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Vulcan is dead-on right above.

The only good communist is...
The only good muslim is...

Sorry if you don't like this post.
General Discussion / Re: Fan Mail Friday (5-5-24)
« Last post by libertybele on Today at 10:49:59 pm »
1. Do you have a doppelganger? (Has anyone ever told you that you look like someone who's "famous" or "infamous"? Do you agree/disagree?)

I was told a couple of times  that I looked like Sandra Locke (Clint Eastwood movies).  Not so sure I agree; but I guess I could look worse.

2. What's something you're kind of snobby about?

Snobby?  I don't see myself as snobby; though I've been told I can come across that way a couple of times.  Just stay the heck off my lawn!  happy77

3. At what age did you consider yourself an adult?

Oh boy ... do you mean people actually have to grow up?  I supported myself for the most part since I was thirteen ... but I got married, had children and well, the grandkids brought out the child in me again; water slides, go carts, pinball machines, state fairs, county fairs, playing board games, swinging on the swings, inflatable slides, legos, movie nights, tag, blowing bubbles, ice cream and more ice cream....
‌Himdad Mehristani
As a Middle Easterner, I offer two pieces of advice to Westerners:
1. If you don't kick jihadists out of your country today, jihadists will kick you out of your country tomorrow.
2. Remember my first advice.
1:31 PM · May 5, 2024

Basin & Range Watch
4,200 Joshua trees are scheduled to be removed are replaced by solar panels for the Aratina Solar Project near Boron, CA in June of this year.  They will not be salvaged but funds based on the size of the tree will be placed in a mitigation bank.
1:43 PM · May 4, 2024

Mike LaChance
We have to destroy the environment in order to save it.
6:24 PM · May 5, 2024

California bill could make it easier for large developers to ax iconic trees
By Alec Regimbal
May 3, 2024
SF Gate
A bill working its way through the California legislature would make it less burdensome for commercial and industrial developers to cut down Joshua trees, one of the state’s most iconic plants.

Existing law requires developers to pay a fee for each Joshua tree they remove unless they take certain steps to alleviate damage done to the environment. Enacted in 2023, the Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act also allows local governments to levy smaller fees for minor development projects.

But an assemblymember representing a broad swath of the Mojave Desert, where the trees grow, wants to make it easier to cut them down. Assembly Bill 2443, if passed, would let cities and counties offer the same benefits to developers looking to build larger “industrial projects and commercial projects.” ...

A legislative analysis of the bill said opponents believe the bill’s passage could result in the destruction of “hundreds” of trees in a single project. They also say, according to the analysis, that allowing large developers to pay smaller fees could decrease the money the state collects for conservation by “50% or more,” and that the Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act is so new that any changes would blunt its impact. ...

The narrator makes it all about integration failures because they are poor.

Many Muslims don't want to integrate. They want their host country's culture to defer to them.
General Discussion / Re: Fan Mail Friday (5-5-24)
« Last post by berdie on Today at 10:38:02 pm »
It's interesting how different our approaches are regarding when we consider ourselves adults. Some make the assessment based on when they took on adult responsibility. Others when they reassessed life after a tragedy. I was thinking along the lines of when you stop being interested in doing fun or silly things like you did as a kid. Like climbing trees. Or playing games. Or having a pillow fight.

I had to grow up earlier than I wanted to because I had to take care of my dying husband in our early 20s. Many years before hospice became a thing. He finally succumbed to cancer at 23. I've taken care of 3 dying family members over the years. As y'all know, it's physically and emotionally grueling, so I always dreamed of fun ways to counterbalance that responsibility. If I had a decent climbing tree, I'd go out and climb it right now. But not before I queued up 911 on my cell. The old gray mare....

As far as I know I don't have a doppelganger. One of me is quite enough. :rolling: Although someone told me that I favored Kathy Mattea in my youth.

I can't think of anything I'm snobby about. Heck, I drink boxed, cheap wine over ice!

Given your description of grown up...probably in my teens. But truthfully, sometimes I don't feel grown up...even today.

I'm sorry about all you have gone thru. It's so very hard to take care of a loved one. It will grow you up really fast.
Immigration/Border / Re: The Truth About Operation Wetback
« Last post by corbe on Today at 10:36:09 pm »
   LBJ took care of that problem.

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