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Media Falsely Grouse That ‘Climate Change’ Melted Venezuela’s ‘Last Glacier’
by John Robson, Ph.D.  11 hours ago 

Did you know that Venezuela’s last glacier was just demoted to an icefield? Or that this tropical, nearly equatorial, nation even had glaciers? [emphasis, links added]

Well, it was and it did.

And a reader asked us how to answer an alarmist claim that the demotion proves there’s a man-made global heating crisis, which of course is being bleated in unison by the herd of independent media minds around the world, none of whom of course hitherto knew or cared that said glacier even existed until it afforded this week’s opportunity to bang the climate apocalypse drum.

To which we said, as we usually do, check how long it’s been melting, because as a rule, the shrinking of glaciers demonstrates not that man is warming the planet but that the planet is warming man.
Dims have succeeded in a wedge issue to insure their success this November.  I have been very vocal at TBR of my disdain for DJT.  That dislike is rooted in his imperfection as POTUS.  I thought he wasn't good at all, at fiscal matters.  OTOH, as we look across the ideological divide, we see the majority of our counterparts as worhless  pieces of human excrement who are intentionally trying to destroy the country.

Seeing this infighting within our own ranks, is greatly disheartening,  Our chances to survive under a imperfect Trump are much greater than the alternaitve.    I know the binary concept is tiring, but please give one point some thought.....    If an aligned, organized, concerted lawfare witch hunt initiative can imprison a former POTUS, what can they do to you?

Simple message is....   The democratic strategy to divide and conquer is working.  Unless, we as conservatives and sane moderates at least on a short term agree on the best interests of the country.  What's next is up to you.

Wife is starting to push for less political coverage for me due to blood pressure.  So my responses may be limited. Thanks.....
Coming soon to American farms everywhere! :headbang:
Farmers are being booted off their land in a drive for more solar power, former union chief warns
MAY 30, 2024
By Paul Homewood

h/t Patsy Lacey

From the Daily Mail

The former head of Britain’s farming union yesterday spoke out against large-scale solar farms, declaring ‘there’s a huge amount not to like’.

But Minette Batters warned they will continue to be built while her members faced uncertainty about the future of dairy and arable farming – and while wealthy investors are free to buy up large chunks of the countryside.

Ms Batters, the ex-president of the National Farmers’ Union, also highlighted ‘horrific examples’ where tenant farmers are being booted off land for huge solar schemes so the landowner can make more money.

She said such changes of land use will continue while investors including overseas financiers and private equity firms are able to buy up huge chunks of the rural landscape unchecked, warning: ‘The country is up for sale’.
Carbon Dioxide and a Warming Climate are not problems
14 hours ago Andy May 

By Andy May and Marcel Crok

We were charged by Marty Rowland and the American Journal of Economics and Sociology (AJES) with writing a literature review paper supporting the skeptical (aka “denier”) position with regard to dangerous man-made climate change. Our paper is fully peer-reviewed and presents what we think is the most convincing argument. Unfortunately, the paper is paywalled, but the submitted version, containing all the changes suggested by the peer-reviewers, can be downloaded here.

When planning the article, we called it the “Yes, but” paper. That meant, yes, most scientists think man-made CO2 drives climate change and might be dangerous, but what about …? Other articles in this special climate issue of AJES deal with other points of view on possible man-made climate change and its potential dangers.

The featured image for this post, also shown below, is part of figure 2 from the paper. It shows the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) index compared to the detrended HadCRUT4 global average surface temperature record, the similarity is obvious. The AMO is the North Atlantic sea surface temperature record, detrended. The AMO has been traced back to 1567AD[1] and is clearly a natural oscillation. The fact that it can be seen in HadCRUT4 shows that at least some of recent climate change is natural. This and other problems with the IPCC AR6 conclusions are discussed in the paper.
Just what republicans do with this information?  That's easy!  Nothing!
Republican Exposes EPA Grant to Radical Climate Group
10 hours ago Charles Rotter

Republican Sen. Shelley Moore Capito called out the EPA for granting $50 million to a “radical” climate justice group. “They wanna defund the police, defund the military … want to have very drastic initiatives that I think are anti-American.”
Noah’s Ark Weather, Or A Normal British Summer? Will The Met Office Make Its Mind Up Please?
MAY 30, 2024
By Paul Homewood

Further to the latest Met Office scare story:

Forecasters are predicting a summer of persistent rain and wet weather for Brits, as global warming continues to result in more erratic conditions.

The Met Office has briefed the Government and transport chiefs to prepare for at least 50 days of rain in the next three months, leading to fears over further flooding in the UK and dashing any hopes of a warm British summer.

Last summer saw 40 days of rain, but the Met Office expects this summer to be even worse, jeopardising popular summer events such as Wimbledon, Trooping of the Colour, Royal Ascot and many festivals including Glastonbury.
Biden picked illegal immigrants over veterans. We must fix it before it’s too late
Opinion by Kate Monroe • 1h •

Many Americans can see the crisis at the border firsthand. Poll after poll shows the fact that not only is illegal immigration unpopular, but it is also burdening cities across the country with financial strain and legitimate safety concerns. However, there is another aspect of the conversation surrounding illegal aliens that does not get much coverage in the media. Not only is illegal immigration harming millions of Americans, but it also has a particular impact on our nation’s veterans. 

While illegal immigrants — who break the law upon entry to this great country — have received more attention and greater resources, the men and women who served our nation honorably continue to be left behind. It is time for the Biden administration to not only close the border, but to begin honoring the individuals who served to defend our borders. 

Looking at the current state of our border, it is difficult to understand the logic behind the Biden administration’s decisions. For example, according to some statistics, the administration has overseen the illegal entry of over 10 million illegal aliens. 

President Joe Biden has not only created a crisis — as he quickly repealed key elements of the Trump administration’s border policy upon assuming office — but he has actually incentivized the practice of illegally entering our country as well. Look no further than a recent asylum rule change that one scholar categorized as "a big flashing ‘welcome’ sign for undocumented immigrants."
Beautiful, just frigating beautiful.  Start construction before the design is complete, but it's the Biden way. :tongue2:
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