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Tampering with evidence??  Isn't that punishable under law?

It is -- unless you are a well-connected Democrat.  Well-connected Democrats have privilege in its original sense, a private law that applies only to them, rather than the law that applies to everyone else.  (cf. the Democrats-only mens rea clause the FBI created out of thin air in the statute governing mishandling of classified documents so they wouldn't have to pursue the prima facia case against Hillary Clinton.)
   @Texas Robin just asked me if she could stay here for a couple of Months while they complete her home nearer to Canyon Lake.  I said SURE.  She has me trained quite well.
You want a real explosion? Check into what happened in Halifax, Nova Scotia or Beirut, Lebanon.
Like you said, every industry has its risks.

Don't forget the Texas City explosion in Galveston Bay.
Show me where biden destroyed the fossil fuel industry and the stock market as the right claimed he would.

Trump says Biden would 'destroy' oil industry

I believe you are confusing 'Trump' with 'the right'.  It's a common mistake among leftists.
Oil and gas companies are making record profits. The greatest in their history.

Well the greatest since Obama, anyway.
Has this thread run it's course yet?

General Discussion / Re: Fan Mail Friday (5-5-24)
« Last post by Cyber Liberty on Today at 02:33:23 am »
Well, gawrsh...  ***blushing***

That video won you a lot of fans on TBR, @jmyrlefuller!
FACT! It takes 1.4 units of energy to produce 1 unit of energy from corn-based ethanol when ALL inputs are considered.

And that's our ticket to energy independence!  ROFLMAO!!!

And you can't pump it by pipeline either.  Ethanol must be delivered by truck.
Well, the Stanford professors are using the word solar for panels that generate electricity at night so I guess I can also.

Had you bothered to actually read the article before posting it, you would have seen that the amount in question was 0.025% of daytime output.  So to match the 15 acres of daytime output at Stihl, one would need over 93 square miles of these "special" panels.

From your article:

There are still a lot of questions to be answered before any commercial application can be rolled out, Geoff Smith, emeritus professor in applied physics at The University of Technology Sydney, wrote in an email response to questions. Smith, who was aware of the research but not involved, has doubts that it ever will be an economically viable source of energy.

"Adding complexity and avenues for degradation to renewable energy systems despite being scientifically interesting rarely makes it in practice," he wrote.

Hey how about rebutting me on the ivermectin/Japan thing.

What kind of rebuttal are you looking for?  Are you disputing that Japan has one of the oldest populations in the world?
   The screenshot of the Video has nothing to do with the content. 
   Gym cancel your subscription again for nonpayment and you're jumping to conclusions again?
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