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OMG, look what they nominated - some gay Obama voter. They did have better options, what were the delegates smoking?

he'll bleed votes from Biden

Libertarian Party Chair Appears to Insinuate Support for Trump as Party Faces Backlash Over Nomination of a Radical Leftist

The Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee, Chase Oliver, is a far-left radical whose views are completely out of step with the party’s principles.

Oliver, a former Democrat who once supported Barack Obama, has called for an end to the “U.S. war machine” and the “genocide in Gaza.” He also supports the Marxist terror group Black Lives Matter, drag queen story hours, open borders, and Big Tech censorship.

Just Libertarians being idiots as usual.
Sports/Entertainment/MSM/Social Media / Re: Baseball 2024
« Last post by Hoodat on Today at 05:43:16 am »
Just because Angel Hernandez is gone doesn't mean everything is OK.
What is so crazy, is that I don't think anyone of us have a good idea whether there will be a guilty verdict or hung with one or two dissenters.

Anyone else have an idea at all, or venture a strong guess of how this will fare?
Classic Rock Album of the Day- Iron Butterfly- In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida  (1968) * 1/2

Earlier today, I mentioned that the Doug Ingle, the last member of Iron butterly passed away.  Ingle was that one member was 98% of the talent center of the band.  I want to be totally respectful to the band and its fans, but from my taste, they just weren't that good.  At least good past one infamous song.

But, and this is a huge one, what this band lacked in proving good music was one major contribution that can not be overlooked.  Side 2 of this album can make a significant claim that is was the first true hard rock song on an album in history.  The Title Song was more than ground breaking, it brought meter fuzz, distort and structure that not even Hendrix was providing at the exact same time.  Of course, Iron butterfly for all practical purposes was a band steeped and focused in psychedelia.  But that side (2) was an innovative approach that 100's of bands would later take, but do it so much  better.

And on another innovation, and also a new approach they would take....   In-a-gadda-divida took up an entire side of an album in length.  Personally, I tought is was bit too much on the self indulgence, but with this song, it's like a lightning bolt struck, and provided this band one moment of glory, and by god, they rode and milked this number for the rest of their brief and medicore career.   Even with the epic length,I always thought the song was 10 minutes too long.

3rd point of innovation was (I might be wrong?) that this  was one of the very first rock songs to incorporate a lengthy  solos.  Drums, organ, etc.  And I would be amiss not to say that this band was devoid of talent.  Ingle did a decent job of finely working his psychedelia laden organ into the product.  I remember some of the hippy's in the day, feeling that Iron Butterfly was a cultural phenomenon, basically marrying psychedelia to hard rock.  I think in some ways they were right.

Iron Butterfly floundered after this one, but in their defense that this a Quad platinum album in 1968, is pretty impressive.  Sadly, they lingered for 4 more, and all were patheric. 

Fun Fact: Venture a guess how many people can say they were a member of this band-  65...  Yep, 65,  and I'd say 90% were familar with the Green Signs of Holiday Inn bars. 

Side 1-

All psychedelia improv filler,and 3rd rate Doors impressions.  I applaud the  lack of hook,if the music has other redeeming qualities.

Side 2-

In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida -17 minutes of what I  pretty much covered in body of review,  There is no arguing that this song is historic in genre creation/amending.  I always thought it was bizarre that this song, that is so good shines way above anything else they produced.  It's a great song, and worth the visit.  Even to this day, you wlll occasionally  catch the radio version of this on classic rock rotation.  And deservingly so.

Fine with me.   Because find 67 Senators  to convict is as likely as a unicorn invasion.

Yup.  Waste of time. 
Politics/Government / Re: [Videos] Brandon Speaks
« Last post by Wingnut on Today at 03:58:29 am »
Because that’s what demons sound like.  :pondering:

The Devil opened up his case, and he said, "I'll start this show"
And fire flew from his finger tips as he rosined up his bow
And he pulled the bow across the strings, and it made an evil hiss
Then a band of demons joined in,
Trump could be the biggest serial adulterer alive.  But it would have ZERO relevance in this case.

What do you mean???

That was the only relevance. It was political theater under the color of law. There was no actual law involved.

(I know you know that)...
Re: Your Broooce review, I really enjoyed it and agree for the most part. He isn't a great singer (he shouts) and some of his lyrics crack me up.

. The last concert Bruce, laid on his back and preached a lengthy sermon. Kinda weird.

He actually was laying on his back?  That's a lot more than weird.  Inside reporting I've heard is that "The Baws" has a god or prohet complex now,  and sits in a delusional world that thinks the entire world rotates around him.

My overall impression since the early '70's was that he was a second tier artist, who got lucky.  He kind of reminds me of Peter Seller's great role in "Being There".  Bruce IMO is the Chauncy Gardener of rock, who got some powerful industry pundits  to wrongly beleive and push the perception that he was a visionary.  Honestly, I can't think of anything past 5 or 6 songs really listenable.
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 03:34:26 am »
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