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His so-called fantastic economy, for example,  wasn’t as fantastic as his supporters like to pretend. It was good. But it wasn’t “historic”

In his first four years in office, Trump has had by far the lowest average U.S. GDP growth rate of any of the last seven U.S. presidents.

Overall, U.S. GDP growth was highest under Clinton and Reagan in this group. GDP growth was lowest under Trump and Obama.

Oh, you refer to the guy always telling us hisThis and That was the BEST, the greatest, and most historic?  Ever, EVER?

What a hyperbolic blow-hard.
I'm not doubting that conservatism as an ideology is dying. It's morphed into a orange goo of "spend us dry republicanism"

That is evident in seeing younger legislators having no interest in fiscal responsibility.  Or...  like in the case of Gabbard, having her acceptable to those who are even remotely right of center.    For us dinosaurs who are about to be extinct, at least we can go down dying yelling and screaming.

Don't say we didn't warn you in the end, when the fiscal cliff is reached.

MAGA has no interest in reducing the sizing scope of the federal government

They just want to wield its power

And they want to make sure the checks go to them. Inflation be damned
We don't "hate" Conservatives.

We hate pompous asses who don't recognize Donald Trump was a great POTUS because their savior Ted Cruz and now Ron DeSantis were rejected.

I don't recogmize Donald Trump as a great POTUS because he wasn't a great POTUS.  Cruz and DeSantis have nothing to do with it.

(See:  $8 trillion in new debt)
Methinks the ghost of sinkspur is wisping about in this thread.

(by the way, what ever happened to that guy? Did he leave on his own... or...?)
For the record, these two men are in jail for contempt of court, not for giving ultrasounds to cows.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Elections 2024 / Re: REPORT: Trump’s VP List Is Down To 4 Options
« Last post by roamer_1 on Today at 08:54:36 pm »
Victory in November against Biden requires everyone's help @libertybele  --- including yours.

There is no victory in November.
Did I call anyone here that specifically?  If you read the entire post, you would have read that that term was applied to those pro-Trump voters in Texas who took their retribution towards Cruz, and almost got Beto elected.

I'm puzzled how you take that as an personal attack towards you.


No, you didn't personally attack me or anyone here. It seemed as if you were lumping all Trump voters in your remark. I even asked a friend to read through the thread and see if I was all wet or if I had good reason to think it was directed at Trump voters. She read it the same as I did.

There are plenty of times when, without the benefit of an in-person exchange, participants can be handicapped. Without inflection, facial expression and such, confusion can ensue. If you say you weren't directing insults toward us, then I'll have to take your word for it. If I got it wrong, I apologize.
For the record, these two men are in jail for contempt of court, not for giving ultrasounds to cows.
We don't "hate" Conservatives.

We hate pompous asses who don't recognize Donald Trump was a great POTUS because their savior Ted Cruz and now Ron DeSantis were rejected.

No he was not.
In short, just another flavor of big government... And big government is the problem. It consumes our freedom and our prosperity.


*mic drop*
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