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I’ve seen similar type statements from the press regarding this election.

It’s clear that they plan to press their thumbs on the scale with more weight than elections past

Polls show that the proportion of women who plan to vote for Trump in November is less than the proportion who voted for him in the 2020 election.

This election is reminding me a lot of the 2004 election. The polls, like today, were all over the place at this time in 2004, but  Kerry had the lead. Come  November, he lost

I do believe that Biden will win but it’s gonna be close.
Jokes and Humor / Re: The Official TBR Silliness Thread---2024
« Last post by 240B on Today at 10:40:10 am »

Just my opinion.  In a latest poll only 25% of democrats want Biden to be the nominee. Biden will step down at the last minute. It is probably already  in planning.

Not sure if the democrat or republican convention is first but of biden steps down and a moderate women democrat is nominated Trump will not know what hit him.

We will see who is right but I’m pretty confident that it will be Biden and Trump in November

Both Truman and Johnson did not seek the second term and a Republican was elected president. And the DNC is probably aware of this history
Pookie's Toons / Re: Today's Toons 4/29/24
« Last post by pookie18 on Today at 10:28:49 am »
Pookie's Toons / Re: Today's Toons 4/29/24
« Last post by pookie18 on Today at 10:28:29 am »
Thanks for the Monday Toons and Argus Extras, Pookie!!!  I hope you had a great (and memorable) Weekend!!!

My pleasure & thanks, CL!
Looking at this thread, I guess the moral of the story is that you should surround yourself with people (and dogs) that add value to your life, and get rid of those that don't. I have always lived my life this way, and while I have "old man" regrets, I can see that some of the key decisions I made to unburden myself of negative influences paid big dividends in terms of my well-being.  One of those decisions was to leave TOS way back in the day. I did not put JR into a pit and fill him with lead, however. Although I must say that image has a certain appeal. Just sayin'.
Discovery would be interesting.

A sure ratings winner. 
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