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Elections 2024 / Re: Trump verdict supercharges Republicans
« Last post by bigheadfred on Today at 02:32:37 pm »
This episode has the potential to galvanize GOP supporters and perhaps convert a few from the other side. We’ll see if there is any sustaining power. I suspect the internecine conflicts on the right will destroy much of the potential.

I think a lot of that will now depend on the sentencing.
Elections 2024 / Re: Trump verdict supercharges Republicans
« Last post by LMAO on Today at 02:27:54 pm »
I don't see it that way. But, the Trump camp could hammer the point that Hur decided not to prefer charges against Biden for lack of a crime, but that he was too mentally incompetent to stand trial.

Which it’s completely logical to ask, if Biden is too mentally incompetent to stand trial, why then does he get to remain president? If he broke the law, then he can’t be president regardless of his mental state.

Elections 2024 / Re: Trump verdict supercharges Republicans
« Last post by Lando Lincoln on Today at 02:26:05 pm »
There is always the straw that broke the camel's back. This may be it.

This episode has the potential to galvanize GOP supporters and perhaps convert a few from the other side. We’ll see if there is any sustaining power. I suspect the internecine conflicts on the right will destroy much of the potential.
Elections 2024 / Re: Trump verdict supercharges Republicans
« Last post by Hoodat on Today at 02:26:04 pm »
When the election season gets going, and more people start paying more attention, how eager will swing voters be to empower a party whose only purpose is to rally around one man?

This same scenario played out in 2022 when,  BTW, average gas prices were higher and inflation numbers were higher. Mar A Lago raid was supposed to cement and even grow an already predicted “Red Wave” according to the pundits and blogosphere

If MAGA couldn’t beat Biden then, why is this time different?  Tell voters Biden sucks and has dementia? That’s been known for at least the last two years

Apparently, the only alternative being offered to a Democrat running up $8 trillion in new debt is for a Republican to run up $8 trillion in new debt.
Tell us how you really feel, Derek.  Nuremburg Trials 2.0.
Elections 2024 / Re: Trump verdict supercharges Republicans
« Last post by bigheadfred on Today at 02:23:31 pm »
IF, and it’s a big if, there’s any straw that would break a camel’s back is Joe’s rapidly declining abilities and the idea that Harris would replace him

I don't see it that way. But, the Trump camp could hammer the point that Hur decided not to prefer charges against Biden for lack of a crime, but that he was too mentally incompetent to stand trial.
The Latest DOJ Reason for Refusing to Turn Over Biden-Hur Audio Tapes Is Beyond Absurd
Matt Vespa

The audio recordings of the interview Special Counsel Robert Hur conducted with Joe Biden stemming from his investigation into whether the president mishandled classified documents remain under lock and key. Biden invoked executive privilege, abusing that power like his former boss, Barack Obama, when he was pressed over documents relating to the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal involving the ATF. The reasoning behind the refusal was already troubling, with Attorney General Merrick Garland essentially saying that the Justice Department could ignore subpoenas they find disagreeable. Now, they’re saying artificial intelligence could alter the audio recordings (via Politico):

    [The Justice Department is seizing on an increasingly common fear as it fights to prevent the release of the audio of President Joe Biden’s interview with former special counsel Robert Hur: It could spawn deepfakes.

    The concern — raised as part of an overnight court filing late Friday — is the latest step in a multi-pronged legal battle aimed at forcing the Justice Department to release the audio, which Biden claimed executive privilege over last month.

    “The passage of time and advancements in audio, artificial intelligence, and ‘deep fake’ technologies only amplify concerns about malicious manipulation of audio files. If the audio recording is released here, it is easy to foresee that it could be improperly altered, and that the altered file could be passed off as an authentic recording and widely distributed,” the department wrote in a 49-page filing.

    Beyond creating AI-generated deepfakes, Bradley Weinsheimer, an associate deputy attorney general at DOJ, argued in an affidavit included in the filing on Friday night that releasing the audio would create a “substantial risk that malicious actors could alter the recording to (for example) insert words that President Biden did not say or delete words that he did say.”]

AI? Are they being serious?

Climate Change / Electric Vehicle Calculations Don’t Add Up
« Last post by Hoodat on Today at 02:21:27 pm »
Electric Vehicle Calculations Don’t Add Up

Antonio Graceffo  |  Jun. 1, 2024  |  11:20 am

According to the Federal Highway Administration, there are over 280 million registered vehicles in the United States, including cars, trucks, and motorcycles. President Biden’s plan aims to replace 67% of these vehicles with electric ones by 2032. While China, which produces 80% of the batteries, would benefit, American consumers and the environment would suffer as a result.

First, purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) is expensive. On average, the purchase price of an EV is currently $26,000 more than a gasoline-powered car. Next, using an EV as a primary vehicle or for long family trips is extremely problematic. They have a short range of only 291 miles on average, compared to 400 miles for gasoline-powered cars. Additionally, they have long charging times and reduced performance at temperatures below 40°F or above 90°F. On extremely cold days, the range of the battery can decrease by as much as 50%. Consequently, EVs may not be suitable for use in most northern states or out west, where temperatures range from very high to very low.

According to the Department of Transportation, depending on the type of EV you buy, recharging to 80% capacity can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 10 hours. The reason why 80% capacity is often cited in literature is that the top 20% and bottom 20% of the EV battery are either unusable or not recommended for use. This fact significantly affects the actual range of an EV compared to the range cited by environmentalists.

They claim that this switch is being done to save the environment, but with charging times of up to 10 hours, every American home would need at least one charger. Since most homes have more than one car, multiple chargers would be necessary. If public recharging stations on highways had fast chargers that only require 20 minutes to fill a battery to 80%, far more of these chargers would be needed than the gas pumps that exist today.  .  .

Also posted here:
Democrats Deserve Everything Bad That Comes Their Way…And More
Derek Hunter
5–6 minutes

I haven’t liked them for a while now, but after this garbage involving former President Donald Trump and their hypocrisy about the “respecting the justice system” while the President brags about defying the Supreme Court on student loans and they all try to smear conservative Justices at every turn has me now thinking I wouldn’t give them the Heimlich Maneuver if they were choking, or even pee on them if they were on fire. Democrats truly are disgusting.

I’d add a joke about meaning that in the nicest possible way, but I don’t. I wish them ill. I wish them what they deserve. I wish Joe Biden everything that smug smirk of his deserves as he half-dead shuffled his way out of the room after reading his staff-prepared statement on this on Friday. At this point, the only time he moves like someone who doesn’t have one foot and 4 toes in the grave is when he’s dancing on the grave of his son Beau to deflect responsibility from one of his other disgraces.

While he’s responsible for it, Joe is not alone. He’s suffering from dementia, about which there is no doubt, but it’s difficult to say just how deeply he has sunk into that abyss because he’s also very stupid, and always has been.

Whether it is senility or stupidity, history needs to be harsh on this sack of excrement. Sure, Hell is awaiting this false Catholic for eternity, but the eternity of human history needs to reflect him accurately as well. He’s the new Jimmy Carter who should face criminal probes from every Republican Attorney General or District Attorney in the country. His family has more LLCs that most small towns, find some pass-thru or connection to justify jurisdiction and go to town.
RFK Jr will win?

In what perpendicular, Laws-of-Physics-violating, universe?

RFK Jr. is the only candidate who called out COVID, knowledgeably, at the time.

What does that even mean? Covid was revealed to the world outside of China on or about December 30, 2019. The Trump Administration was reacting in serious ways within a week, and on January 31, 2020 Trump announced a shut down travel from China.

Here's a whole thread detailing many Trump Administration actions in January 2020,,412484.0.html . Did RFK Jr. say anything about Covid in that timeframe?
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