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This is part of a pattern when it comes to Donald Trump. Good isn’t the only one that he’s doing this too for not properly worshiping him

He tried the same tactic with Chip Roy, Massie, Laurel Lee….

I’m starting to have admiration for people like Liz Cheney. It cost her her career. But at least she had the guts to stand  up to an insecure, tiny bully. Well, I’ll leave the tiny part up to Stormy Daniels

Liz Cheney???

That's a bridge too far. She had no problem lying and hiding anything contrary to her agenda. Zero respect for that.
General Discussion / Re: Pets Welcomed
« Last post by 240B on Today at 07:43:31 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Your Brain - Use It or Lose It
« Last post by AllThatJazzZ on Today at 07:34:54 pm »

Yes you do!  Admit it!  You WANT another addiction. Go ahead.  We'll all clap.


No, I didn't really WANT another addiction, but I may have gotten one.  :facepalm2:  I couldn't leave well enough alone, so I sashayed over and thought I'd take a look. Then I thought I'd try my hand at just one puzzle. After solving it (4 attempts), I thought that maybe I'd try a second one. To my relief, a new puzzle wouldn't be available until the next day. Will I return?  :shrug: Am I hooked?  :shrug: Am I glad I tried it?  :shrug: Maybe so, but I can't have another puzzle that causes me anxiety like cryptograms do if I can't find one to solve. I've been working cryptogram books that caused me to panic when I got down to my last 25 or so. How crazy is that? Rhetorical. Don't answer.  888mouth

So, while I enjoyed working the Wordle puzzle, I may have a love-hate relationship if it grips me as cryptograms do.

Gonna go make a call to my therapist. I'll tell her that it's your fault.

Admiring Cheney for lying about Trump and his supporters????  That's sinking pretty low.

Unfortunately, she did go all MSNBC.

But I’m getting so done with all these Republicans putting aside their conservative credentials just to get in Donald Trump’s good graces. Liz Cheney at least doesn’t care to get into his good graces nor should she

Liz Cheney had a pretty solid Republican/conservative voting record.
The Briefingroom Polls / Re: Will Trump win NY?
« Last post by roamer_1 on Today at 07:30:53 pm »
Turn out to events is not a useful metric.
This is part of a pattern when it comes to Donald Trump. Good isn’t the only one that he’s doing this too for not properly worshiping him

He tried the same tactic with Chip Roy, Massie, Laurel Lee….

I’m starting to have admiration for people like Liz Cheney. It cost her her career. But at least she had the guts to stand  up to an insecure, tiny bully. Well, I’ll leave the tiny part up to Stormy Daniels
Admiring Cheney for lying about Trump and his supporters????  That's sinking pretty low.
The Libertarian party only needs to be swelled with displaced Conservatives. Goldwater and Reagan Conservatives need a home, and ought to take back the moniker. And in that, suddenly, the Libertarians would be a force to be reckoned with. And true to the term
Yes..if found guilty he will be taken into's up to the judge..
IF found guilty .... God help us. Any conservative, anyone voting GOP or anyone speaking out against the establishment could wind up tangled in a similar scenario.

Andrew H. Giuliani
ADA Steinglass continuing to ramble through the calls that GLOAT Michael Cohen made between himself and Pecker, Davidson, Dylan Howard and others.

My note: still nothing in regard to Donald Trump’s direct connection.
yeah, at first, I thought Trump was butt hurt over the RDS endorsement, but I found out he endorsed Bob Good's primary opponent a few years back that lost, so I expect the same to happen here. Makes me think Trump just doesn't like Bob Good for some reason.

This is part of a pattern when it comes to Donald Trump. Good isn’t the only one that he’s doing this too for not properly worshiping him

He tried the same tactic with Chip Roy, Massie, Laurel Lee….

I’m starting to have admiration for people like Liz Cheney. It cost her her career. But at least she had the guts to stand  up to an insecure, tiny bully. Well, I’ll leave the tiny part up to Stormy Daniels
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