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Politics/Government / Re: [Videos] Brandon Speaks
« Last post by libertybele on Today at 01:24:35 am »
Joe is quite pathetic actually and I find it quite sad that most of the time he's out of it. Even more pathetic that he's CIC; he's a national security risk. The WH has become his assisted living home.  Soon, all of Joe's handlers and Mama Jill aren't going to be able to pump him up to function.  I'm truly surprised he's held out for this long...there will come a time when he will very rapidly decline and he just won't be able to make it regardless of how many drugs they pump him up with.
I have a dream that my three children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
They only missed it by 142 miles.
Actually, and not to be picky, but it's 183 miles to the SD State Line from Watford (down Hwy 85).

But if you know a shortcut...please let me in on it!  :laugh:
I think he is a masochist.  I've never seen a troll get this beat up before.

I suggest that he might go away if EVERYONE quits responding to his troll @$$!  :whistle:
Black Activists PANIC After Whites Leave City

Actual Justice Warrior

46,711 views  May 18, 2024  #BatonRouge #StGeorge #IamSean90
In this video I follow up on a recent story I covered about the separation & formation of St. George from the city of Baton Rouge & how the same activists who say they shouldn't leave are now claiming that Baton Rouge will be better off without whites
Politics/Government / Re: [Videos] Brandon Speaks
« Last post by libertybele on Today at 01:13:57 am »
I'd be startled too, with a sudden loud noise after about destroying the country.

He looks like a deer caught in the headlights and he's obviously disoriented. He salutes and the idiots gathered around him, stand and applaud. It's just amazing to me how stupid liberals are. 
Maybe if the Senate GOP began offering an alternative to Democrat rule, they wouldn't have to look to Trump.
I don't think there were even a dozen of them.

It's NY and to be expected.
So, what was in the truck?

Candygram for Mongo....?

Just think that something similar could be repeated all over the country in critical infrastructure hubs and transportation points and NOT have the US Marine gate guards there to spot it... :pondering:

God only knows what these fools have let into the US.
Physician, heal thyself.

The GOP needs to own their stuff. If they aren't doing what they were sent there to do, or at least not going down without raising Hell on the way, that's on them. But they want the Trump they would not cooperate with during his first term to pull their bacon out of the fire?

McConnell will be stepping down soon, so, there is an actual glimmer of hope for the GOP Senate. Let's hope they select their leader wisely.

Yes, the GOP needs to hold their own.  Relying on Trump is futile and they shouldn't take for granted him being seated in the WH.  Brandon is awful,and they see their win as a sure thing, but IMHO he won't be the nominee and Trump, the GOP and the RNC are going to be completely blindsided.
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