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Western European countries right now are only 5% Muslim and most will not be Muslim majority until 2150

Anything can happen until then. Young Muslims are shedding their religion at huge rates and want to live like Westerners

Saudi Arabia now allows women to vote, drive a car by themselves and can enter a front door of a restaurant by themselves. The strict clothing is also going to Western wear.

Dubai, UAE, Qatar etc are now almost westernized.
Alcohol is now allowed to be sold to foreigners only and must drink it at home or hotel

   In spite of his making it the cornerstone of his 16 election, WE are 10X worse now in spite of him being in charge half of that time.   The Trumpers are wrong on two major accounts; he is just a mediocre businessman (6 bankruptcies) and is a full blown politician.
Netanyahu is correct. I have been watching this with ever increasing amounts of alarm.

Yes it is very alarming.  Perhaps a test run for things to come by the subversive group(s) that have been uprising.

BTW, welcome @artifactsofmars to The Briefing Room.   0005a
Trump WAS elected on his campaign and promise of securing the border and building the wall.  He FAILED.  The majority of the wall that was erected under him was mostly repairing existing wall that was built years ago.

Are you seriously trying to compare this built in 2006:

With this:????


I'm not sure what you're looking for with "next" @libertybele  ---- But, I'm kinda hoping ""next" includes you stop telling folks how worried you are about illegal immigration because your posts strongly suggest you don't understand the history of the battle or your concern is disingenuous.

A shocking new poll revealed that over 40 percent of Americans believe their country could be torn apart by another civil war within the next five years.

Rasmussen Reports conducted a national telephone and online survey, which revealed 41 per cent of likely US voters think a second civil war is on the horizon, with 16 per cent saying one in the next five years would be very likely.

On the other hand, 49 per cent of participants did not believe a civil war in the next five years is likely to occur, and 20 per cent responded not likely at all.

It also showed that this is a partisan issue, with 37 per cent of voters agreeing that a civil war is more likely to happen if Joe Biden is re-elected this year.

By comparison, 25 per cent saw the conflict being more likely under Donald Trump, and 30 per cent said it would not make much difference who the president is.
Netanyahu is correct. I have been watching this with ever increasing amounts of alarm.

Many of us wondered how the "Final Solution" in 1930's Germany took root.

Imagine how it would have been if there was a "Facebook" and other social media back then.

Welcome to TBR!  @artifactsofmars  :beer:
We're awash with cockroaches. Will this fact coupled with the damage done by the Dems/Biden administration in the past 3 years end up being our undoing? Stay tuned.
I posted Biden would step down at the DNC convention to be replaced with a moderate Bill Clinton 2 0 string on crime and illegal immigration and was attacked as a troll

Biden is getting exponentially worse each month. Guy can barely walk 10 steps

The person who replaced him will be out of the blue.  If Trump is still in he will not know what hit him
 Maybe moderate dem gov  Laura Kelly from Kansas
75% of Dems do not want biden

Well, I wasn't one that attacked moving forward .....if Joe steps down now or replaced at the convention Harris would still be in the picture, so what they are going to do with her, I'm not sure of.  Harris as president for a short time, and then her VP would move into her slot.  Harris is a liability.  I believe she's already been told her days are numbered.

Look for someone like Holder, Jarret, Michelle, maybe even Newsome.....

I believe the DEMS' plan has been in the works for quite awhile and they are just waiting for the right opportunity to make their move.

I agree; Trump is going to be blindsided.
I don't know about the "Conservative" angle, but voter turnout was 40.5%.

Wow!  Pretty low turnout.

An great example of "You get the government you deserve!"
Can't help but wonder how many Londoners failed to partake because the candidate chosen to oppose Khan wasn't sufficiently "Conservative" in their eyes.


I don't know about the "Conservative" angle, but voter turnout was 40.5%.
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