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Computers / Re: Windows 11 S**ks
« Last post by roamer_1 on Today at 06:22:38 am »
Just have to bloviate for a second.

I just bought a lightly used 14" that I intend to convert to my new Linux box, but since it came with a valid Win11 license, I thought I would try out Win11 first.

Boy am I glad I never let my real windows system "upgrade" to Win11.

First impression:  a shoddy Mac rip-off UI.  Apparently Windows UI developers have run out of all creativity and are reduced to creating second-rate knock-offs of the Mac UI.

Second impression:  can't wait to put Linux on this machine.  The machine will thank me for it.

Yeah. Really not that awful under the hood. Pretty much the same operationally as win10. They mainly changed the grill - Crappy win10 graphics made even worse... and of course, destroying the hated start bar that they have been trying to get rid of since XP.

I am a start freak. In my personal boxen, everything I need is there in the panels. I seldom go digging through the menu. Everything else I do is CLI, so I still have a cmd box open all the time...

In win11 I only operate by CLI. You may as well not have the graphic interface.

And the other 5 star bitch is the security in BIOS. Several things you have to shut off for Linux to work, and turn back on for windows to work. I finally abandoned Win11 and went back to Win10 on dual-boot machines, and all of them are older boxes so that Win10 will run on em.

I currently have *NO* Win11 boxen in my herd.
FBI should uncover who organized, funded radical student encampments

The FBI will investigate who is leading the pro-Hamas savagery riots
just as soon as they finish their "investigation" of
who led the invasion of the Capitol building on J6.
Delbert McClinton  -  Two More Bottles of Wine

Delbert McClinton  -  Shotgun Rider


I have had an on-again/off-again relationship with this board for a few reasons, not the least of which were the insults that get directed at others when there are differences of opinion. A while back I decided to push past the cliquishness and a couple of other things that make it uncomfortable for an outsider to participate, but I'm not letting this name-calling pass without calling you on it.

I don't know exactly what the rules are here. I'm mostly an outsider and haven't gone through all the episodes with y'all, but it's feeling a lot like my days on that nasty board that ZOTTED me – only in those days, it was for NOT supporting Trump. If insults such as yours are actually allowed, then I'll have to rethink a few things.

I'm not brain dead, and I'm not your enemy. Don't make me into one.

Did I call anyone here that specifically?  If you read the entire post, you would have read that that term was applied to those pro-Trump voters in Texas who took their retribution towards Cruz, and almost got Beto elected.

I'm puzzled how you take that as an personal attack towards you.
World News / Re: Ukraine 4
« Last post by DB on Today at 05:01:37 am »
I have to believe the vast majority of those people don't want to be there.

All that pain and destruction to satisfy the bloodlust of one man.

   The Management here believes in Free Speech, they have proven it here through the years, unlike TOS.  With that being said There has always been ebbs and flows here, politically.  It's a Conservative Forum, not to be confused with a GOP or Trump Forum.
   It's a feature not a bug.
   I would miss you tremendously if you left.



I'm a conservative gal. Maybe even a little to the right of our dear, late MahaRushie. I don't enjoy encountering Hillary-esque insults from my side of the aisle. I'm not stupid. I'm not evil. I'm not an enemy of the right. If name-calling is accepted as political discourse here, I can either live with it, avoid it, or move on. Or maybe I'd just drop in every so often like I used to do so you won't have to miss me so much.  wink777 :beer:
Classic Rock Album of the Day- Weezer- Weezer (Green Album) (2001)- *** 1/2

Weezer was always one of the bright spots as the late '80's and early '90's started ushering in gaping wide holes, and an vacuum of not only good rock bands, but rock bands in general.  At this point in history of the rock era, it was being dominated by grunge/alternative bands.  Weezer as a genre slot has often been placed in the alternative camp, but I think this is more of hapinstance, of residing in that time frame.  From my POV the band was more of a pop-punk act, with a tinge of Pumpkins distort.    But this is an excellent band that makes the most of the vinyl, and usually doesn't disappoint the fans.

One huge point of parsing their good catalog, that it is (was) no accident that their two best were the self-titled Green and Blue albums due to Rick Ocasek's productin.   He did a 2014 prduction stint with less success, but....  Again, this wasn't an accident in that these have such popular outreach.  Rivers Cuomo in solo, was already a great hook-meister, but then add Ocasek?  You knew you were going to get a top notch effort.

What I really also like on Green versus others was that very stealthly, the band did some numbers that had a def. Beatle-ish feel to them,  No.....  Not silly-ish shit like Oasis, but with the feel, and still comes with enough chops and differences not to look or sund like a cover.  This is nicely consistent album, with minimal filler.

Fun fact: The Green Album started a nice streak fr Weezer, allowing the band to have 8 consecutive top 10 charting albums (2001-2016)

Track No.

1. Don't Let Go-  as that Blue Album feel, and style.  Even to the point of that early 80's UK pop feel-  5

2. Photograph- 1st of those mid '60's almost Beatles / Who sound, sans added fuzz.  Nice job. 3

3. Hash Pipe-  Bad Ass metal, fuzzed chaotic bombastic, and yeah, it was rightfully a big hit.  1

4. Island in the Sun- Light tune, that you can tell Ocasek had his hand in.  Rick always did a great job, of pulling out a nice melodic curve ball out of the blue.  Works well as a change of pace.  Weezer did less and less of these during the years, and is one of the better in that criteria 6

5. Crab- Standard stuff, and good, but lesser ranked on this good album.  Most traditional sounding rocker on the CD. 9

6. Knock Down, Drag Out-  If there was any semblance of Grunge, this was the example.  And still better than 90% of the alternative shit being flooded upon the airways- 7

7. Smile-  Closest thing to filler in this one.  10

8. Simple Pages- Sleeper on this one-  Unique phrasing, and great Weezer fuzz, just see to like this one. 2

9. Glorious Day-  Another sleeper.  Hard rocking with the best punk hue on the song.   4

10. O Girl Friend- Better than filler.  Needless love song, in the vein of the theming of the LP. 8
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