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Sounds like it was a big nothing.  I'm in Cleveland not Columbus, but there wasn't any news about a big disturbance.

Probably not the best place to try it.  There's still a bit of a cow-town aspect to Columbus, and some good 'ol boys might have shown up.
From what I've read, there were stories about this having happened already out there.

So if she didn't get ahead of it now, her foes would just wait for the most opportune moment to bring it up.  She chose to give the story wider publicity before her enemies did.
Has anyone considered that Noem put the story in the book for the purpose of removing herself from consideration? Just saying…

Wouldn't it be easier and less drama/painful just to turn down the job?
Oh FFS!  *****rollingeyes*****
Thank goodness these people are tackling the reality important issues plaguing Americans today **nononono*
World News / Re: Ukraine 4
« Last post by PeteS in CA on Today at 04:55:27 pm »
Ukraine is continuing to defy LIEden's, ummm, request, that they not attack Russian oil production and storage facilities:

Unlike LIEden, they realize that tanks and IFVs (of various types) and weapons systems (self-propelled or towed) need fuel, making Russian oil production and storage facilities important military targets. No fuel, no move.
Now that being Jewish is considered to be a degrading trait, how much longer will Joy Behar keep her affected Jewish identity?

'Behar', is literally Hebrew. It means "of - in - or on the mountain". It is a real Hebrew name which a Roman Catholic "Josephine Victoria" picked up from one of her husbands. Which is fine if she wants to be a fake Jew. But now that being a Jew is no longer mainstream fashionable, how much longer will she keep the name.
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