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Doesn't matter what I get or don't get ... a jury of his peers has convicted him.

... the whining, doxxing, death threats, and appeals shall commence.

Equating "whining, doxxing, and death threats" to "appeals" is pretty pathetic.   A crappy judge who twists the law can get convictions.  That doesn't mean those verdicts deserve respect.
But he did do what he is accused of doing.
OK, so what is it? What did he do? Nobody knows?
I find this extremely offensive. You people (Biden, etc.) don't have any really big problems to worry about?

Senator John Thune
I’ve been on a flight, but just landed and saw the news. This case was politically motivated from the beginning, and today's verdict does nothing to absolve the partisan nature of this prosecution. Regardless of outcome, more and more Americans are realizing that we cannot survive four more years of Joe Biden. With President Trump in the White House and a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate, we can finally end the disastrous Biden-Schumer agenda that's crushing American families and businesses.
But he did do what he is accused of doing.

The only question now, is the punishment.

YOU are FOS!
🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸
Where are the statements from the top 2 Senate Republicans?


World News / Re: Ukraine 4
« Last post by Hoodat on Today at 11:03:29 pm »
Hugh Hewitt
Just heard @JonathanTurley
 say the jury did not even specify what the “second crime” was on their verdict. Wow. What a complete travesty.
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