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He claims an obvious quid pro quo,  and then theorizes on  the rest of it
Until Sen. Whites-Only can provide some evidence, perhaps he should keep his yap shut.
Do you guys vacuum pack your meat before freezing it?

Wife sometimes puts it in those heavy duty zip bags... but that is about it. If something gets a little tinge of freezer burnt, we usually just shut up and eat it unless it is just bad burnt.
Why would EEEEeeeeee-VILE oil execs pay Trump to do what everyone knows he will do anyway?

Democrats  -  Opposing Equal Protection justice since 1836.
Young black men are more likely to be murdered by other young black men

Most black children are born out of wedlock and some don’t even know their fathers

Inner city black  people embrace ghetto culture

When do they bear any responsibility for the position they’re in?

They have been 'conditioned' to believe it is the evil white rich men who are holding them down.  Nothing of course could be further from the truth.  I reflect back on D'Souza's "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party".

What you have pointed out is widely true among Blacks, but there are many that don't fit those stereotypes anymore.

The Hispanic voters now outnumber the Black voters.  Yes, the Black vote is important but the Hispanic vote is equally if not more important.

Last I saw Kasich is working at the Columbus Ohio Golden Coral, keeping the fruit trays full.

Want to hear real criticism of the co-vid vaccine?  Blame it all on Trump and see just how phony the Woke can be!
 :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
45 minutes has past, and I've got $2.00 on the "This muzzie's already enjoying his 72 Virgin Goats" square!!!!!

Enough of the suspense already!!!!!!  How 'bout some news/
The Jews have come to realize lying phony baloney Joe isn't exactly who he and his stooges claimed he was?  Now if only they could give millions of made utter fools Americans such an introduction to truth and reality?
Me too. Why six times worse? Why not 60 or 600 times worse?
I am always curious about how crackpot weirdos make up their hyperbolic numbers.

Trump will be 500 times worse than Biden!
Well ... Trump was President once, and we were 500 times better off.
Also, 500 times worse than Biden would mean we all turn into Zimbabwe overnight.

From the Dr. Evil Laser School of Estimology. 

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