangers. 

They are bringing diseases and they blame us that they are sick.  Makes no sense.  Send them  home as soon as they are caught.
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: libertybele on May 17, 2019, 11:02:53 pm
Apparently Florida isn't the only place that they are going to be dumping ILLEGALS.  As of now, the article reports that they ILLEGALS are being flown into Border Patrol all across the country. 

His speech was nothing but b.s. and anyone truly paying attention that he was addressing legal immigration; meanwhile his answer to ILLEGAL immigration is to keep dumping them into cities around the country!

Trump administration prepares to release Central American migrants 'across the entire nation'

..."With more than 4,500 people being caught each day crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, the agency has run out of room at its Border Patrol facilities in the four border states. The agency has started looking at its facilities around the country, which are mostly along the northern border with Canada and coastal states.

That means states from Oregon to North Dakota to Maine may begin receiving planeloads of migrant families in the weeks to come. On Tuesday, Customs and Border Protection sent its first plane full of migrants from Texas to San Diego
. .........." (
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Formerly Once-Ler on May 18, 2019, 02:44:25 am (

President Zim
Title: Re: BREAKING: President Trump MAJOR Immigration Policy Proposal
Post by: Chosen Daughter on May 18, 2019, 03:39:32 am
If you say it does it make it so?  No real plan.  Just a roll out of Kushner's shameful pandering Corporate America.  Increasing H!B so that corporations can hire cheaper labor.  It isn't any real solution to illegal immigration.  Its the same.  They will keep coming until there is no more freebies.  Like Freattle.  A draw of cheap labor at the cost of Seattle which is dying from freebies and homelessness.