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So, Hilldog, you're cool with the FBI releasing the documents for their investigation of your "legit" e-mail server?

Laptop, anyone?
If it cackles or has cankels best to rule that pick out.

I think she is related to Stormy Daniels.  Horse-faced dog soldier.
Side-by-sides and Razors are WAY more fun, not to mention more functional, than any smart car.

Right. Redneck.
That's because they're all jacked up.
It's the same Idea...
Used to be all that side by side stuff was done with a beat up ol farm truck... a regular pickup. Then in my day, folks were looking specifically for Yoda and Nissan pickups to do that stuff... The smaller trucks got around better, and didn't cost so much to run and drive... So buying a beat up old yoda for a farm truck did the trick. Then the side by side... There was a progression, but it's the same concept.


Kamala has secured the "vicodin-eating, day-drinking" voting bloc.  She has intellect and eloquence of Ozzy Osbourne on quaaludes and Jägermeister.  Look at all her successes - securing the Border, preventing the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and not being seen in public for months at a time.

Yes, America needs more Kamala like Atlantis needs more water.
The MAGA brand is chaos, cruelty, and lies.  Noem is experiencing what will happen to MAGA's when sunlight is shined upon their acts of incompetence, cruelty, and lying.

There is a whole big world outside the MAGA media echo chamber waiting to confront them with truth and facts.

No matter how poorly MAGA's do in free and fair elections, they will never accept the truth - many, if not most, people don't like them and don't want them holding elected office.

There is a whole section of the population that will vote MAGA when presented with the alternative, like me. That being said, we're not that numerous, and we're not growing in number. Basically a perfect storm has to happen to succeed.

Just being honest.
“It is about trying to prevent the people of our country from having relevant information that may have influenced how they could have voted in 2016 or whether they would have voted.”

Laptop, anyone?
World News / Re: Ukraine 4
« Last post by Cyber Liberty on Today at 05:58:31 pm »
Kamchatka?  I am having 50 year old flashbacks to playing Risk.

Me too!

Trolls will have spread their lies, disinformation, and conspiracy theories on "smaller" platforms, like the New York Times and CNN.

   He's probably wishing he should have at least tried to 'Lock her Up', like he promised, after this tweet from that psychopath.
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