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Zero chance of flipping Minnesota.

He's making the same mistakes Hillary did in '16 with venturing and thinking he can flip un-winnable states.

If I was his campaign manager, I'd use surrogates to shore up and keep the 5+ % lead  red states safe.  Then encircle and continously  flood the 6 swing states non-stop. Focus on 270....  Not 350
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by 240B on Today at 12:22:23 am »
Zero chance of flipping Minnesota.
"Butch body"?  Is that homophobic/anti-lesbo?
   Get used to it Briefers this is the New and Improved GOP, under Trump.

The US loses 2000 acres to housing developments, factories, roads every single day.   I posted last week if we went 100% solar the amount of land would be a drop in the ocean and gave the links. Not all solar is farm land. it's over parking lots, the desert, rooftops, garbage land and other areas.
:pondering: What is 'garbage land'? And why is ok with Gaia(not calling you one just asking a question) worshipers to permanently cover public desert land with solar farms but it's a high crime if the very same public that owns the land rides their OVR's on it. And since we are talking renewable energy, why is it a crime for anyone but an Native American to kill a Bald Eagle but Corporations that own Mr. Chop Chop wind turbines can kill as many as they want with their equipment with no repercussions? Why do the Gai worshippers and green weenies scream about the loss of pollinators while turning a blind eye to all the birds, bats and raptors killed by wind turbines? Why is whale hunting banned but it's ok for them to be killed in large numbers by corporate owned wind turbines...which by the way aren't green, just like solar panels aren't green.

We are supposed to shun fossil fuels for the good of the Earth by using 'green' power generated by equipment that than still kills animals and sea life. I just don't see the benefit over fossil fuel for supposed man made climate change, as a matter of fact it's down right asinine considering that nuclear power is a far better and cleaner option, especially over wind turbines that are decommissioned by be cut up and buried or dropeed in the ocean - very green indeed :silly: :silly: :silly:
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by 240B on Today at 12:16:55 am »
Pronouns problems.
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by 240B on Today at 12:11:18 am »
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