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Jokes and Humor / Re: The Official TBR Silliness Thread---2024
« Last post by 240B on Today at 09:31:31 pm »
According to many on the Left (NeverTrumpers and Communist freaky weirdos), if you are NOT an antisemitic, transgender, purple-hair, tofu eating gluten free freak, then you automatically default to being a 'MAGA Extremist'. There is no neutrality or subtle nuances of opinion on the Left. You are either an anti-America armed Antifa jack-booted masked and black uniformed thug full of hate and violence, or you are brainwashed into the "MAGA cult" (meaning a simple normal American life) as they call it.

And the very second you stop goose-stepping in lock step with all of their mandated enforced opinions, you are an apostate heretic to be burned at the stake.

Donald Sutherland Movies | Ultimate Movie Rankings

Did the same in '88.  Voted Libertarian again in '92.  Bush Sr. was the anti-Reagan.

And his son wasn't any better...

National Park Superintendent sparks fury as she orders construction crew to stop flying the American flag because it 'distracts from the experience'

26 May 2024

The removal of an American flag from a construction site at Denali National Park has drawn the vitriol of netizens and a local elected official.

Alaskan Senator Dan Sullivan penned a furious letter to National Park Service Director Charles Sams III on May 24, requesting an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the flag.

Sullivan claimed crews had been ordered to remove a 3 x 5 American flag from a construction vehicle at mile 45 of Denali Park Road near the Pretty Rocks Landslide.

The allegations were first published by the Alaska Watchman. The publication claimed it spoke with a contractor who said a park official ordered workers to take the flag down.

'It is absurd and defies all logic that a federal contractor, working on a project which is funded by American taxpayers, in a National Park - the week before Memorial Day - is prohibited from flying the American flag,' Sullivan wrote.

Jokes and Humor / Re: The Official TBR Silliness Thread---2024
« Last post by 240B on Today at 09:05:38 pm »
Hey wait for me - meme
Sounds like he's been watching too many westerns....or Deliverance. :silly:
Heard all of this in 2022
Me too. First thing I did was check the date. Thought it was a throwback article.
Mandatory benefits for illegals (including hospital treatment) have in many cases been mandated by the courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court.

It's going to be up to the states to start IGNORING such court orders, if they want to get control of the money back.

So tell me, Briefers.
Again and again, I've seen it posted here... "deny them benefits and they will self-deport".

Well, ok.
Does that mean you would deny illegal women and children hospital and other medical treatments?
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