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They don't make Jews like Jesus anymore.
Let's take a better look at this (what's going on, and why).

Ignore facts... Dog was killing livestock, dog bit owner...

Equate large farm dog with teacup poodle in trendy handbag.

Have fits, establishing false narrative about vicious animal.

Now, sit back and watch as those not smart enough to run a country jump on board over yet another false narrative so they can 'virtue signal'...and don't forget to make it more important than the effing Border. Burn up those column inches and news cycle minutes while ignoring other issues, because, after all, this IS an election year, and anyone formidable enough to do what has to be done, no matter how unsavory some find it, MUST be cut from the ticket by any means possible. Have they got you by the emotions yet? --because that's how they roll. Next, Spielberg will put out a movie.

Merde! Wake up, people!

The reality is, that no one from this part of the country (the country) sees taking a dog out under these circumstances as anything but a public service.

Keep in mind I love dogs, have owned many, and currently have a 'rescue' Malinois. But if she bit someone in the absence of very good reason, as much as it would break my heart, it would be the end of her. And if I didn't have the guts to do it, someone else will make sure it happens.

Police 'destroy' animals who attack humans all the time. She has what it takes, and left out the middleman.
The ICC is just a bunch of Euro and Turd-World America- and Jooooo-Haters.

Pithy, but very true.
Sounds like it was a big nothing.  I'm in Cleveland not Columbus, but there wasn't any news about a big disturbance.

Probably not the best place to try it.  There's still a bit of a cow-town aspect to Columbus, and some good 'ol boys might have shown up.
From what I've read, there were stories about this having happened already out there.

So if she didn't get ahead of it now, her foes would just wait for the most opportune moment to bring it up.  She chose to give the story wider publicity before her enemies did.
Has anyone considered that Noem put the story in the book for the purpose of removing herself from consideration? Just saying…

Wouldn't it be easier and less drama/painful just to turn down the job?
Oh FFS!  *****rollingeyes*****
Thank goodness these people are tackling the reality important issues plaguing Americans today **nononono*
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