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Also, I don't believe that SCOTUS can intervene.

Oh, I think they can intervene... I question whether that would be wise.
So what are we looking at?  136 years?  All because a bookkeeper at his LLC correctly logged payments to a lawyer as 'legal expenses'?
General Discussion / Re: The Tables Down at Mory's
« Last post by DCPatriot on Today at 01:10:31 am »

Richard Goodall...55 year-old janitor at a middle school
My thoughts are there has never been a case like this in the history of the US, ie - a former President and front runner for the next President, to be convicted in a state court.

One cannot simply use precedent to decide how this proceeds as the nation's laws are at stake.

And that means time involved is an extremely strong consideration in resolution of the matter.

I think that's right - But so long as it could be done in a timely manner, I think following proper order would be fair play - And by the time transcripting and post-verdict motions and whatnot are handled, it's pretty unlikely to find resolution before the fact of the election anyway.

That's why I think this would be better served with Tumpy stepping down. Even for this to be shoveled up to the SCOTUS would be a monumental task to complete in four months. And the decision will very likely kick it back to the lower courts for a more judicious proceeding anyway... Which prolongs the final end all that much more.

It is very unlikely to be resolved within this election cycle.
What we need is someone who has the guts to take on the entrenched bureaucracy and an ever expanding government and not grow and fund it with fiat currency and pats themselves on the back for a job well done in doing such

Correctamundo.  Just balance the budget, and the Democrat Party ceases to exist.
@Right_in_Virginia  I can't believe what you just said -- hire a few toxic men??? The very last thing that this country needs is more toxicity than we already have.  That's your flippin' answer?  This Republic just crashed and burned last night and you're proposing more toxic men? 

This thread went downhill fast.
A thankless no-win job in far too many places these days.

And police officers who work in the inner city are doing so knowing that the mayors and city council members are against them
Giving him jail time and then having it overturned by the higher courts could allow Trump to sue the city for major damages.
Ron DeSantis
Former President Donald Trump hasn't lost his voting rights in Florida. Rights are not removed in Florida where they haven't yet been stripped in the convicting jurisdiction.

That said, given the absurd nature of the New York prosecution of Trump, this would be an easy case to qualify for restoration of rights per the Florida Clemency Board, which I chair.

The bottom line is that Donald Trump’s vote this November will be one of millions that demonstrate Florida is now a solid Republican state!
Some of those names are no longer heard from
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