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   At least she didn't call you a FOOL, this time.  wink777

But alas, not through any self-awareness.  :whistle: :shrug:
I hope some good ol' frat boys set up a BBQ next door to torture these Antifa pukes
   At least she didn't call you a FOOL, this time.  wink777
The crime of being Donald Trump.

Sure seems like it.
Wow. What bullshit.  The only people acting like Hitler and his Brownshirts are the democrats.
I hate to say what I believe...but I will.

Most voters are not going to delve into her past. They will look at how hot she is. Sad but true about the voting public.

I have been made utterly immune to a pretty face and a winning personality. In fact, what I find to be pretty and winsome now might freak people out. Oh, I can admire classic beauty alright. I can see it. But it has no effect - What the pretty and popular people say about everything is always, always wrong.
Of course XI was never going to stop sending us Fentanyl. Why should he when they’re no shortage of idiots in this country so eager to take it



Yes, they did. It’s one of the reasons I wear steel-toed boots to move around NYC when I have to. 
That’s pretty cool.
I actually would love for Trump to pick her. We would witness such twisting by his supporters that would make the most flexible gymnast envious

The fact that he even considered her is a window into what a second Trump term would look like

Yes, I could expect knee-slapping guffaws...

But entertainment, despite Tump leaning hearts, is not the point at all. The things I hold dear are not so easily discarded and ignored.

Still many, I guess, find these shallow waters to be their playground: 'What it looks like' is all that matters. What's said on the stump can be readily believed...

I have never been that gullible, thank the Lord.
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