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My thoughts are there has never been a case like this in the history of the US, ie - a former President and front runner for the next President, to be convicted in a state court.

One cannot simply use precedent to decide how this proceeds as the nation's laws are at stake.

And that means time involved is an extremely strong consideration in resolution of the matter.

I think you will only find the Supreme Court stepping in if a sentence is imposed and is not stayed pending appeal.  Otherwise, if the sentence is stayed, there is no urgent need to hear the appeal.

The Supreme Court really needs the NY appellate system to take the first cracks at this conviction on the merits.
I don't know how long the appeals process takes, but he has until July 1.  That's only one month.

Zero chance the appeals process is even started by then - under New York law, the appeal cannot even come until after sentencing, and that's on July 11. Also the court reporters must first finish and finalize the official transcript of the of the trial, because you have to file that with your appeal.  Then when it gets to the court of appeals, they'll set a schedule for briefing and argument, and that process alone takes months. Of course, then you have to wait for them to come down with the decision.

Normally, you're looking at 12 months in a case like this, at least.  You can say "they should expedite it", but there's only so much expediting you can do as a lawyer when you've got to write a massive appellate brief, including citations to the record.   I'm sure they'll break it down and have multiple people working on it, but you can only do so much of that.
Crap like this confirms that these people have no understanding American history, and in particular the founding of this country, , and that's frightening.
Pookie's Toons / Re: Today's Toons 5/31/24
« Last post by jafo2010 on Today at 02:31:10 am »
Love the I wasn't born an outlaw meme of Trump.  I think I will send it off to one of those oil painting outfits and have it blown up and put it on my living room wall.  Great graphic.

I voted for Trump twice, would rather have seen another Republican as the candidate for 2024, but he will get my vote and the vote of every person I can convince to vote for him versus the Soviet minded communist Wrecking Ball Joe, or the other liberal ninny with a worm eaten brain (uuuggghhhh).

I was watching a bunch of videos of George Carlin on Youtube, and he does a segment on the death penalty.  I actually agree with him.  Let's bring back the death penalty in a big way.  And I want public executions, as was done to John Brown back before the Civil War.  And I say, let's start with the Biden Crime Family.  Indict, convict, and dispatch them all  together.  That single event alone could reduce $1 trillion off the national debt.  I would gladly pay $1,000 to observe true justice once more in the USA as a paid per view event.  Carlin thought it would be a good means to reduce the national debt, and I agree with him.  And have lots of commercials, and make it event like the Super Bowl, where it lasts about three hours.

 :yowsa: :yowsa: :yowsa:
Given how brief his actual college football career was (less than one semester), it's surprising he knew how to put it on. The mask goes on the back, Joe!
Well you know it's hard to play football with that severe asthma that kept Biden out of Vietnam :whistle:
General Discussion / Re: The Tables Down at Mory's
« Last post by Cyber Liberty on Today at 02:24:29 am »
This guy is incredible, isn't he?  He got the Golden Buzzer!!   :beer:

 :beer: :beer:
   @StudyBookEmma agrees with the Trump philosophy.
Computers / Re: Rant about cable internet pricing and speed
« Last post by Hoodat on Today at 02:11:18 am »
I will go without internet before I ever give a cable company a dime of my money.
Exactly..they are not done with him yet...they have to keep him from campaigning..

Does "campaigning" at this point really make much difference? Virtually everyone is decided now. In addition, all this attention on corrupt democrats in action is driving people into his camp.
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