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SAY IT ISN'T SO!!  Not another cancelled weapons program?! buh bye
Army Weighs Pros, Cons of Canceled Helicopter Program
By Laura Heckmann   
DENVER — When the Army announced the cancellation of its Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft in February, it marked the service’s fourth failed attempt to replace the Kiowa scout helicopter, with billions of dollars sunk into another scrapped program.

Nearly three months later, Army and industry officials insisted it’s time to embrace the lessons learned and move on.

“That decision is made. We are moving out,” retired Army Maj. Gen. William Gayler, senior strategic advisor at PeopleTec, said during a panel discussion at the Army Aviation Mission Solutions Summit in April.

The decision was an expensive one, however. The FARA program cost $2.4 billion and followed three other tanked Army aviation programs to replace its attack and scout helicopters over the past 20 years: the Comanche attack helicopter in 2004, the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter in 2008 and the Armed Aerial Scout in 2014.
Climate Change / Re: Drax To Build Wood Power Cargo Ship
« Last post by GtHawk on Today at 04:15:32 pm »
Only retarded Gaia worshipers would believe that killing trees that remove CO2(plant food) from the air and burning them to power a ship 9999hair out0000

Basic science...real science not that green wanker bullshit tells us that burning wood for fuel is much worse than using fossil fuels.

Secondly, for the same amount of heat or energy, burning wood releases more carbon dioxide than oil or gas. This means more carbon in the air immediately after burning wood for electricity compared with fossil fuels, and more carbon in the air after an evening in front of the wood fire than using the central heating.Feb 25, 2022
I bet you thought masking was just bitchin too.

Well put it this way. If you and I work in the same little cubicle and you have a really bad flu, there is a 90% chance I will get your flu.

If I do not work in your cubicle, never go into your cubicle and we stay apart I will never get your cold
In China’s backyard: The new Marine regiments changing the fight
By Todd South
 Monday, May 13, 2024
It started in 2016, when then-Lt. Gen. David Berger looked at Marine units in the Pacific and saw that without radical changes, the Corps would be sidelined, or worse, in the most likely next fight.

As commander of Marine Forces ­Pacific, he’d seen wargames showing the Marine Corps battle its potentially ­biggest foe: China.

The service was set up to deliver two brigades’ worth of infantry and ­combined arms to a land fight that looked a lot more like the Korean War than what they would face in what experts envision as a 21st century, high-tech, long-range ­striking conflict.

Could the Corps keep up?

It was the start of the future commandant’s Force Design transformation plan — and the birth of the Marine littoral regiment.
Economy/Business / Re: DOW 40,000
« Last post by catfish1957 on Today at 04:12:07 pm »
Fool's gold X 4

This market is approaching 75% oversold.   When it crashes, expect 15K + or -.  based on reasonable Market Caps and P/E ratios.
Economy/Business / Re: DOW 40,000
« Last post by 240B on Today at 04:11:24 pm »
Right now markets are just basically a place for and ocean of money looking to go.
It is all inflation numbers, not actual real value.
We know this because while American GDP/productivity crashes, the stock market rallies.
Thanks for the update. I didn't know Gray he had passed nor did I realize that he had scoffed at climate change.

Oops, my bad...  Dr. Gray died in '18.  Need to clean my glasses.
American Special Operations Forces Are At A Crossroads
Nowhere was the great pivot to near-peer threats clearer than at this year’s special operations convention in Tampa, Florida.

PUBLISHED MAY 12, 2024 2:20 PM EDT

American special operations forces (SOF) are at something of a crossroads. After decades of low-intensity conflict, as well as counter-insurgency and counter-terror operations, they now face a very different kind of primary threat — state adversaries, some of which are near-peer status. Transitioning its focus to a high-end fight, potentially over an enormous geographical area, is a tall order, but it's one the SOF community is very engaged in at this time. This metamorphosis now underway was glaringly clear at the SOF Week convention this week in Tampa, Florida.

In particular, the biennial mock battle that raged Wednesday outside the convention was markedly different this time around for reasons that have everything to do with the changing future of American special operations.

Gone was Tampa's mayor being “kidnapped” by 'jihadis,' only to be 'rescued' and returned to the dock in a rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB), surrounded by international special operations forces (SOF) troops as they blast a fusillade of machine gun blanks. Instead, during this year’s demonstration, "adversary" drones and Marine special operations paragliders soared overhead.
I'm not going to fault them over this. Social distancing works for colds why not covid? It was the beginning of covid and no one knew what we were dealing with
Hindsight is always 2020 and easy to go back and criticize.
I bet you thought masking was just bitchin too.
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