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It just shows how bad both candidates are.

We're living a major shitshow and yet neither is seen as the way out by most people.

Someone sane and not all about themselves would win in a landslide.

I have resigned myself to the fact that we’re gonna have to suffer through this for at least another four years, maybe more

I'm done with the Left's "Moscow Marge" crap. She isn't from Idaho. A little alliteration may make for 'catchy' derision, but it doesn't make it true.

The reason she is called Moscow Marge is that she is more loyal to Russia than America AND OUR ALLIES!
Will Democrat Jews still vote for the Dems after all this?

Nothing seems to wake them up.

My guess is if this doesn't do it, it's probably too late for them.  4 more years of Biden would open the floodgates on Jew hate, and people will die.
Wait. Noem ate her dog?  Did I miss something?

No idea what he was referring to unless it was Obama... :shrug:
Will Democrat Jews still vote for the Dems after all this?

Nothing seems to wake them up.
For the Biden's a "Bump" is a big fat line of cocaine.
It just shows how bad both candidates are.

We're living a major shitshow and yet neither is seen as the way out by most people.

Someone sane and not all about themselves would win in a landslide.

“I didn’t eat my dog. I didn’t shoot my dog,” Romney said Tuesday in an interview with HuffPost. “I loved my dog, and my dog loved me.”

Wait. Noem ate her dog?  Did I miss something?
The ICC is a toothless body.  Besides the US, India, China and Russia are no members. Bebe is pretty much free to move around the globe even if he would be indicted. 

Sudan's former president Omar al-Bashir and Libya's Muammar Gaddafi are the only other leaders to have been indicted by the ICC while serving as head of state. Charges against Gaddafi were terminated after he was overthrown and killed in 2011.

Bashir, indicted in 2009 for genocide in Darfur, remained in office for another decade until being toppled in a coup. He has since been prosecuted in Sudan for other crimes but has not been handed to the ICC.
While in office, he travelled to a number of Arab and African countries, including ICC member states Chad, Djibouti, Jordan, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, and Uganda, which declined to detain him. The court rebuked those countries or referred them to the U.N. Security Council for non-compliance.

That was Biden's (the Democrat Party's) - Reichstag Speech

You are ein Judenliebhaber (Jew lover) und ein Staatsfeind !!

Why people cannot see where all this is heading is a mystery to me?
This was his first term. Can you imagine what hell on Earth he will bring in a second term?

Inflation is not my fault! Inflation comes from the merchants! And who are the merchants? Jews!!!
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