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Editorial/Opinion/Blogs / Re: No driving on the weekends?
« Last post by Bigun on Today at 12:28:52 am »
I pointed out a legitimate point of the article that was missing which really makes a difference to the outcome of the story.

Are you so thin skinned you cannot hear any other side of the story?

If you want to hear only one side and become ignorant and stupid be my guest.

Some of you are  truly the  most misinformed people I have ever met. Some of you have been extremely gracious. Some of you are very knowledgeable

What is scary is some of you do know  how stupid and ignorant you really are and resistant to any change is outright painful to read.

Continue to run off people with a viewpoint other than your own

This site will continue to be a extremely small echo chamber and will eventually die.

Thank you Nancy for allowing me to express my opinion.


BTW yes, I am a retread. Posted here a few times 10 years ago?? Was not booted off could not remember my p/w/username or email...and I am not Sinkspur.

BTW This will be  my last post.

The heartbreak is palpable!     buh bye
I'm commenting strictly on the headline.  Years ago, Canada was considered one of the free nations in the world.  I had always though that if the U.S. went down, Canada would be an alternative.

Currently under Trudeau his socialistic policies have been disappointing and I don't see Canada as an option anymore.
General Discussion / Re: $400 for one pineapple: The rise of luxury fruit
« Last post by LMAO on Today at 12:20:04 am »
People pay top dollar to eat fish eggs and fungus

Why not a pink pineapple?
That we have only ten years left every ten years for the last few decades
Absolute favorite.

Kraft Masterpiece Teriyaki Marinade with honey.  Soaked the tenderloins in it for several hours and then popped them on a charcoal you died and went to heaven!

I have used that before, except I used it with chicken

I’ll have to try it with  steaks
Thought this might be of interest......

Bill Maher is going be on Gutfeld tonight.  That ought to be interesting. ....

Wow!  Not gonna miss that one!   :beer:
Not that Biden is a major CLSTRFK, but if Blacks are honest, it's Black leadership that has failed the Black community by selling them out to the democrats.

And the inner city black community has been in crisis before Biden
Balsamic vinegar makes a good marinade as well.

Absolute favorite.

Kraft Masterpiece Teriyaki Marinade with honey.  Soaked the tenderloins in it for several hours and then popped them on a charcoal you died and went to heaven!

Equality voters?
Does he even have people on staff who know what it takes to clear the decks in the government?  It's not like The Apprentice, where he can just shout "you're fired!" and get rid of staff.  There is a process with firing these folks that takes a long time - the true rot is in the staff protected by the civil service (i.e., union) rules; the political appointees can be removed much more easily.  Then again, last time around, he wasn't even very effective in removing them.

Red meat for the base
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