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Did the House bill mimic this, point by point?

In most respects, yes.  Apparently, the people who are objecting to certain specific language either 1) have difficulty with reading comprehension, or 2) are actually anti-semitic themselves.

As with most things, this has not been thought thru. In some instances an EV may work, but definitely not all. Most houses don't have the adequate supply of electricity to power an automobile. If we are being told to cut off a/c and the heck would powering a car work?

More than that... Step out of the city and dang near every woman is driving a Tahoe or a Suburban because that's the only thing left big enough to haul all the kids around.

That's the reality. Try and make a tahoe and a suburban that can put in the high miles needed for rural life.
Then a pickup - A one ton 4wheel drive that can pull a 4 horse trailer... Because that's what her old man is driving.

Then make em work in 30 below, up a mountain.

As expected.   9999hair out0000

What kind of message is now being sent to these radical punks??  Violence and mob rule are ok!!

God help us!!
The only way to save the country may be to CLOSE the environmental protection agency.
Just flat-out shut it down, repeal all the rules and regulations (ALL of them), and go back to where we were in, say, 1968.
Climate Change / Re: The Used EV Timebomb
« Last post by Fishrrman on Today at 09:55:54 pm »
The "EV" ... "one and done".
(one owner, that is...)
LOL!  I knew it!!  I knew you must have been kicked in the head one too many times.   :tongue2: happy77

That was the backhoe... Got a 12" crease in my skull from catching a backhoe bucket full of rocks at full swing... My ballcap always tips to that side. Knocked me right out of my boots.

You get what you voted for, eventually.

I don't believe that all those that live in Seattle voted accordingly.  Majority perhaps; and that's provided that they got a fair election.

As with most things, this has not been thought thru. In some instances an EV may work, but definitely not all. Most houses don't have the adequate supply of electricity to power an automobile. If we are being told to cut off a/c and the heck would powering a car work?

DEMS not thinking things thru?  Of course they have. They'll come up with anything right now that will add fuel to the fire of a Republic that is slowly burning.   **nononono*
If  a conservative just can't vote for Trump, I get it. I can relate, as I was there in 2016 when I chose to write a name in.   But don't tell me RFK Jr is your alternative, for if he is stop referring to yourself as a conservative. RFK JR once had his own radio show in Liberal Talk Radios short life. The only thing that's changed about him is he has become more of a populist and a conspiracy obsessed one as that. Attractive  to the QAnon wing of the MAGA crowd.

I don't know of anyone in here who has stated that they were going to vote for RFK Jr.  :shrug:
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