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The Jews have come to realize lying phony baloney Joe isn't exactly who he and his stooges claimed he was?  Now if only they could give millions of made utter fools Americans such an introduction to truth and reality?
Me too. Why six times worse? Why not 60 or 600 times worse?
I am always curious about how crackpot weirdos make up their hyperbolic numbers.

Trump will be 500 times worse than Biden!
Well ... Trump was President once, and we were 500 times better off.
Also, 500 times worse than Biden would mean we all turn into Zimbabwe overnight.

From the Dr. Evil Laser School of Estimology. 

Even Joe Biden and Hunter Biden hiked up on illegal drugs has to be better than Trump bringing jobs back from China, building and using the Southern Border fence, and restoring law and order across them land.  Just ask any dirt bag Never Trumper and one party democrat.   Shovel more of our money to world radical muslims and the Ukraine before our economy collapses, and dump more of the worlds surplus populations here to take what there is left. Fools got their way, and Biden is going to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. and keep on proving it!
I don't think so. Bitem is the perfect puppet candidate - Those that literally have his ear will not give it up easily.
Near non-existant law for ruling elites esp one party, and ruling WOKE elites,  and harsh oppressive laws for all others.
Any one in a Presidential election year that doesn't think it will be an exceptional year of political lieing/liars is an exceptionally ignorant fool, and exceptional political dupe.  Sad to say so many are glad to be just that!
From the article….

You missed your high school graduation. You started college just as George Floyd was murdered, and there was a reckoning on race. It’s natural to wonder if the democracy you hear about actually works for you,” Biden said. “What is democracy? If black men are being killed in the street. What is democracy? Betrayal of broken promises still leave black communities behind. What is democracy? You have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot.”

“Most of all, what does it mean, as you’ve heard before, to be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure.”

What the Hell does  this word salad even mean?
Young black men are more likely to be murdered by other young black men

Most black children are born out of wedlock and some don’t even know their fathers

Inner city black  people embrace ghetto culture

When do they bear any responsibility for the position they’re in?
This country is too morally decrepit and corrupt to fix that diseased electoral system.  Population centers like Clark County have voter fraud down to a science, and nothing will be done to stop it.

You are correct, nothing on a wide scale is being done to stop election fraud.  It will continue until things get so bad that there will no longer be a need for elections or election rule change so much that we will only have a one party system. I think we are close.
Joe is just pandering to 'the Colored People' with racism because in his mind that is all they know and all they think about. The audience came there expecting to here about inflation, slowing immigration, the future of America, and crime. Instead, Biden gives them spoon-fed baby food racism about 'how da Black man is oppressed by the evil White people!'

You know, because the Colored Negros wouldn't understand talk about inflation, international politics, and the economy. The only surprise is that he didn't tell them how he was a college basketball all-star, and that he keeps a bottle of hot-sauce in his pocket everywhere he goes.
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