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Economy/Business / Re: DOW 40,000
« Last post by Hoodat on Today at 12:54:25 am »
The stock market is a good investment for those who have extra money to invest in the stock market.  But for your average working American, it's difficult to find that money when the government takes away 12+% of your wages at the point of a gun and then lies to you about putting it in a Social Security trust fund for you to have later.

If the average worker was allowed to put that 12% into the stock market instead, that worker would retire as a millionaire.
David Bowie  -  Hang On to Yourself

In other words, they could do this without any extra legislation....
Looks like we need a SCOTUS decision to do away with the absurd notion the disparate impact is proof of invidious discrimination, or this nonsense will continue spreading.  (I've always wanted to ask people who take that position, who is being oppressed to cause people of East African descent to dominate elite long-distance running?)

Well... Thomas' conservative credentials are pretty much impeccable.

Yes, but that doesn't mean he can't make a mistake from time to time.  He is not infallible.
Well... Thomas' conservative credentials are pretty much impeccable.
Look for this to become the standard democrat/fascist way of funding every controversial agency in the near future.

A long distance dedication to the French, who are renowned for their chastity and celibacy.  It's a good thing that the only place to have sex is in a bed.

Sternly worded signs should do the trick ...

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