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Editorial/Opinion/Blogs / Re: Vote for the convicted felon
« Last post by 240B on Today at 10:28:32 pm »
Trump is convicted felon! Convicted of what? Trump is a convicted felon without a defined crime.
Jury: We find Trump guilty! OK, guilty of what? NOTHING! Trump is simply GUILTY ... guilty of being GUILTY.

Like Judge Merchan told us, just because there is no crime does not mean Trump should be acquitted. Regardless of the trial and no evidence of any crime, even so, we were told that Trump must have done something, somewhere, somehow. That is what he is guilty of.
I don't believe it was Dr. McCullough who made the "mark of the beast" comment. Look again.
"To Democrats, it isn’t how you play but whether you win or lose"

And that's why... they're going to win.

If you want the right side to win, then you had better be willing to change your tactics -- to [pretty much] those of the left.

No, it won't be "Queensbury Rules" any more.
But otherwise...
"The sad thing is that we don't even know who our torturers are."

Yes we do.
that guy barry
the woman for whom he built an apartment at his house in DC
the old weatherman he's friends with (the one who ghost-wrote his book)
the guy running DHS who claims he knows nothing
some gal who's name sounds like chinese food
perhaps that former CIA director who's a muzzie commie
(among others)
Certainly not with Joe pumped with performance "enhancing" drugs and both Joe's earpiece and podium/watch wired with the answers to the questions and for live updates.



Dr. Peter A. McCullough is a cardiologist, not any specialty related to vaccines or epidemiology. He's speculating - probably wolf-crying - well outside of his particular expertise.

Vaccines are the "mark of the beast"?  *****rollingeyes*****  *****rollingeyes*****  *****rollingeyes*****  *****rollingeyes*****  *****rollingeyes***** I remember a friend claiming RFID tags were the Mark of the Beast (ca. 2000-2002).
Yeah, theology might be his short suit.
Think you're gettin' a fair hearing ... lookin' at those gals above...?

Blue states,
Red states.

Pick one side, because you're gonna lose on the other one.
Editorial/Opinion/Blogs / Re: Vote for the convicted felon
« Last post by Fishrrman on Today at 10:10:57 pm »
Noel Williams:
"Would you vote for a convicted felon like Trump?"

Sure will.

Do you have any other questions, Mr. Williams?
"the “new” initiative with black voters is simply using the same old overused race card"

Of course.
They use it because... IT WORKS.

And it will keep on "working", well... forever.
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