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Just a quick note... High inflation increases stock values in terms of dollars. In other words, the less a dollar is worth the more of them it takes to buy something, including stock.

So stocks going up relative to the dollar isn't necessarily the good news you think it is.

Most of  my mutual funds have been earning on average 9--16% per year since 1990's the early 2000's and I am in moderate to low risk mutual funds..  Late last year into this year they earned way above that. One of my wifes MF earned over 30% last year

Way way above  rate of inflation and lowering of the dollar.

My CFP says all his clients are overjoyed.

Yet there are some  rw who just have to beotch about something.  If Biden came out  today and  said he signing a law where every family had to have a firearm many of you would find something beotch about.

What about Deepwater horizon mess?

Exxon Valdez

The thousands of oil refinery and chemical plant explosions around the world over the years polluting and killing thousands

coal mine collapse around the world killing tens of thousands over the years


strip mining that forever ruins the upper topsoil

Every industry has issues and nothing is 100% perfect. 

Solar panels are being created that will withstand the worst hail and also panels are in development stage that as soon as hail hits or detected via computer they will move vertically via small motors so the panels will be saved.
Deepwater Horizon: one blowout out of tens of thousands of wells drilled.

Exxon Valdez: One boat wreck, and you missed the Torrey Canyon (another boat wreck).

About as much chance as getting killed by poisoned Tylenol.

What about WWII? If you want to talk about pollution...

As for strip mining, where do you think lithium and rare earth elements come from? Extracting some materials is messy. Without petroleum, have fun making those panels. As for coal mine collapse, that's why strip mining is attractive. Reclamation has progressed, if it is done correctly.

How about the city blocks leveled by...bakery explosions?
The flood of molasses that hit Boston?
You want a real explosion? Check into what happened in Halifax, Nova Scotia or Beirut, Lebanon.
Like you said, every industry has its risks.

Instead of proceeding with industries where we understand the risks, you advocate taking on another set of unknown risks and discarding the body of safety knowledge developed over centuries for a whole new set of problems, some of which we don't even understand yet.

What will be the effect of raising lithium levels in groundwater? from mining? from disposal of batteries, or even 'recycling' operations? Humans with Lithium imbalances are interesting, to say the least.

...are being the flying car, so many things have gone from 'being developed' to well, 'being developed'. When functioning prototypes are ready to take to market, we'll talk about it.

I don't see you addressing the sheer acreage that will be taken out of agricultural production for placing these panels where they can get sunlight in meaningful quantities (not happening at my latitude, the wind would tear them apart sooner or later, and sunlight angles are too low on the horizon), nor the effects on watersheds and the environment of shading out that land.

As for the appearance of health in the oil industry, everything available to drill that will pay out is being drilled because the rules are changing almost daily with this administration. The anticipated damage almost guaranteed by a second, lame duck Biden Administration will be severe. There are no guarantees that Biden will lose, and it will take time to remove his administrative state and the unconstitutional laws they have decreed.
The major unseen damage is in the lack of new leases being offered for sale and the changes in the leasing process that make it more difficult and expensive to drill in the future. Projects have been stopped in their infancy by this administration, and the future is when this will become apparent, unless the policies are reversed. It can take a decade, from concept to oil in the pipeline (and you have to be able to build the pipeline).  So what looks healthy today will face a full court and hyped up adversarial Administration in the event the steal and/or propaganda prevail, in a lame duck environment. Eight years, if Biden gets back in,  of unsure CAPEX targets means oil companies are looking overseas and elsewhere to make their money, and the bottom line is that the war against domestic energy production continues.

That doesn't make me want to run out and buy an EV that won't work for my needs, it makes me want some intelligent and sensible people in control of policy, and for the rest to quit digging in my pocket for money to boost the industries which would not otherwise present immature technology as a solution, at my hard-earned expense.
Just quit shilling not ready for prime time tech as a plug and play replacement without considering all the ramifications, some of which are not even on the radar.
Allegedly, China fought the USSR in the 1960s.
Allegedly, satellite photos showed partly melted tanks along the border,
suggesting that they even used nuclear weapons.

So both candidates want to make our lives a miserable hell.

It looks that way

Trump supporters here think that the reason why many of us are not going vote for him this fall is because we’re upset that he added a couple bucks onto the debt. He actually added more onto the debt in dollar amount in the shortest amount of time than any president before him with the debt to GDP ratio that was already over 100%. But that’s just one reason

His economic record as president wasn’t all that great. Or at least not as great as the supporters try to make it out to be. And many of his proposals for a second term, if enacted, will make things worse. His advisors are also planning ways to devalue the dollar should he win a second term

Trump needs to become aware of the history of Smoot Hawley Tariff Act

If Trump wins, his supporters would win a battle, but would ultimately lose the war
Ex-top Biden DOJ official now prosecuting Trump was once paid by DNC for 'political consulting'
Story by Brooke Singman • 1d

Well, today was the day we got the opening statements
FOX News
What to know about the senior counsel to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
EXCLUSIVE: The Democratic National Committee paid Trump prosecutor Matthew Colangelo thousands of dollars for "political consulting" in 2018, Fox News Digital has learned.

Colangelo delivered opening statements in the unprecedented criminal trial of former President Trump and serves as a top prosecutor with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's Office on the case.
Colangelo joined Bragg’s office in December 2022 after the resignations of Mark Pomerantz and Carey Dunne — prosecutors who were investigating Trump and resigned in protest of Bragg’s initial unwillingness to indict the former president. Colangelo left a senior role at the Biden Justice Department to join Bragg's team. Bragg afterward brought charges against the former president in April 2023, raising questions among some in the GOP about alleged politicization of the case.
House Republicans are investigating Colangelo and his past work as he prosecutes Trump.

wonder if stormy covered her mandatory monthly STD testing results with him?  :silly:
If I was a billionaire in need of a sex partner, I sure as hell wouldn't be talking to Stormy Daniels!

Totally agree. Too many of the extremely wealthy and/or powerful think differently. They think they can indulge in whatever catches their eye without consequences.
If I was a billionaire Germaphobe in need of a sex partner, I sure as hell wouldn't be talking to Stormy Daniels!


Stormy Daniels is being shown agreement she signed

The agreement signed by Stormy Daniels is being shown in court.

She confirms signing the agreement as Peggy Peterson.

Daniels recalls the payment being late and Michael Cohen making excuses to her lawyer Keith Davidson.
If I was a billionaire in need of a sex partner, I sure as hell wouldn't be talking to Stormy Daniels!

Good point. From a plausibility POV, this wench unchecks all the boxes of what should or would be a discreet relationship
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